Monday Notes

Happy New Year
Happy New Year from NMMEA! We hope this year brings happiness and many moments of joyful music making. We look forward to seeing you in Albuquerque in a few short days for the 2024 All-State Music Festival and In-Service Conference. See you there!
Conference Registration Deadline
The last day to register online for the 2024 NMMEA Conference is January 5th. It will still be possible to register for the conference, however you will need to register in person when you arrive at the on-site price.
Conference Schedules
Take a few minutes and follow this link to review the latest updates to the schedules:
- Student schedule
- Educator schedule
- Collegiate Wednesday schedule
- Volunteer list
Remember to download "guidebook" from your app store. The schedule will be posted in guidebook in early January. This is the best way to navigate the conference.
Luncheon Tickets
Do you have your luncheon ticket? Don't miss out on this fun part of the conference. Contact Neil Swapp to purchase yours today!
Arriving to the conference
When you arrive at UNM for the conference, please follow all parking regulations as UNM police will ticket illegally parked cars.
Students will receive their conference badges in their first meeting/rehearsal. Please check schedule (link above) for time and location.
Educators will pick up badges in the Student Union Building (SUB). Look for us in front of the ballrooms.
Conference Parking
Please make sure to review the link below for important parking information. UNM police will be ticketing during the event, so make sure to follow all parking regulations.
All-State Reminders
Make sure to remind your students to bring the following to All-State:
- Folding stand (instrumental students).
- Music (all students).
- Concert dress for Saturday performance (same as they wear for school concerts).
- Spending money (remember meals are the responsibility of students and or individual schools)
- Mutes, mallets, instrument supplies, etc.
- Rehearsal clothing (school clothes meeting your school’s dress code).
Choral Memory Tests
Please review the link below to review the choral memory test parameters. Please make sure to review with your students as well so that the evening goes smoothly.
Saturday Concerts
Saturday All-State Concert tickets are now available and can be purchased online via the link below. Please make sure to share this information with parents. Conference attendees (students and teachers) will receive a comp ticket.
Honor Concerts
This year Popejoy is requiring every person entering the concert hall have a ticket - even for free concerts. Students will be given an actual ticket, however all others must obtain a digital ticket via the link below. I know this is an extra step, but there was no willingness to change this on Popejoy's part. Again, please share this with parents who will be attending these events.
Congratulations to all of you on the great advocacy work you are doing. Check out this recent article featuring some of our NMMEA members.