Ganado ISD Secondary School
School Supplies - 2020-2021
The 2020-2021 School Supply list will be updated this next week, August 10-15, 2020.
Please keep checking!
Be safe!
6th Grade Math - Coach Brock Larson
- Journal (Composition notebook)
- Scissors
- Glue Sticks
- Notebook Paper
8th Grade - English Language Arts - Ms. Kayla Dittmar
REQUIRED MATERIALS - All students will bring the following materials to class EVERY DAY:
- Chromebook - FULLY CHARGED
- Chromebook Charger
- Pens or pencils
- Highlighters
- Ruled paper or notebook
- Glue (liquid or stick)
- Scissors
- Colored pencils
- Sticky notes (for your use when annotating, interacting with text, and doing other hands-on activities)
- Flash drive (recommended)
- 1.5 inch English binder (this will remain in the classroom)
- 1 set of eight (8), three (3)- hole divider tabs for binder, labeled as follows:
- Unit 1: Communication
- Unit 2A: Literary Narrative Fiction/Non-Fiction
- Unit 2B: Poetry & Drama
- Unit 3: Informational Text
- Unit 4: Argumentative Text
- Unit 5: Crossing Genres
- Unit 6: Research
- Personal Growth & Reflection
Teacher's Note
While I have done my best to prepare this list with as much forethought as possible, I appreciate your patience and understanding should things need to change. For example, while it is my intention to use binders as interactive notebooks and do binder checks throughout the year to inspire responsibility & organization.
Please note that we may have to switch gears and do more things electronically due to COVID. We will adapt to all the curve balls thrown our way as necessary to the best of our abilities, and with the most positive outlook we can in light of our current circumstances.
I look forward to meeting our students and making this school year happy and healthy!
Algebra I - Coach Josh Ervin
Required materials:
1 - 3 Inch 3 Ring Binder
1 - Set Of Colored Dividers
AG Classes - Mr. Jacob Gernentz
AG CLASSES REQUIRED SUPPLIES - Classes Required supplies - check your class
- Small Animal/Equine - Pens, or Pencil- Notebook or Binder with notebook paper
- Advanced Animal - Pens, or Pencil- Notebook or Binder with notebook paper
- Principles of Animal Science - Pens, or Pencil- Notebook or Binder with notebook paper
Welding - Mr. Jacob Gernentz - Letter
Dear, Parents,
- Due to the current health risks with COVID-19, I will be requiring the students in the welding shop to take their clothes home daily.
- We lack the room in the bathroom with lockers for every student to have a locker to keep their individual clothes in.
- Also we will give every student a bucket with a welding helmet, chipping hammer, wire brush, and gloves for the students to use daily.
- Every bucket will be numbered and the student will be responsible for their tools.
- Any damages done to the tools in the bucket the student will be required to replace by the end of each semester.
- If your child desires to use their own helmet or gloves, they will still be issued a bucket with the rest of the tools and will be responsible for them.
- If your son/daughter would like to purchase said bucket at the end of the year, it will be the price of all the tools not including the bucket.
- Items students will be required to have to enter the shop daily:
- Long sleeved shirt (does not have to be FR),
- Blue jeans (does not have to be FR),
- Cloth FR mask or OSHA approved face shields, and
- Leather shoes or boots (steel toes not required). When it comes to their boots they can leave them at the school, but clothes must be taken home daily please.
- Also if your child would like to purchase their own set of safety glasses and ear protection the can do so or purchase them from the school for $3.
We apologize for any inconvenience, however for the safety of your child and our students;
these are the procedures we will follow.
Thank you
Jacob Gernentz
Ganado ISD Ag Mechanics Teacher
Advanced Plant and Soil Science/Floral Design /Principles of AG/Livestock Production/Vet Med/Horticulture Science - Ms. Alexandria Bowen
Supplies for all classes needed:
- Composition book
- Colored pencils
- Pens/Pencils
- Folder/Binder