The FAST Flyer
The View from Above, Vol. 5 Issue 25
February 25, 2023
Neurodevelopment, meaning how the brain matures over time is an important area of consideration for teachers and scientists. Studies show that this growth is not at all linear and the rate of growth, in fact, changes throughout a person’s life. With that being said, it is not realistic to think that a student’s cognitive development would be a straight line. That’s just not how the brain works.
There is a common misconception that brain development - specifically with regards to how children learn - occurs only in the years prior to when a child’s formal education begins. It’s true that the infant and toddler years can have a great impact on a student’s future education. What we shouldn’t do is discount the importance of a quality education and the impact it can have on children. If we assume that their brains are fully developed prior to starting school, then we are essentially working under the assumption that they have no chance to catch up with students who had more opportunities before they started school. That is neither true, nor fair to those students.
Of course it is easier for a child to learn certain things when they are very young; however, it is still possible for a child to learn the same skills later on. Their brains are still developing long after they set foot in a classroom for the first time. Recognizing how development differs for each student and employing strategies to continue their growth allows us to support our students without writing their story for them.
Giving students ownership over their learning as well as a voice in what and how they learn helps build brain capacity. FAST students are fortunate to have these opportunities every day particularly in programs like genius hour and innovation, and it is what we are striving to do in all subject areas.
In partnership,
Mary H. Miller
Principal, Fulton Academy of Science & Technology
Town Hall
Passcode: rHIPh7=*
8th Grade Parent Meeting
Special Meeting with FAST Governing Board
A Note from Ms. Tatiane Smith
As we approach the end of the school year, I want to provide you with some important information regarding the Microsociety Program. First, I want to thank you for letting your child(ren) participate in the program. They had a wonderful experience in Microsociety. The students made great progress physically, mentally, and emotionally since the start of the year. We have all had fun on Friday afternoons hearing the students talk about running their own businesses. I would also like to give a big thank you to the staff that helped with this program. I am very proud of their dedication to providing your children with the best education possible.
The Microsociety Program will end on Apr 21, 2023. The students will have a celebration that day from 1:30pm-2:45pm as a reward for working so hard all year. If you have any questions or like to donate anything for the celebration party, please let me know by email at tatiane.smith@fastk8.org.
Parent Survey
Kindness Day
Meanwhile, Ms. Hensley's fourth grade students made kindness hands which were decorated various acts of kindness they could perform. The parent volunteers and the PTO stopped by FAST to sprinkle around the kindness with donuts for every student and staff member as well as some local first responders.
Black History Month
On Tuesday morning our 6th grade will have a mini-career fair hearing from black professionals in various careers including a licensed counselor, a chiropractor, a real estate agent, and a crime scene investigator.
Scoliosis Screening
Coming and Going from Campus
Policies are in place for student and staff safety. Whether you are here for a meeting or to volunteer, the same rules apply. Please be respectful of our staff as they attempt to enforce these rules which apply to everyone on campus. With that said, it is time to remind everyone of the rules around being on campus.
- Parents must check in at the front office before going to Student Hall for any reason
- All volunteers on campus must have completed the Volunteer Registration
- Student Hall opens at 7:05am. Neither students nor parents are permitted in the building prior to that time
- Students should only be dropped off at designated carpool areas beginning at 7:05 am (i.e. in front of Student Hall or in the FAST Pass area)
- Students arriving after 8am must be signed in by a parent or guardian at the kiosk in the front office (students may not sign themselves in)
- Classroom visits for any reason should be cleared with the teacher in advance
- Students who do not attend FAST are not permitted to be on campus during school hours unless they are here for an event and are accompanied by their parent
We are so excited to have such a large number of parents willing to volunteer on campus to support our school. We must all do our part to ensure that student safety is the top priority.
Lost and Found
Is your student a Star Wars loving guitar player who lost their house key? Have them stop by the front desk to identify the one we found.
Attendance Contacts
Cell Phone Policy
Help us PLAN for next year
Take our 5-minute survey and help create a vision for our school's future.
FAST Parents & Families Survey
SIGN Up to Volunteer!
Fulton County Schools & FAST - Volunteer Registration
Remember - you must watch the video and successfully pass the quiz to be eligible for volunteering on campus.
Feb. 27: Scoliosis Screening (6th & 8th Grades only)
Feb. 27: Public Meeting with Governing Board, 6pm
Feb. 28: 8th Grade Parent Meeting; 8am
March 9: Teacher Work Day
March 10-13: School Closed
April 3-7: Spring Break
April 21: Innovation Showcase
April 24: Milestones begin
May 5: Cultural Arts Festival
Fulton County Schools
GA Charter Schools Association
Email: info@fastk8.org
Website: www.fastk8.org
Location: 11365 Crabapple Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 678-321-1100
Facebook: facebook.com/FASTK8.School/
Twitter: @fastk8charter