The IMS Connection
Volume 14, Issue 10: June 2018
2018 - 2019 Supply list included in this issue
Wow, how time goes by! Seems like just yesterday we were picking pumpkins as we welcomed our students to a new school year. I would like to congratulate our eighth grade students for a job well done. Good luck to you as you once again have the opportunity to set new goals as you begin your High School journey. To our returning students, we look forward to your leadership in the coming school year as we welcome our new sixth graders.
As we all know, technology is playing a greater role in education today. Islip Middle School has invested in a unique internet based education tool called Castle Learning which will enable students to create their own review sessions or receive assigned sessions from teachers over the summer. Students can log onto Castle Learning to keep fresh on all subjects. During the month of July you will receive information about the program and instructions for its use. Students are encouraged to utilize this program to stay current during the summer months and return in September ready to embark on a new school year of learning.
At this time, please review the information below in regard to the final exam schedule. Included are bus schedules that will be followed on those days. It is important to take note of the dates and times your child will need to be in attendance. The bus times and stops also vary. The information can also be found on the Middle School eBoard.
Finally, there continues to be a good deal of work going on in and around the Middle School. We look forward to a renovated cafeteria and some other behind the scene electrical upgrades. If the work is completed and the building is safe for visitors, school visits will be limited to the latter part of August. Please call the main office 631-650-8500 at that time to schedule a visit.
Have a joyful and safe summer!
Renaissance Rave
Renaissance would like to congratulate everyone on their hard work and dedication throughout the School year. Enjoy your well-deserved summer break!
What a year it’s been! As we enter the last month of the school year, we not only celebrate but also reflect on the year gone by. Looking back through our Twitter page gives a glimpse at some of our greatest hits from the 2017-18 school year: field trips, awards, events, games and tournaments, concerts, exciting lessons and projects, and so much more.
That which can’t be captured in a picture or soundbite, however, is also equally important. I’m referring to the many ways in which our students have grown over the past year: academically, socially, emotionally, and personally. Similarly, as a staff we also take this time to look at how we’ve grown professionally, where we’ve succeeded, and where we still want to improve. One of the reasons IMS is a success is that our staff are not only exceptional educators but exceptional learners, constantly looking for their next project or breakthrough.
Summer is a time for rest and rejuvenation, and while Dr. Martin and I will certainly enjoy a bit of that, we will also be here throughout the summer working to get ready for the next school year and planning all the ways we can make 2018-19 the best year ever at IMS. If you have an idea or suggestion, please let us know!
What do you need to know to enjoy a successful end of the year at IMS? Click here to access all the information you need regarding end-of-year testing, transportation, and events.
One of the hardest parts of the end of the year is saying goodbye to our 8th graders. Although we will miss you, we know you are in good hands and are always just a short walk away. To our incoming 6th grade students and parents, we welcome you and encourage you to get involved early and often. Buckle up for an amazing middle school experience and we’ll see you in September!
June: Reflection…
We can all learn from our past experiences. Think about the many good things you have accomplished and share them with your children. If there are any events you could change, what would they be and how could you or others benefit from that reflective action?
2 NJHS Car Wash, 8:00 AM-1:30 PM, MS
5 Board of Education Meeting, 7:30* PM, MS
7 Grade 7 & 8 Band, Orchestra, Chorus, Jazz Band, 7:00 PM, MS Auditorium
11 4th Quarter Marking Period Ends
11 Fine & Performing Arts Awards, 7:00 PM
12-18 Finals/Regents Exams
13 EXCEL Awards Night, 6:00 PM
19 Board of Education Meeting, 7:30* PM, MS
19 8th Grade Moving Up Dance, 7:00-9:30 PM
21 Early Dismissal, 10:20 AM
27 Report Cards Posted to Portal
*Unless otherwise noted, all Board of Education meetings will begin with an Executive Session at 6:45 PM. The public business meeting portion will begin at approximately 7:30 PM.
Middle School Finals and Regents Schedule Week of June 12 – June 18
This June, students in 8th grade will be taking Regents in Common Core Algebra I, Earth Science, proficiency exams in foreign languages, and other final exams. Students in 6th and 7th grades will also be taking final exams. Due to the examination requirements, there will be a modified schedule from June 12 to June 18. Please use the test schedule below along with the transportation schedule to determine when your child should be taking exams.
Monday, June 11th
Full day Regular Attendance All Students
Tuesday, June 12th
6/7 Math Finals 8:00 - 10:15
*CC Algebra 1 Regents Exam 12:00 PM @ HS
Wednesday, June 13th
6/7 SS Final 8:00 - 10:15
8th Grade SS Final 12:00 - 2:15
Thursday, June 14th
*Earth Science Regents 8:00 AM @ HS
6/7 Science Finals 8:00 - 10:15
8th Grade Science Final 12:00 2:15
Friday, June 15th
6/7 ELA Finals 8:00 - 10:15
8th Grade ELA Final 12:00 - 2:15
Monday, June 18th
6th Grade CCS Final 8:00 - 10:15
*7th Grade FLACS Final 8:00 - 10:15
*8th Grade FLACS Exam 8:00 AM @ HS
Tuesday, June 19th
Full Day Regular Attendance - All Students
Wednesday, June 20th
Full Day Regular Attendance - All Students
Thursday, June 21st
Half day for all students - Dismissal @ 10:15 - Last Day of School
Friday, June 22nd
No School for Students
* Only students taking the scheduled exams should report to school.
On June 12th, June 14th & June 18th, Regents/FLACS exams will be taken at Islip High School.
Testing and Transportation information:
All 8th grade students taking afternoon finals June 13-16 should be at their “Early Morning” bus stops at 11:00 am for an 11:30 arrival at the Middle School. There will be dismissal buses available at 2:24 and 3:20 for students taking afternoon exams. Please note, for certain bus routes, middle school students may be on the bus with high school students.
During testing days, we ask that students do not bring cell phones, backpacks or other large bags with them. In the case that students bring cell phones, phones will be collected, turned off, and held in a supervised, secure location. Remind your children that the ringing/handling of a cell phone during tests will lead to test invalidation as per the New York State Education Department.
On these testing dates, all students entering the building will enter through the cafeteria doors in the front of the building. Any prohibited items (i.e. bags, backpacks, phones) brought in are subject to search and/or confiscation.
On testing days (June 12-18), the Middle School Cafeteria will operate with a limited menu. The Middle School Cafeteria will be open for morning breakfast from 7:45-8:15; the Middle School Cafeteria will be open for lunch from 11:00-11:45. On June 19 and 20, the Middle School Cafeteria will operate on a full schedule. On June 21, the Middle School Cafeteria will be open for breakfast only.
If you have any questions with regard to the testing schedule, please feel free to contact the Middle School main office at 650-8500. Any transportation questions should be directed to the District Transportation Office at 650-8275.
Summer Reading 2018
Summer Reading 2018
Students entering Grades 6 - 8
Here’s what I.M.S. students are expected to do:
Sign up for the 2018 Summer Reading Program @ New York Libraries. (You may sign up at any public library. Generally, the program runs from mid-June to mid-August.)
Read at least two books over the summer vacation. You can read any books that you like. If you need help finding an interesting book, speak with your teachers before school ends in June, talk to the librarians, and/or check out the recommended reading lists posted on the NY Summer Reading site: http://www.summerreadingnys.org/. You can also check out the book sites listed on the English Department Page on the Islip School District website.
Be prepared to discuss & write about the books you read when you return to school in September.
All information about summer reading can also be found at the following locations:
- Islip School District website (www.islipufsd.org)
Middle School main office
High School main office (for 8th grade students entering 9th grade)
Reference desk at the Islip Public Library
Barnes & Noble in Bay Shore
Please Note: Students entering 7 Honors, 8 Honors, & 9 Honors in the fall will receive a different summer reading assignment from their English teachers. (This assignment will also be posted on the school website.)
Enjoy your summer. See you in September!
SUMMER READING: English Honors Program 2018
Here’s what you are expected to do:
Students entering 7H:
Read The Misfits by James Howe and complete the graphic organizer provided; read a book-of-choice.
Students entering 8H:
Read Nothing But the Truth: A Documentary Novel by Avi and complete the graphic organizer provided; read a book-of-choice.
Students entering English 9H:
Read Discovering Genre: Short Story and write an essay.
You will be responsible for the completed packet when you arrive to class on the first day of school. Your annotations/answers will be needed to complete an in-class assignment upon your return.
Enjoy your summer. See you in September!
President – Denise Nash Vice President – Renee Ferrera
Secretary – Tina Hardekopf Treasurer – Diane Bennett
PTA cash/check#
8th grade art students
Portrait Artist Gary M. Long held a workshop with the IMS 8th grade art students thanks to the continued support of the Islip Art and Music Parents (formally Friends of the Arts)
As part of their generous support of the Fine and Performing Arts here in Islip, the IAMP in coordination with the FOA arranged for portrait artist Gary M. Long to hold a 4 day workshop with our 8th grade students. Mr. Long discussed the rewards, challenges and adventures of being a master portrait artist. Students were instructed on the basics of drawing the human face and practiced techniques under the guidance of Mr. Long, Mrs. Vogelsberg and Ms. Heaton. The workshop included demonstrations on a variety of mediums from simple pencil, paper and charcoal to the use of a drawing tablet. Students were given insight in to the endless possibilities available for creating finished pieces of work.
Life Science Classroom
Islip Middle School Students have become "Chick Magnets" in Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Lange's Life Science Classroom by raising baby quail as part of their culminating unit that focused on the adaptations of birds as well as their reproduction and development. The quail will be returned to Seatuck this June so that they can help with the war on ticks in local parks and nature preserves. The unit of study has also taken the students outside to further their observations of native birds in their natural habitat with the help of binoculars that were purchased by the school. All in all, it was a very "egg-citing" way to end the school year!
2018 - 2019 School Supply list
Please note:
Exploratory and individual teachers may require additional materials for their students. Students will receive this information from their teacher. Many of the supplies can be purchased at the school store.
Sixth Grade
(4) 1” Binders (2) Highlighters
(1) 2” Binders
(3) Marble notebooks
(1) two-pocket plastic folder with holes
Pens (blue, black red, green)
Handheld pencil sharpener
Seventh Grade
(2) Marble notebooks
(6) Sturdy two pocket folders
(3) 1” Three-ring binder
(1) Three-subject notebook
Loose-leaf paper
Index cards 3”x 5”
Packages of reinforcements
Ballpoint pens (blue and black)
Eighth Grade
(1) Marble notebook
(1) Sturdy (plastic) two pocket folder
(4) 1 ½” Three-ring binders (different colors)
(4) Regular two pocket folders
(2) Packages (500 pages) reinforced lined paper
What Else Is Going on at IMS?
End of Year Barbecues
8th Graders at Ellis ISland!
Website: islipufsd.org
Location: 211 Main Street, Islip, NY, United States
Phone: 631-650-8500
Facebook: facebook.com/IslipMS
Twitter: @IslipMS