The FAST Flyer
The View from Above, Vol. 5 Issue 32
April 29, 2023
From the Principal
This time of year can be very busy in schools with planning for graduations, end of year parties, and field day while trying to support our students through end of year testing and dreaming of summer vacation. Anyone who has been in my office lately and seen the giant lists all over the walls can attest to the fact that I have also been busy planning for next year. I am really excited about all the work I have done, and I wanted to share with you where we are at.
Staffing updates:
We are already fully staffed for the 2023-24 school year. 28 of our current teachers are returning, and the entire admin team is returning (and growing!). Having this completed before the end of the year gives us all time to focus on other things over the summer.
All teachers for next year are either certified or in the process of updating/transferring their certification (including a new coding teacher who should be certified by summer). We have streamlined our new-hire onboarding process so that all staff will have transcripts on file, teaching certifications checked, have been through GBI background check, fingerprinting, and state clearance as well as an independent background check by the time school starts in August. State clearance is fairly stringent in that it verifies an individual is clear of any and all felony charges as well as any charges related to moral turpitude, sexual assault, or controlled substances. This also ensures that their certification is not suspended in any state and there are no open ethics complaints.
Facility update:
We have mapped out a classroom plan for next year that will allow for all homerooms to be in Student Hall without having any core classes in the portables.
If you sat in on a recent governing board meeting, you may have heard that they approved expenditure for new text books for math and ELA. Our teachers will be trained on the new material during pre-planning in August. An overnight trip for 5th grade is already booked for next spring and the 8th grade overnight for 2024 is being planned.
Mr. Moore and I have a meeting scheduled with a liaison from the Georgia Emergency Management Department to review and update school safety procedures. We will also be attending a school safety conference this summer. Staff will be trained on emergency procedures during pre-planning the week before school starts.
I know this year has been full of challenges, but I am incredibly optimistic about the future of FAST and appreciate your continued support. #FAST2thefuture
In Partnership,
Mary Miller
Fulton Academy of Science & Technology
Milestone exams continue over the next few weeks.
It is extremely important for students to be at school on time each day during exams to limit disruptions in the building. We ask that you avoid scheduling appointments during this window to the extent possible. Students who arrive after exams begin will be required to wait in the front office until the test session is concluded. Once testing has begun, students may not be released until the test session is concluded.
Parents can find answers to frequently asked questions in THIS DOCUMENT. A full schedule of exams can be found HERE
Medication Reminder
All medication left in the clinic after school dismisses on May 25, 2023 will be disposed of. Please pick up your child’s medication from the clinic. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nurse Murray at victoria.murray@fastk8.org.
Lost and Found
Attendance Contacts
Celebrate your Kindergarten, 5th and 8th Grade Students!
May 4: Sports Assembly (4:30pm)
May 5: Cultural Arts Festival
May 8-11: Capstone presentations
May 12: Field day
May 16-18: 8th grade overnight trip
May 23: Kindergarten graduation (9am)
May 23: 5th Grade moving up (12pm)
May 24: 8th Grade graduation (6pm)
May 25: Last day of school
Fulton County Schools
GA Charter Schools Association
Email: info@fastk8.org
Website: www.fastk8.org
Location: 11365 Crabapple Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 678-321-1100
Facebook: facebook.com/FASTK8.School/
Twitter: @fastk8charter