Panda Press
March 3, 2023
Dear Thacher Families:
We had a wonderful turn out for our 2023-2024 Kindergarten Information Night last evening. It was so exciting to meet so many new families. We can't wait to have the 2023-2024 kindergartener start in September of 2023 and have Thacher be a part of their Attleboro Public Schools journey.
If you or someone you know, who lives in Attleboro, and has a child who will by 5 by September 1st, but were unable to attend last evening we've included the slideshow below.
Kindergarten registration opened today and can be accessed at:
Frank W. Rich
Read Across Thacher Week
STmath Perseverance Recognition
Monthly PTO Meeting
Tuesday, Mar 14, 2023, 06:30 PM
Thacher Cafeteria
Other Important Information & Upcoming Dates
March 14: PTO Meeting (rescheduled from original date of 3/7)
March 17: Spirit Day: Wear Green
March 21: Spirit Day: Rock Your Socks
March 27: School Council Meeting
March 31: Spirit Day: Wear Your Favorite Color for National Crayon Day
Thacher Elementary School
Location: 160 James Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 226-4162