Hixson Happenings
90th Issue, October 15, 2021
Important Dates
October 8 - 20 - Book Fair
October 15 - Spirit Wear store opens
October 20 - Dr. Mayes having virtual coffee with the Mayor of Rock Hill, 9:00 am
October 19 & 20 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences, 4pm - 8pm
October 20 - end of Quarter 1
October 21 - Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences - 9am - 4pm; NO SCHOOL for students
October 22 - NO SCHOOL
November 1 - Professional Development day - NO SCHOOL
November 5 - Spirit Wear store closes
November 24 - 26 - Thanksgiving Break
There will be no Hixson Happenings on Friday, October 22. Hixson Happenings will return on Friday, November 5!
School Climate
- I will start a Principal's Council. The purpose of the Principal's Council will be to inspire students to be leaders in their school by providing feedback and ideas to administration, to assist administration in improving the school, and to include student voice in important decisions. I have already asked Hixson staff to recommend students for Principal's Council. The goal is to have the first meeting by the end of October or very early November at the absolute latest.
- We will administer our first Panorama survey on school climate to all Hixson students beginning next week. This survey will be given three times this year so that we can monitor the effectiveness of our efforts to ensure a positive school climate over time. The survey will be no longer than ten questions and will be taken during Statesman Time. The window will open next week and will close by the end of October. The survey will ask students questions about how connected they feel to Hixson, if they feel respected at school, if they have a trusted adult, and it will ask their opinions on Statesman Time. The survey is not anonymous, so if a student demonstrates that they need support through the survey, we will be able to follow up in an effort to provide support.
Hixson Spirit Wear
Book Fair!
Sign Up for Parent Teacher Conferences
Our virtual parent/teacher conferences will take place October 19 - 21. We are asking parents to please abide by the time limits set for conferences. Since conferences are virtual, teachers will likely have other parents in the waiting room who are waiting for their turn to talk to them. Teachers will end conferences on time so that they don't keep other parents waiting. Conferences will end promptly at 8:00 pm on October 19 and 20, and promptly at 4:00 pm on October 21. Thank you so much for understanding.
To schedule a meeting with your child’s teachers, please visit the link below.
Please note: 7th & 8th grade math, PE, and elective teachers will meet separately from the team conference. If you would like to meet with these teachers, you will need to schedule additional conferences.
You will receive a link to a Zoom meeting in your confirmation email. You will use this link to attend your conference. We will send reminders and further information regarding Zoom links closer to conference days.
Hixson PTO Updates
Thank you for your patience as we transition into the new school year in a new school with a new PTO Board and a new FAMILY DIRECTORY!
Family Directory
Please visit our website https://hixsonpto.membershiptoolkit.com to register your account for the Hixson Middle School family directory. Click the "Register/Login" to join the group and then you can click "Directory" on the left to search for different students, streets, or teams.
Also, don't forget to download the Membership Toolkit mobile app!
Parent -Teacher Conference Meals--We need your help!
The PTO is hosting a light meal for our faculty and staff next Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 3:30 PM to sustain them through the evening conferences. We are also taking donations in the PTO school store, please consider sponsoring a meal for a teacher or two. Thank you to everyone who has contributed already!
Fortnightly Re-imagined!
Fortnightly is a time honored tradition for 7th and 8th grade students in Webster Groves. The final details for this year's program are still being worked out. We hope to begin registration next week. Parents will receive an email when registration opens. All Fortnightly information will be posted in the Hixson Family Directory.
Please visit the school store to buy your student a Hixson mask.
PTO and Parents Working Together!
The PTO gifted teachers $3000 to purchase books from the Fall book fair this week. This gift was paid for by contributions to the Hixson Middle School PTO by parents like you! Thank you for your generosity and support!
Next PTO Meeting--Thursday, December 9, 2021 in the Hixson Middle School Library @ 5:15 PM.
Science Fair How-to Night
Haunted House of Hoops
Board of Education Candidate Filing
Team & Department Newsletters
Contact Us
Email: mayes.shenita@wgmail.org
Website: https://www.webster.k12.mo.us/Hixson
Location: 630 South Elm Avenue, Webster Groves, MO, USA
Phone: 314-963-6450
Facebook: facebook.com/HixsonMiddleSchool