Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
February 2023
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
VOTE VOTE VOTE - We need 4 more votes to pass the amendment to extend! Please help us!
Just wanted to let everyone know that we have printed proxies in the office for anyone that would like to change their vote or vote for the first time. There are a number of owners that voted No on the amendments and I want to personally offer my time to talk with you if you would like to better understand what these amendments represent. Each and every vote is important, so please let me know if there is anything I can do to assist.
Thank you,
Joshua McCollum
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Hours for the office : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Adriana Lein- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-902-7219
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tom Shaw fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
Don't Buzz Anyone Through the Gate Unless You Are Expecting Them!
Several times recently, someone pushed our gate code, but we weren't expecting anyone. Since the gate rings my phone, I asked who they were, who they were trying to reach, etc. In both cases, the caller hung up. Apparently others have had this happen to them even more frequently. So, just a reminder to everyone -- do not buzz anyone through the gate unless you are expecting them! If they are visiting someone at Bermuda Bay, or coming to do some work for someone, they should have that person's phone number to call and get the correct gate code.
Everyday players start off by marking the lines for pickleball. This is why it is so important to pass amendments that will allow for the adding of lines to the courts (material alterations - not requiring 75% of the whole community).
People gather in the mornings to play - PLENTY OF ROOM FOR EVERYONE TO JOIN IN.
Pickleball players are a welcoming group and want YOU to join them to learn to play if you are a beginner or if you are at an intermediate or advance level. ALL ARE WELCOME!
MEET YOUR NEIGHBORS - Louis and Gail Oliveria 68E
I want you to meet two of the nicest neighbors you will come across at Bermuda Bay; Gail and Lou Oliveria. Both have a servant leaders heart to share. Louie served as a Marine with two purple hearts during the Vietnam era and Gail has volunteered and been an advocate all her life. Their story is a romantic novel of fate. Gail was with her boys enjoying the beach in Smithfield, Rhode Island and one 2007 evening, went over to a sports bar with a pool to just listen to some music, relax, and enjoy a cocktail. While she was there a group of friends introduced her to Lou, who was there with a group of his motorcycle friends. They began talking, which lead to Lou breaking the cardinal rule of the motorcycle group…”if you come with the group – you leave with the group.” Lou had found someone worth breaking the rule for and from that night on they were inseparable. They married on August 21, 2009, Gail's birthday. Gail said they did this so that Lou would never forget!
Louie in 1969. We thank you for your service.
Lou on his Fat Boy Harley Davidson
Gail's engagement party picture
Gail and Lou have blended their families quite successfully. Gail has Dillon, 31 and Jason, 33 and Lou’s daughter Tara is 40. The Oliveira's came to Terre Verde in 2018 to visit Lou’s brother. They searched the area for their ideal home and found it at Bermuda Bay. They sold their home in East Providence, Rhode Island, filled up their 30 ft. RV, and camped in Canaan, Maine at a family property for two weeks. It was a bit remote, with the nearest dumping station 10 miles away, so after roughing it a bit, they packed up, visited with one of their nieces, and then visited the Cape to see Reggie and Patti LeBlanc. They more or less lived out of their suitcases from June 2022-August 25, 2022. This past November, they vacationed in Aruba with the Murrays and the Montgomery's.
Dillon and Jason with their mom on her wedding day
Honeymoon at Temptation Island in Cancun
Aruba vacation
Bermuda Bay is their “forever home”. They plan on continually renovating their two bedroom condo and making it their “own”. This is why they give to the community – “Friends are like Family Here!” Gail is president of the Social Committee and gives endless hours to the community in numerous ways. She is involved with Golfing, Crafts, and helps Marcia Montgomery with her craft shows. Lou lends his background in construction to various community building projects, landscaping, and anything else where he can make himself useful. He golfs with the men, helps Gail with social committee endeavors, and is a great community servant. Both of them are two of the nicest people you will ever meet, so don’t hesitate to introduce yourself when you see them. They will be the ones at sunset with a cocktail in hand and a smile on their faces.
Friends are like Family at Bermuda Bay!
Huge crack in the storm drain
Caused by the roots from the huge tree beside it
So the digging begins
We are GRATEFUL for Owners who come together for the good of the community
Here is an example of owners using their gifts and talents to fix our laundry room, our landscaping, and the pool furniture. IT TAKES A VILLAGE...and we are so thankful for owners who donate their time, energy, and resources to make Bermuda Bay the special place that it is.
Letter from the President ~ January 2023
Hello Neighbors,
It is so nice to see so many of our Northern owners, guests, and friends back on property. So many have already started their traditions of shots at sunset, working on neglected projects, general maintenance during the day, soaking up the sun at the pool and giving lots of hugs and great conversations!
Around the community we have many projects going on and each day seems to bring a new
issue/decision/repair! We are still trying to get the final punch list done for the back pool including the night lighting certification. We sure have not had support from ClearTech, who was hired to do all of it, but it seems we are on the final stretch now and are hopeful for full completion as soon as possible.
Our Maintenance team of Jimmy and Robert are running their buns off every day trying to keep ahead of the issues. We are still trying to hire a third person who will focus on cleaning, trash, stairs, etc. while helping the guys as well. It has been difficult to hire anyone this year. There have been lots of applications, but either they don’t show up or can’t pass hiring requirements. Josh has offered the third position to a man that came in last week for an interview. He is going through the CA hiring process and will hopefully be able to start in the next two weeks. His focus will be on cleaning and janitorial things. Keep your fingers crossed that he works out.
All of this being said, please PLEASE, please direct your concerns and maintenance requests to the office (or you can even text me). We have to have accountability for what is getting done and Josh needs to give the work orders to the team to accomplish. Since both of our guys live on site, I know it is easy to grab them and say what you want to say, but they need their down time too. Respect their time in the evenings and on their off weekends, pretty please!
Lots of you have been bringing up your concerns about landscaping. We are in the process of interviewing other companies, AGAIN. Please keep in mind we don’t want to spend any money on extra landscaping right now because of the heavy equipment on site. That being said, neighbors are stepping up to trim hedges, plant flowers and help in the areas where the stairs are finished. We can’t let the current company go until we find another that will show up! Please remember the stage area locations for landscaping debris and remember that these specific areas will be cleared by maintenance. Please do not start new piles around the community without communicating with the office.
Remember, the beach front buildings will be starting on back stairs in Jan/Feb. Be prepared to clear off your lanai and lose your back access for a few months. The good news is, we are only a few votes away from having the “legal” part of the balcony process complete! Make sure you ask your friends/neighbors if they have voted and if they voted NO, make sure they understand the implications of that decision. As an FYI, during this construction there will be times where irrigation is down due to breaks from heavy equipment. Maintenance will work to make the necessary repairs but there will be periods of time where there is no water.
Thanks to all of you who have volunteered your time, efforts and financial assistance to help make this community even better than it already is. Property values are leveling off, but still much higher than this time last year and inventory is still moving! It’s only going to keep getting better as we finish these projects and continue to work on our income and budget!
Warm Regards,
None of the Amendments got the 75% Vote - so the VOTING WILL CONTINUE
Perhaps you were not clear and had doubts about voting, so we will try and clear up some misgivings that you might have here. If after a better understanding you decide YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR NO VOTE TO A YES, there is a way to do that.
How to change your vote!
Q: I voted “no” because I didn’t understand the proposed changes. Now that you’ve explained it, I’d like to vote “yes.” Is it too late?
A: NO, it is not too late. You have until March 24 to change your vote. If you want to change your vote, contact the office [insert phone number and e-mail] for the necessary forms.
In order to allow the Board to approve a rebuilding of a lanai on an extended balcony or patio, or to approve a future extended balcony or patio, the Declaration needs to be amended to allow such approval to create “new” limited common area.
Someday, you (or a subsequent owner of your unit) might want an extended balcony. And even if that were not to happen, don’t you care about the peace of mind of your fellow owners? And without the amendment, the Association remains vulnerable to potential future lawsuits relating to the balconies, which costs all of the owners lots of money to defend. So please, do vote even if it doesn’t affect you.
Q: In simple terms, what does the first proposed amendment do?
A: The first proposed amendment (#3 on the ballot) changes the Declaration’s language relating to common area (that is, public space) and limited common area (that is, public space that is dedicated to a particular owner’s use).
Without the amendment, the Declaration defines your limited common area as the patio or balcony originally built adjacent to your unit. If you (or a previous owner) added onto that patio or balcony, the additional patio or balcony section is still “common area” that is not exclusively yours (according to the Declaration). That results in legal uncertainty (at best) that has created a serious problem as some of those extended balconies had to be removed for the stair project.
In order to allow the Board to approve a rebuilding of a lanai on an extended balcony or patio, or to approve a future extended balcony or patio, the Declaration needs to be amended to allow such approval to create “new” limited common area. There is no record of any prior vote to create that “new” limited common area, so we need to take that vote now.
Q: The language of the amendment seems to limit my balcony to a size smaller than what I have now. Isn’t that a problem?
A: The drafters of the amendment did not want to give the Board a “blank check” to take over common areas for exclusive use of owners. The dimensions in the proposed amendment seemed to be the most common dimensions of the extensions already in place, and the engineers advised us that this was the easiest extension to build safely. But there is also language in the proposed amendment that “grandfathers” any existing balconies, patios, or lanais that are larger than the specified size.
Q: I don’t have an extended balcony or patio, and have no intention of creating one, so why should I bother voting for this amendment?
A: Well, someday, you (or a subsequent owner of your unit) might want an extended balcony. And even if that were not to happen, don’t you care about the peace of mind of your fellow owners? And without the amendment, the Association remains vulnerable to potential future lawsuits relating to the balconies, which costs all of the owners lots of money to defend. So please, do vote even if it doesn’t affect you.
The bottom line is that this amendment MUST BE PASSED if anyone is to have an extended lanai or balcony. Without a YES vote the extensions will not be supported by our documents and legally no one should be able to have one. Please VOTE YES for Amendment Three.
ClearTech replacing the blue tiles were faulty
The area extended around the pool
Each one had to be chipped off tile by tile
The Family Pool is OPEN!
Soon we will be allowed to swim at night - after we get our night lighting certification (in process)
DOG LOVER ALERT: Mutts & Martinis Breaks Coming Soon to Grand Central District
St. Petersburg’s first dog waterpark, Mutts & Martinis, is coming to the Grand Central District. It’s being built at 2900 Central Ave., the former home of King’s Transmission.
The project stems from Love My Dog Resort and Playground owner, Natalie Conner, St. Pete Rising reported. She hopes the venue will be open in time for spring break.
At more than 5,000 square feet, it will include a splash foundation, water sprays, a full liquor bar and 27 televisions.
Love My Dog also operates two upscale dog daycare and boarding facilities and a grooming boutique in St. Pete, I Love the Burg reported.
And while we are on the subject of dogs...
Being a Responsible Pet Owner:
Are your pets registered with the Bermuda Bay office? Be sure to read the Rules and Regulations concerning dog weight and breed restrictions. Renters may not have dogs on our premise unless they are registered as service or emotional support animals. Disregard of these rules will lead to fining and possible termination of a lease.
Dogs not on leashes
· To help avoid these complaints, please keep your dog on a leash at all times and under control.
If there is another dog or people in the same area, shorten the leash to prevent confrontations.
Continual barking or howling
When dogs are left alone in a suite, many get lonely and bark continually. Be aware of how your dog behaves when you are out. Sometimes crating the dog or leaving a radio or TV on can solve the problem. There are also behavior's modification devices available through most pet stores or speak to your pet.
Some owners are not picking up after their dogs
Dog poop is an environmental pollutant and a human health hazard.
Please dispose the dog waste bags into the appropriate pet waste cans.
WKM wanted to share with us their tentative start dates on the last set of buildings.
- Building 58- 1/25
- Building 63 & 64- 1/31
- Building 61 & 62- 2/13
- Building 60 & 59- 2/23
A Word from Our Property Manager
- The Well Pump at the Beach Pool needs to be replaced which is causing the pool water to be colder than normal. The new pump has been ordered along with a new digital display for the Spa pump totaling $1398.87, respectively.
- For under $450 and a handful of volunteers we are able to get the Shuffleboard amenity back to being usable! Work on this should begin shortly.
- The Board, Management, and the Night Light Committee are still working with ClearTech and Envision to resolve the Night Light Certification issues at the Family Pool.
- A potential maintenance candidate has been hired and is going through the hiring process. If everything works out, we should be fully staffed within the month.
- We have increasingly ran into issues where the Unit Keys that are stored in the office for emergency access are outdated. If you have changed your locks, please make sure you drop off a spare key for emergencies. If you have any questions about whether the key on file has been updated, please stop by the office. All units should have a key on file.
- As of 1/31/2023 we have 216 yes votes for amendment 1, 165 yes votes for amendment 2, and 173 yes votes for amendment 3. To pass an amendment 219 yes votes are needed.
- The Clubhouse electrical issues have been fixed for under $550.00 by Electric Connection.
- ***Reminder*** Balcony checks will be deposited on February 3rd, 2023.
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP