Oak Grove News
Weekly Update ~ May 17, 2021
Join Cub Scouts!
Pack 194 is inviting girls and boys, K-5th grade, to join Cub Scouts. Come out and discover the fun, adventure and learning that scouting brings in our year-round program that includes group activities like campouts, hiking, fishing, service projects, museum visits, bike hikes, parades, our signature Pinewood Derby race, and so much more!
Join us for free on our next final pack meeting of the year where we will fire off model rockets to close out the 2020 scouting year while kicking off 2021! The event is on May 22nd at 10 am, at the recreational fields behind the Oak Grove School. Please register for this event at ugmq@yahoo.com and you will receive a free rocket kit.
We hope to see you there!
Keep your children reading all summer long!
If you are looking for a great way to keep your children reading this summer, Epic has an offer for you. Even better, you will not have to leave your house to pick up books. Epic offers over 40,000 titles to choose from for your child(ren) to enjoy.
Please see the virtual backpack for more information.
8th Grade Graduation
Dear Families,
We are thrilled to receive so many positive responses about graduation. We are excited to be able to provide this outdoor ceremony at Oak Grove to honor our 8th graders. As you know, this requires much planning and preparation and we are grateful for the support from our PTO, 7th grade parent volunteers, custodial staff, and teachers for the time and energy that is going into this celebration.
As you know, we moved into the Bridge Phase of the Governor's Restore Illinois plan. This allows an increase in capacity for many outdoor and indoor events. Last week, our administration reviewed the capacity limit for our graduation ceremony space with this updated guidance in mind. We are pleased to inform you that we are able to extend the seats to FOUR guests for each graduate. A kind thank you goes to the families who offered up their "extra" seats. We realize this does not accommodate all the larger families, but for the sake of safety, parking concerns and attempts to not overcrowd our area, we are asking you to please limit your guests to 4 seats in each family pod. Including your graduate, that is now potentially 5 people per family. We have also reached out to individuals who require special considerations in their families. This new plan will still keep us aligned to the Governor's Restore Plan.
As you know, parking will be a big concern and we ask that you still consider being dropped off, walking over, parking on the side streets and only taking one vehicle per family.
If you would like to reserve that 4th seat in your family pod, please fill out this very short questionnaire to indicate this. Thank you!
8th Grade Musical
Get your streaming tickets now for the 8th Grade Musical!
Monday Mental Health Minute
The Mental Health team at Oak Grove, consisting of two School Social Workers, two School Psychologists, and the Social Emotional Learning Coordinator, will be providing you information on several social emotional topics throughout the 2020-21 school year. Twice a month, we will provide you with a brief overview of a topic as well as at least one resource for additional information. Please feel free to reach out Ryan Murray, SEL Coordinator, if you have questions or need help finding more information.
This month is also Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. In 1978, a joint congressional resolution established Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week. The first 10 days of May were chosen to coincide with two important milestones in Asian/Pacific American history: the arrival in the United States of the first Japanese immigrants (May 7, 1843) and contributions of Chinese workers to the building of the transcontinental railroad, completed May 10, 1869.
In 1992, Congress expanded the observance to a month-long celebration that is now known as Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. The importance of celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islanders is it honors immigrants, celebrates diversity and emphasizes racial equality.
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month Timeline
Don't Forget Your Mask!
Dear Families,
As you may have heard, the CDC shared guidance last week that anyone who is fully vaccinated may participate in indoor and outdoor activities without wearing a mask or physical distancing (with some exceptions). We have spoken with our county Health Department, and at this time, this guidance does not include schools in Illinois. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH), Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Lake County Health Department (LCHD) are discussing this guidance with the Governor's Office (Restore Illinois Plan) to determine if and what the impact will be on schools as we close out this year.
Masks will still be required at OGS until we receive guidance from these organizations that allows us to consider other options. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
PTO News
It’s fundraising time! Please support Oak Grove PTO and Libertyville Coffee Company in our last fundraiser of the year! Get organic gourmet coffee delivered FREE to your home. Please place your orders by Friday, May 21st!
Pre-pack school supply sale is open!! This year we are using Educational Products, Inc. (EPI). This company has put together individual school supply packs to match the current school supply list for 2021-2022 school year. You will find the prices online and also on the info sheet in the virtual backpack; just follow the link to their website, and type in Oak Grove code OAK039. Then find your grade level pre-pack needed and place your order!
When you order your supplies through this PTO fundraiser, it helps raise money for Oak Grove School. The prices are comparable to the stores. Shipping cost is $8 per family order. All of the non-consumable items are guaranteed for the year. If your student's binder, scissors, pencil bag, ruler etc. are damaged during the school year, the company will replace them.
Place your order before June 13th. After June 13th there will be a $10 late fee. No orders will be accepted after July 6th. If you have any questions, please, contact Jennifer Liu at jen_hen@comcast.net
Now through JUNE 13th
Late orders open June 13th-July 6th ($10 late fee per pre-pack)
1) Go to www.educationalproducts.com/shoppacks
2) Enter the school ID, OAK039 (3 letters/3 numbers)
3) Follow the directions to complete your order.
4) Keep your online confirmation as your receipt.
Orders will be charged sales tax and $8 delivery fee per family order at checkout.
The PTO would like to thank all of our Oak Grove families for making the book fair a success! The students were thrilled to participate in this first LIVE event of the year. We were also excited to be able to share the experience with our Eagles@Home families during our Wednesday evening outdoor event. The PTO would like to sincerely thank Jennifer Tippett, Lori Beres, Elisabeth Cobb, Karen Draths, Raabia Mohammed, Ozzie Suarez, Lynsey Wolfe and Beth Zender for all of their help throughout the week.
If you ordered spirit wear during our Spring sale with Sports11, most orders are ready for pick up! You will receive a phone call when your order is ready. If you have any questions, please reach out to Courtney Johnston at johnstoncourtneyr@gmail.com.
Just a reminder to all PTO Committee Chairs - please turn in your completed end of the year committee report by Friday, May 28th. Please use this form and send to pto@ogschool.org.
Tech Equipment Collection
Dear parents and guardians,
Thank you for all that you have done to help make this a successful school year.
The end of the year is fast approaching, and it is time to talk about wrapping things up and collecting your student(s) tech equipment. The dates vary for @home and @school students, as well as iPad and laptop users. Please read your section(s) carefully.
May 28
All 8th grade @school students will turn in their laptop, Oak Grove issued charger, travel bag, headphones, and calculators. If you have purchased headphones, you do not turn them in. If you are purchasing the laptop and/or calculator, you still need to turn the equipment in so it can be released from our management and inventory systems. Missing items need to be turned in by June 2, or a fee will be charged. Please make sure your name is on the travel bag.
June 3
All @school K through 4th grade students will need to have their iPad, Oak Grove issued charger, travel bag, and headphones at school. If you purchased headphones, you will not turn them in. Please make sure your student’s name is on the travel bag. The equipment will be inventoried by their classroom teacher. If an item is missing, your student will receive a note with the missing item checked. Missing items need to be turned in by June 10, or a fee will be charged. The equipment will not travel home on June 3. All tech equipment will remain at school. The students will have access to their devices until the end of the school day, Friday June 4.
June 4
All @school 5th through 7th grade students will turn in their laptop, Oak Grove issued charger, cable, travel bag, and headphones. If you have purchased headphones, you do not turn them in. Please make sure your student’s name is on the travel bag. The equipment will be inventoried by their classroom teacher. If an item is missing your student will have an opportunity to call home for drop off. If a drop off is not possible they will receive a note with the missing item marked. Missing items need to be turned in by June 10, or a fee will be charged. The students will have access to their devices until the end of the school day, Friday, June 4.
June 7 and 8
All @home students will turn in their equipment. Drop off times are from 9:00 to 4:00 and 5:00 to 7:00 both days.
@home 8th grade students will need to turn in their laptop in it’s protective shell, Oak Grove issued charger, travel bag, headphones, and calculators. If you have purchased the headphones, you do not turn them in. If you are purchasing the laptop and/or calculator, you still need to turn the equipment in so it can be released from our management and inventory systems. Please make sure your name is on the travel bag, and the laptop is powered on.
@home 5th, 6th & 7th grade students will need to turn in their laptop in its protective shell, Oak Grove issued charger, travel bag, and headphones. If you have purchased headphones you do not turn them in. Please make sure your name is on the travel bag, and the laptop is powered on.
@home 3rd and 4th grade students will need to turn in their iPad in it’s protective case, Oak Grove issued charger, cable, travel bag, keyboard and headphones. If you have purchased the headphones you will not turn them in. Please make sure your student’s name is on the travel bag.
@home K through 2nd students will need to turn in their iPad in it’s protective case, Oak Grove issued charger, cable, travel bag, and headphones. If you have purchased the headphones you will not turn them in. Please make sure your student’s name is on the travel bag.
If you have any questions please email ogstechsupport@ogschool.org.
OGS issues iPad charger w/ (white or silver) cable
OGS issues laptop charger
Replacement cost list
Congratulations Dakota!
PPE Drive Update
After counting the huge amounts of personal protective equipment donated to the school, two classes have been declared winners. The two classes will be announced on the school announcements on Tuesday, and each will receive candy as prizes!
I just wanted to thank everybody that donated! PADS was very excited and proud to see all of the donations from our school. The donations really helped them, as they had a low supply of personal protective equipment. Thank you again to everyone that donated!
-Prem Acharya, eighth grader
Curriculum Corner
Hello Oak Grove Community,
TAG placement emails were shared with families on Friday, 5.14.21. If you did not receive your email, please reach out to Lilli Melamed at melamed@ogschool.org. We are now accepting appeal applications for fall placement. The appeal window will close on May 23rd. Please email Dr. Sarah Cacciatore at cacciatore@ogschool.org with your appeal form (Parent Inquiry Form) and include what content you are interested in appealing for your child, ELA and/or math.
If follow-up testing is needed, you will be contacted by Mrs. Melamed to schedule that with your child.
Virtual Backpack
Oak Grove School Board of Education
Click HERE to view Board Agenda and Minutes
Email: boe@ogschool.org
Website: www.ogschool.org
Location: 1700 S. O'Plaine Rd. Green Oaks, IL 60048
Phone: 847.367.4120