Central Intermediate School
November Newsletter
Principal Update
Assistant Principal Update
Our first quarter has flown by! We are so excited to be in school, and we are so proud of our students and staff for their flexibility!
Welcome Back Remote Learners!
We are excited to welcome some of our full time remote learners to our blended schedule next week! Click here to take a look at our A Day in the Life document if your child is wondering what to expect! We are so excited to see more students in the building!
Central 51 - 2nd Quarter Schedule 2020-21
Parent Teacher Conference Information
This year parent teacher conferences will be held virtually through Google Meet on Monday, November 23rd from 12-8 p.m. and Tuesday, November 24th from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Please use the following links to view each teacher’s available appointment slots. If you have a gmail account, you will be able to directly register for an appointment slot. Otherwise, please email the teacher with the date/time you would prefer to meet. Once registered, you will receive a link through your email for the conference.
If you have any questions, please contact the specific teacher. We look forward to speaking with you about your child!
Important Dates
- Thursday, November 5: PTO Meeting @ CIS Library - 7:00 p.m.
- Monday, November 9: Virtual Session with CIS Counselor - Strategies for helping Central students cope with changes resulting from COVID-19
- Thursday, November 12: School Board Meeting @ CIS Library - 7:00 p.m.
- Monday, November 16: Remote Planning Day (No School for Students):
- Monday, November 23: Parent Teacher Conferences - 12:00 - 8:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, November 24: Parent Teacher Conferences - 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Wednesday, November 25- Thursday, November 26: No School - Thanksgiving Holiday
PTO Update
The PTO set out little bottles of hand soap for all teachers to show a bit of appreciation. We are continuing to look for ways to support them. We are working with administration to figure out ways to provide treats during conferences. If you are looking for ways to show your child’s teacher some love, please check out the teacher's favorite links on the PTO website, which can be accessed through the Central website. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 5 at 7 pm in the CIS library. A virtual link will be available for those not able to attend in person.
Social Emotional Learning
Virtual Parent Event with CIS School Counselor
Join us virtually to hear Ms. Whitney present on topics including:
Calming the Brain and Body
Ways for Kids to Stay Connected
Remote Learning Blues
Changes in your Child
All sessions will take place virtually on Monday, November 9, 2020 via Google Meet. To join a session, simply click on your student's grade level just before the start time!
World Kindness Day: Improving Mental Health Through Kindness (November 13th)
The Essential Role of Middle School Counselors: https://www.schoolcounselor.org/asca/media/asca/Careers-Roles/WhyMiddle.pdf
Website for CPS and CIS counselors:
Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19
Student Learning
Reading Skill Building
Many students are able to retell what they have read fairly well. But when it comes to making inferences, a higher level comprehension strategy, students struggle more readily. The link below is a way to practice with your student on making inferences. You can make a chart as stated on the document in the link, you can practice it verbally, or even on post-its. Click on the link below to find this easy to practice strategy on making inferences while you read! Have questions? Please contact Mandi Perko, Reading Interventionist at mperko@central51.net
Are you in need of help with explaining math concepts to your child? Here is an awesome place to visit: https://www.khanacademy.org/ This Khan Academy website contains topics in math (and other subjects) with videos to help explain the topics to your student! You can “search” by grade level or by typing the particular concept in the search box. You will find several videos on each topic that I know will help your student! This resource is highly recommended for remote learning!!! Have questions? Please contact Alicia Miller, Math Interventionist at amiller@central51.net
Health and Wellness
Handwashing Tips
CIS Handbook Highlights
Absence Call Reminder
Parents of students who are ill, on in-person or remote learning days, must call the appropriate school office attendance line before 8:00 a.m. to explain the reason for the absence.
CPS Attendance Line: (309)444-3580 (Option #8)
CIS Attendance Line (309)444-3943 (Option #3)
School Deliveries
Deliveries to students at school will be allowed only for essential items. CPS and CIS offices will not accept any food or gift deliveries for students while at school (balloons, candy, flowers, stuffed animals, etc.). This includes lunch deliveries from local restaurants.
Thank you for your understanding!
Treats and Snacks
Restore Illinois Phase 4 School Treats & Snacks Policy
Due to health concerns, treats and snacks for any occasion will not be permitted at school.
Central District 51
Email: bhoelscher@Central51.net
Website: central51.net
Location: 1301 Eagle Avenue, Washington, IL, USA
Phone: (309)444-3943
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centralschooldistrict51/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel&eid=ARBDjuI_cf7U3m-0xRlT4OLCm6SwRu0qqpj9tl6SStMs6f4LrrttbDvfYM3VtYNssuS2-mrvsoEel3Jv
Twitter: @ourschool