SLJH Spartan News
Week of December 16, 2019
Spartan Celebrations!
Congratulations to our Performing Bands and Orchestras on a wonderful winter concert last week!
Congratulations to our participants that competed Tuesday morning during the preliminary round of our Spartan Geography Bee! We are proud of all of you that competed and hope that all Spartans will continue studying geography and learning more about our world.
These are the top 10 finalists that will be moving on to the final round:
Ryan S.
Aditya S.
Param B.
Henry R.
Jili D.
Ivan J.
Radha P.
Abhiram S.
Varun M.
Akhil V.
At the One-Act Play festival this weekend, our cast and crew won many individual awards as well as a Best Ensemble Award.
Individual Awards:
Honorable Mention - Noah M.
Honorable Mention - Paige M.
All Star Cast - Abby S.
All Star Cast - Grace A.
Best Technician - Osman F.
Best Performer - Giselle V.
Important Upcoming Dates:
Week of December 16-20
Mon. December 16— Choir Holiday Concert 7:00 p.m. at OTHS Performing Arts Center
Tues. December 17 - Fri. December 20—Final Exams (See schedule HERE under Schedules)
Fri. December 20 - Early Dismissal Day (12:55 p.m.)
Tues. January 7, 2020 - Students First Day Back, Beginning of 4th Grading Period
Make Up Semester Exams
Semester exams are just around the corner. Although we would love to see everyone at school, absences do happen. We will be offering make up testing on January 6th (student holiday) from 8:30AM - 3:30PM. We highly encourage students who need to make up tests to attend the January 6th make up day to avoid missing any instruction. For students who are unable to attend the January 6th make up day, exams will be given in the LGI January 7th and 8th as needed. If you have any questions, please contact our testing facilitator, Laura Josefsson, at LauraWJosefsson@katyisd.org
Special Education Transition Mini-Fair
Course Selection Spring 2020 Dates:
January 14:
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night at SLJH (6:00-7:30 PM)
January 15:
Jordan High School Presentation for 8th Grade Students (9:00-10:00 AM)
Seven Lakes High School Presentation for 8th Grade Students (1:45-2:45 PM)
January 16:
Stanley Elementary 5th Grade visit to SLJH (8:45-10:30 AM)
January 21:
Shafer and Wilson Elementary 5th Grade visit to SLJH (8:45-10:30 AM)
SLHS Parent Night
January 23:
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Session at SLJH (9:15-10:15 AM)
Teacher of the Year Voting Soon!
Parents and community members: Our teacher of the year survey will be open from January 6-10. If you have a few minutes during that time, please make time to vote for the 2019-20 Seven Lakes Junior High Teacher of the Year! We want to hear your voice!
Seven Lakes Junior High
Website: http://www.katyisd.org/campus/SLJH/Pages/default.aspx
Location: 6026 Katy-Gaston Road, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: 281-234-2100
Facebook: facebook.com/SevenLakesJuniorHigh
Twitter: @spartan_speak