2025 Calendar & Employee Perks
Activities/Auxiliary/Service Excellence/Wellness
Activities/Wellness Updates
Associate Health (Sign Up)
Quarterly Associate Health & Wellness Fairs
Event Details:
- Location: Pulaski Memorial Hospital Board Room
- Dates:
- February 5, May 6, August 19, and November 5
- Time: 6:30 AM – 11:00 AM
- Outlying Clinics:
- Francesville Clinic: February 12, 7:30 AM – 8:30 AM EST
- North Judson Clinic: May 5, 8:15 AM – 8:45 AM EST
- Knox Clinic: May 5, 9:30 AM – 10:00 AM EST
- Culver Clinic: November 5, 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST
- Monterey Clinic: November 5, 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM EST
What’s Offered:
During the scheduled times, associates can obtain:
- Annual Wellness Labs (fasting recommended)
- Blood Pressure & Pulse Checks
- Height/Weight Measurements & BMI Calculation
- Obtain Annual Mammogram Orders (scheduling via Patient Access required)
Important Notes:
- A Primary Care Provider must be listed for appropriate follow-up on all results.
- Wellness labs and mammograms are available once a year (every 366 days).
- Participation earns Personify Points!
How to Sign Up:
For any questions, contact Associate Health at ext. 1604.
Take charge of your health this year!
Auxiliary Fundraisers
Wakarusa Dime Store
When: Tuesday, April 8th
Time: 9 am - 3 pm
Where: Front Lobby of the hospital
Cookie Day Hospital Appreciation
When: Friday, May 16th
Where: Cookie Hallway
Time: 8 am - 11 am
Pass The Hat
When: June 9th but donations are accepted year round!
This is a GREAT time to make a donation to the hospital Auxiliary. The Auxiliary gives back to the hospital with the help of purchasing equipment, supplies, etc. that benefit the patients and communities we serve. Donations are appreciated!! :)
Purse Sale
When: Friday, July 18th
Where: Main Entrance of the hospital / front side walk
Time: 9 am - 2 pm
Christmas Bazaar - Day 1
When: Wednesday, November 19
Where: Administration Hallway/Gift Shop
Time: 11 am - 3 pm
Christmas Bazaar - Day 2
When: Thursday, November 20
Where: Administration Hallway/Gift Shop
Time: 9 am - 3 pm
Angel Tree
Small donation to hang a loved ones name on the Angel Tree in their remembrance.
Wakarusa Dime Store
When: Friday, December 5th
Time: 9 am - 3 pm
Where: Front lobby of the hospital
2nd Friday of the month is Birthday Jean Day - Pay your $2.00 at the Admissions desk and the proceeds go towards the Pulaski County Food Pantry.
March 1 - Sharon Owens (MOB)
March 2 - Kacie Williamson (Diagnostic Imaging)
March 4 - Dawn Holder (Diagnostic Imaging)
March 5 - Makayla Van Auken (MOB)
March 8 - Kate Burns (MOB)
- Shelby Davis (Nursing Education)
- Diana Shannon (Emergency)
March 10 - Amy Bales (Med-Surg)
March 11 - Debra McDonald (Emergency)
March 13 - Kim Adamski (Financial Services)
March 14 - Kaitlin Myers (Med-Surg)
March 15 - Patricia Balcolm (Emergency)
March 16 - Jennifer Skinner (Med-Surg)
- Morgan Taulman (Med-Surg)
March 17 - Angela Upsall (MOB)
March 18 - Melissa Tidwell (Laboratory)
March 19 - Geneva Garcia (Med-Surg)
- Annette Sass (MOB)
March 21 - Rachel Davis (MOB)
- Alexa Good, NP (MOB)
March 24 - Chloe Kraus (Rehab Services)
- Alison Lynch (Med-Surg)
March 25 - Mimi Considine (Cardiopulmonary)
- Olivia Huber (Nursing Education)
March 26 -Shannon Tingle, NP (Oncology)
March 27 - Pamela Dooley (Laboratory)
-Jennifer Johns (Emergency)
March 29 - Shirley Good (Rehab Services)
- Heather McCurdy (Diagnostic Imaging)
- Peggy Siddall (Culver Medical Clinic)
Corporate Discounts
Jrs Country Lanes
Show your employee badge at the bowling alley to get 3 games of bowling & shoe rental for $15.00. Valid each time you come and show your badge. PMH Corporate Discount!
Click here for times and Specials http://www.bowlcountrylanes.com/
Culver Beach Passes (Lake Maxinkuckee)
Season pass discount this year is 20% off for a total cost to you of $35.00. The passes are only good for those living in your household. All cash needs brought to Administration by May 1st to process your request. Sign up Below:
Indianapolis Zoo
January 6 - March 21st
Adult: $10.75
Youth (2-12) $8.75
March 22 - January 4, 2026
Adult $18.75
Youth (2-12) $14.75
Tickets are valid any day, including special zoo events.
Order tickets online at the link below and ENJOY!!!!
Holiday World Splashin' SAFARI
Corporate Discount Tickets
Username: Holiday2283
Password: World2283
Rugged Xscape Room
Themed Escape Rooms in Lafayette Indiana
They can use code "thankyou" for $3 off per guest.
Mission Breakout Lafayette
3rd Annual PMH Easter Egg Hunt
When: Saturday, April 12th
Where: Hospital 616 E. 13th Street, Winamac
Time: 10:00 am the Easter Egg hunt will BEGIN – Plan to come early to get in your designated area and the hunt will begin at 10 am!
- 1-3 year age group will be on the front grassy lot and the other age groups 4-12 will be on the back grassy lot.
- Bring your Easter Basket or bag to collect your eggs. 😊
- The Easter Bunny will be on site for photo opportunities.
Signups will close at end of day Tuesday, March 25th.
Click here to sign up https://forms.gle/tvhPNDW4xMaG63GeA
Food Trucks
Hospital Week (Food Events) May 11th - 17th
Monday, May 12th - Dicks Taco Truck
Tuesday, May 13th - Mobile Sweet Tooth
Wednesday, May 14th - Hospital Carry-In
Thursday, May 15th Ben's Pretzel Truck
Friday, May 16th Sallie's Ice Cream Truck / 8-11 am Auxiliary Cookie Day
Midwest Best Concessions Chinese Truck
Wednesday, May 27th
Thursday, May 28th
Friday, May 29th
Sublett's Ribs
Every other Wednesday starting June 18th thru July 30th weather permitting
Sallie's Small Batch Ice Cream Truck "Sweet 16"
They will be on site the 16th of every month in May, June, July, August, and September