Paw Prints Family Newsletter

January 26, 2024 -Vol 2 Issue 10
Principal's Message
Dear GNBVT School Community,
As we eagerly approach the halfway mark of winter, I find myself hoping that Punxsutawney Phil won't cast a shadow, extending the gift of an early spring. Fingers crossed for warmer days ahead!
Despite the chill in the air, the GNBVT school community has been filled with activity. Our culinary team recently embarked on a culinary adventure, showcasing their prowess and proving they are a cut above the rest!
In the recent MRE Challenge sponsored by MA SkillsUSA and the Massachusetts National Guard, our talented teams walked away with an impressive haul. Owen Medieros, Olivia deMedieros, and Bailiegh Fortin secured a Gold for presentation and a Silver for Creative Use of MREs. Meanwhile, Nathan Lebouef, Karaline Machado, and Craig Medieros clinched a Silver for the National Guard's Army Best Tasting category. The day was a testament to teamwork, dedication, and hard work. Kudos to all involved, and a special thank you for the opportunity to connect with culinary enthusiasts from around the state.
This edition of Paw Prints is brimming with stories of community spirit. Our SkillsUSA chapter rallied behind Wreaths Across America, demonstrating the values of service and remembrance. Additionally, our students and staff joined forces to collect bottle caps for the Acushnet Lions Club, contributing to the noble cause of creating prosthetic limbs for military soldiers. Your dedication to making a positive impact is truly commendable.
As I wrap up this letter, I'd like to extend a heartfelt request to parents: encourage your children to persist in their academic endeavors. With the 3/4 mark of Trimester 2 approaching, let's continue to foster a culture of excellence and achievement in both the classroom and the shop.
Thank you for your unwavering support, and here's to a successful and inspiring journey ahead!
Warm regards,
Principal Williams
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, February 1: Black History Month Starts
Thursday, February 8: SkillsUSA SAiL Conference
Wednesday, February 14: BCC Admission-palooza
School Closing or Delay Reminders
In the event of a school closing or delay, an announcement will be made across all primary GNBVTHS social media outlets, which includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and GNBVT app. In addition to social media, a phone call, e-mail and text will be sent to parents and guardians regarding school closing or delay.
Local radio and TV stations will broadcast announcements when school is closed or when the opening of school is delayed. When there is a delay, buses will run one or two hours late.
In the event of a delay, there will be no placement. Off-campus projects will be determined on a case by case basis.
The school will provide announcements regarding school closings, delayed openings or unscheduled early release of students to the following media:
School website
Primary School
Social Media Accounts
WCVB-TV Channel 5
WLNE-TV Channel 6
WHDH-TV Channel 7
WFXT-TV Fox 25 Boston
WBSM Radio AM 1420
WSAR Radio AM 1480
From the Guidance Department
Attention Seniors- Scholarships Applications Available
Seniors! Please check the Scholarships tab on the website as scholarships information is being posted continuously. Pay attention to deadlines!
BCC Admission-palooza-February 14th
Seniors! BCC Admission-palooza with be at GNBVT on 2/14. This is your chance to meet with Admission, Financial Aid and Academic reps from BCC
From the Health Office
9th Grade SBIRT Screenings
Starting in the beginning of March, GNBRVTHS will be conducting state-mandated SBIRT screenings for our 9th grade students. The Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) screening process focuses on the use of alcohol, marijuana, nicotine (vaping) and other substances, along with the importance of making healthy decisions. This screening consists of a series of questions only. The goal of this screening is to let our students know that we are available to them to discuss any questions or concerns related to substance use and assist them in obtaining support and treatment if needed to address substance abuse.
All SBIRT screenings are conducted confidentially by our trained school nurses and counselors in private one-on-one sessions. This program focuses on prevention, which includes healthy choices. If needed students are connected with school counselors or other community agencies for support and education.
While the Department of Public Health requires schools to carry out this screening, please know that this is VOLUNTARY. As with any school screening, you have the right to opt-out. Please be on the lookout for a future letter that will be provided to you for your parent/guardian sometime in February. For those parents/guardians who do not wish for their student to participate, there is a signature line and opt-out section to complete.
We encourage healthy choices and we are here to provide support and education. Together, GNBRVTHS and parents/guardians can make a difference in your life and we are all here for you.
For any questions please reach out to the nursing staff in our Health Center:
Sarah Caggiano, RN ext 791 Casey Clarke, RN ext 661 Ursula Crowell, RN ext 205 Jaala Duarte,RN 204
As many are aware, COVID-19 remains within our communities.
If you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, loss of taste and smell, sore throat, runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea, you should test yourself for COVID. Symptoms can range from mild to severe.
If you test positive for COVID you should remain isolated for five days from the start of symptoms vs your positive test date. This day is considered Day Zero.
From there, count 5 days out and then you are able to stop isolating on Day 6 as long as you have an improvement of your symptoms and you are not taking medication to reduce a fever. The CDC recommends that individuals wear a mask through Day 10.
Please call the Health Center to speak to one of the nurses who can help clarify when you/your student can return to school. The nursing staff also works with the Attendance Office to ensure that absences related to COVID are excused. Please call our nursing staff to clarify any questions that you may have related to illness or absences.
Sarah Caggiao ext 791, Casey Clarke ext 661, Ursula Crowell ext 205, Jaala Duarte ext 204
You can find information related to COVID vaccinations at the following Mass.gov website:
Reminder--COVID Test Kits: The government is providing four free testing kits per household. Please see the link below to order if you are interested in obtaining these:
The health center also does currently have a limited supply of test kits on hand should your student need to take one home. The nursing staff can provide these while supplies last.
The After Prom Committee is busy to make the After Prom experience memorable!
The After Prom Committee has the following events to help fund the 2024 After Prom:
● After Prom Raffle Calendar - Selling now until February 29th
○ 31 days of possible winnings!
○ Could win 2 tickets to the 2024 Graduation
○ If you win, your name will be placed back into the drawing pool.
○ We will announce the winner on the GNBVT After Prom Facebook page with the last name first initial and call the winner directly. ○ Calendars can be purchased through GoFan or by contacting 998-3321 ext: 244 or 300
Comedy Show- April 12th: 8 PM
Comedy Show - Friday, April 12th - new date change
○ There will be an 18+ comedy show on Friday, April 12th.
○ Four comedians, Mike Murray, Wes Martens, Stephen Turgeon and Andy, will perform at the Society of Senhor da Pedra, Inc. - 81 Tinkham St, New Bedford, MA 02746.
○ Tickets are $20 and the event begins at 8 pm, doors open at 7 pm. Tickets can be purchased online or at the door. There is open seating or reserve a table for 8-10 people.
Email jennifer.gaspar@gnbvt.edu to reserve a table.
○ All proceeds go towards the 2024 After Prom.
SkillsUSA January Update
Wreaths Across America
SkillsUSA supported Wreaths Across America's participating location in Bourne, Massachusetts as part of the national organization’s Group Sponsorship Program. This is the fourth year that Greater New Bedford students will participate in the national program whose mission is to Remember the Fallen, Honor those who served, and teach the next generation the value of freedom. The goal for GNB-SkillsUSA is to support efforts that help unify our community and celebrate our freedom by thanking the thousands of veterans laid to rest at Bourne National Cemetery with the placement of a live, balsam veteran’s wreath this December.
Bottle Cap Drive
The Acushnet Lions Club had a drive that had been a huge success to date. The drive was to collect bottle caps that could be recreated as prosthesis for veterans. Thanks go out to all of the CVTE and Academic areas that ran competitions, challenged one another, and brought them in from home. The Acushnet Lions Club will know about all of the good that we have here in our school—a great effort from all who participated in such a great cause. The club will revisit the cause to see if we would like to do another campaign that will help the veterans. This event allowed the students to fulfill a portion of their goal of community outreach.
The 2024 Inaugural Freshmen SmartStart Summit
The 2024 Inaugural Freshmen SmartStart Summit was held on Thursday, January 18 in Natick. The experience was filled with excitement and experiential learning as freshmen unlocked their potential with keys to a successful SkillsUSA journey as they learned about all aspects of SkillsUSA and understood how to participate. Experiences focused on positivity, building careers and capitalizing their SkillsUSA journey. This was just part of this year’s program of work initiative to build on the recruitment of the GNBVT Chapter of SkillsUSA. In attendance were 14 Freshmen students and 5 upperclassmen that served as facilitator along with 5 advisors. The topic assigned to our school was the SkillsUSA Frameworks which was shown with an Outer Space Theme that had No Limits! Additionally, there are two freshman auditorium periods within the last 2 weeks of January that also show the important life lessons that are learned in SkillsUSA.
The Community Service Team Highlights Mental Awareness
The Community Service Team that is highlighting Mental Awareness this year has completed shirt designs featuring the KyleCares logo - whom we have partnered with this year.. The Positive Message Grams for January have been finalized and beads for the Bead Project have been ordered as well.
The Career Pathways Showcase
Human Service Teams had 320 students participate in the Linked to Literacy Project. Shop projects and the logo are their projects for February.
Reminders and Upcoming Events
● Local Competitions: have been finalized and Certificates have been distributed to all 1st through 4th place winners. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL! - Make sure that you have completed all of your registration paperwork for the District 1 Competition coming up at the beginning of March.
● SkillsUSA Employability Skills and Safety Assessment study sessions: will be held in Mr. Snow's classroom, B317, every Tuesday from 3:00-3:45, beginning next week on January 9. These study sessions will prepare those students preparing for the district exam as well as those students in leadership competitions.
● The next monthly meeting: will be on February 14th, 2024 at 2:30 pm.
● Upcoming events: include the MRE Challenge, SkillsUSA Week & SAiL (Senior Adventure in Leadership) Conference.
MRE Challenge
Once again our culinary team went out into the world and proved they are a cut above the rest!
Both of our Teams came away from the MRE Challenge sponsored by MA SkillsUSA and the Massachusetts National Guard with plenty of booty in tow. Owen Medieros, Olivia deMedieros and Bailiegh Fortin won a Gold for presentation and a Silver for Creative Use of MREs, and our second team of Nathan Lebouef, Karaline Machado, and Craig Medieros won a silver for National Guard's Army Best Tasting for their flavor combinations. Students also left with brand new kitchen knives as well. A great day of teamwork, and hard work for all involved. Once again we thank you for the opportunity to share new experiences, meet new culinary students and teachers from around the state.
Chef Henry
Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School
1121 Ashley Blvd
New Bedford, MA 02740
WEBSITE: www.gnbvt.edu
INSTAGRAM: @gnbvoctechhighschool
X: @GNBVocTechHS