Timber Wolf Times
September 18, 2022
Quote for School Year 2022-23
Nelson Mandela
Principal Updates
Dear Parents,
Important Dates:
9/9 PTSA Membership Drive kicks off
9/22 and 9/23 School Pictures out of HPE class (this is the photo for the yearbook)
9/19-6th Grade Pep Rally out of Compass 6th grade pep rally is on Monday. Glacier team should wear Gray, Yellowstone should wear black & Denali should wear red
9/20-7th Grade Pep Rally out of Compass
9/21-8th Grade Pep Rally out of Compass
9/21 PTA meeting, library 7:00 PM
9/29 LCPS Suicide Prevention Parent Meeting (see attachments)
9/26 No School, Countywide staff development
SchoolCash: Below are directions on how to create your account for SchoolCash online. We often have people asking if they have paid for a yearbook, fieldtrip, etc. This program will enable to you to keep track of purchases as well as provide receipts. We will also be having clubs paid through this program as well. Please create your account today. At this time, only 30% of the TMS families have registered.
Virginia Fall Growth Assessment
Students in grades 3-8 will take the Virginia Department of Education’s growth assessments in reading and math this fall and again during the winter. This fall, students will test for Math, which will only include Math 6, Foundations of Algebra, and Pre-Alebra, on September 28th, and all students will test for Reading on September 29th. The online growth assessments are adaptive assessments that aid teachers with identifying learning strands that require additional instruction. In addition, the results indicate specific benchmarks for student growth. Students will take these tests in addition to the spring Standards of Learning (SOL) tests.
Questions can be directed to Lauren Lindstrom-Rudolph at lauren.lindstromrudolph@lcps.org.
Parents please complete the action item below
Students at Trailside will be using online tools to support their learning across all content areas. Please review each of the titles, including the terms of service and privacy policies, and select whether you give permission for each by completing the following Permission Click form: https://permission.click/MXaJn/us If you have more than one student enrolled at Trailside MS, please complete a form for each student.
You may access full information about Loudoun County supported software from the LCPS Application Catalog.
What’s Happening at the Trailside Library?
The TMS library is fully open and students have begun enjoying our Makerspace area during resource and Pack Time. The genre of the month is Humor. Books in this category will make you laugh, chuckle, crack up, and maybe even snort. Our library has many of the old favorites such as the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and The Dork Diaries as well as some new favorites such as Tweet Cute.
This month we are also celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month and we are featuring books by Hispanic or Latino authors and illustrators. Within this display we are also featuring non-fiction books about Hispanic culture, latin american countries, and influential hispanics from the past and present.
Our fall reading initiative is called “Fall into Reading”. Students are able to enter to win prizes that will be awarded weekly. Each time a student checks out a book, they are eligible to enter a raffle. Students may enter once a day. The first winners were selected on 9/16 and their names will be announced on Monday during the morning announcements by Mrs. Beichler.
Minion applications are being reviewed and our 1st semester minions will be announced next week. We once again had a large amount of students who applied to be Library Minions. Students who are not selected for 1st semester minioning will be selected for 2nd semester minion positions.
At Trailside Library we strive to provide books that reflect our community. We pride ourselves in curating a collection of diverse books that allow our readers to see themselves in stories. Equally important, we want our readers to have the opportunity to read and learn about cultures, religions, and families that may not mirror their own.
Lastly the library does have a wishlist on Amazon. Please see below for the link. We also accept any type of craft donations such as yarn, rainbow loom supplies, beads, etc.
Trailside Middle School is thrilled to announce the return of our after school clubs!
Activities will begin the week of October 11th. Each club will consist of six meetings. Some clubs do not meet for six consecutive weeks. Please see the dates listed below. The cost is $80.00 per student per club unless otherwise indicated. Students may register for multiple clubs but it is not recommended to register for multiple clubs on the same meeting day, as this would cause them to miss meetings.
Clubs start immediately after school and end at 4:40. Activity buses are available for students who qualify for bus transportation to and from school. If a student is within walking distance, they may walk home with parental permission. Activity Bus Information will be shared out before clubs start. Please note, Activity Buses stop at central locations, not the same stop as AM and PM buses. Students do typically have to walk farther. Car riders must be picked up in one of the car loops by 4:45 pm. Please do not drive into the bus loop.
PAYMENT INFORMATION: An option to pay online is available (an email with payment instructions will be sent out to all registered families during the week of October 3rd), or checks should be made payable to Trailside Middle School and should be remitted by your student to their respective house secretary. Payments for clubs must be made in full prior to the start of the club. There will be no refunds once a child is placed into a club. Financial Assistance is available if needed. Please contact Lisa Figueroa (Lisa.Figueroa@lcps.org) for information.
MAKE-UP POLICY: After-school clubs will not be held if Loudoun County Public Schools are closed. Every effort will be made to schedule a make-up class.
We reserve the right to remove, for the remainder of the session, any student whose inappropriate behavior disrupts the program. No refund will be given.
Tuesday Clubs
Wednesday Clubs
Thursday Clubs
October 11, 18, 25
November 15, 22, 29
* Make up Dec 6
October 12, 19, 26
November 2, 9, 16
* Make up November 30
October 13, 20, 27
November 3, 10, 17
* Make up Dec 1
Registration opens: Monday, September 12, 2022
Registration closes: Thursday, October 4, 2022
Payments due: by Monday, October 10, 2022. (After registering you will receive a link during the week of October 3rd.)
At this time, the clubs listed below are the only clubs for which we have staff sponsors. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Harris, 7th Grade Dean at Wesley.Harris@lcps.org
REMINDERS FROM THE SCHOOL HEALTH CLINIC: School-Sponsored After-School Activities and Sports If your child has diabetes, an epinephrine auto-injector, an inhaler, or other emergency medication at school, please notify the teacher/sponsor that your child has the health concern. Also, notify the health clinic assistant/nurse 1-2 weeks prior to the event. The clinic is closed after dismissal and the nurse/health clinic assistant is not in the building. Arrangements need to be made to have medication available and to train staff. It is strongly suggested that middle and high school students carry their own inhaler and/or epinephrine auto-injector for quick access to medication. For students to carry an inhaler, the physician must complete and sign the “Asthma Action Plan,” form 11:14, giving his/her permission for the student to carry the inhaler, and the parent and student must sign the “Parent/Student Agreement for Permission to Carry an Inhaler,” form 11:14b. For students with an epinephrine auto-injector, the physician will need to sign the form 11:10 and the parent and student will need to sign form 11:10c under “Agreement for Permission to Self-Administer and/or Carry Epinephrine.” For students with diabetes to carry any of their medical supplies, the diabetes form, Part 4: “Permission to Self-Carry and Self-Administer Diabetes Care,” needs to be signed by the physician, parent and student.
Wesley Harris, M.Ed.
7th Grade Dean
Trailside Middle school
PTA Updates
PTA Membership Drive: Pancakes & Prizes
We're now in the second week of our PTA membership drive - Pancakes & Prizes.
On 9/16, we awarded 10 lucky winners a spirit shirt courtesy of Cheers Sports.
This Friday (9/23) we'll provide glazed donuts from Dunkin’ Donuts for the top 10 Compass classes with the highest membership!
Here is the ingredient/allergen list, just in case your child’s class wins.
On 9/30, the grade level with the most memberships will celebrate with a pancake breakfast. We are in need of volunteers for this special event. Please click here to sign up.
THANK YOU to those who have already joined the PTA. We currently have 148 family memberships. We'd love to reach our goal of 300! A family membership is $20. Won't you join in on the fun and become a member of the PTA?
How to become a PTA member:
1. Go to tmspta.ptboard.com and sign up for an account. Use code P3AFPD.
2. Pay for your membership. Click here to pay online. (There is a small convenience fee.) If you prefer to pay by cash/check (made out to TMS PTA), send it in an envelope marked PTA along with your name and your child's name and grade and your email.
If you have any questions about membership or the PTA, please contact ptaboard@trailsidemiddleschoolpta.org.
Please link your Harris Teeter VIC card to Trailside School
1) Enter email associated with your VIC account
2) Enter the one-time passcode sent to your email
3) Search for your school and click "add" to link
Together in Education
Harris Teeter’s Together In Education program gives schools a chance to earn funds when you link your VIC card and shop Harris Teeter brands.
Harris Teeter has donated over $32.4 million to Together In Education schools since 1998! When you shop Harris Teeter brands, a percentage of your purchase is donated to the school that your VIC card is linked to.
There are NO LIMITS to how much a school can earn!
Any customer with a VIC card can link their card to a school. Customers can link up to five (5) schools to their account. The more people that connect their loyalty cards to a school, the higher the earning potential for a school.
Click here to download the Registration Form and to review the program rules.
When your form is complete, send back to us in one of the following ways:
Email: tie@harristeeter.com / Fax: 704-844-3214 / Mail: Harris Teeter TIE PO BOX 400, Matthews, NC 28105
School Contact Information
Nelson Mandela
Email: bridget.beichler@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/Trailside
Location: 20325 Claiborne Parkway, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 571 252 2280
Twitter: @TrailsideMiddleSchool
TMS School Spirit Store from Cheers is on-line check us out
School Hours
Student School Hours
8:50 AM to 3:38 PM
Arrival: 8:30 AM to 8:49 AM
Late bell 8:50 AM
Office Hours
8:15-4:30 PM