Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
October 2022
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Forms, etc.
Bermuda Bay Office Hours and Contact Information
Hours for the office : MWF - 7:00am - 3:30pm Tuesdays 7:00-2:30pm Th - 8:00am - 4:00pm
Admin will be in the office: M-F 9:00am - 1:00pm
There are no Saturday hours during the off-season
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President - Vivi Iglesias - bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Adriana Lein - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - Susan Hoffman - bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Property Manager: Josh McCollum, LCAM - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
It's Time to Vote on the Amendments to the Documents
We have a great new restaurant and fish market right down the street!
There is a new star in the making in south St. Pete. Hookin’ Ain’t Easy, located at 3660 22nd Avenue South, just celebrated the grand opening of its café and tiki bar, and we were blown away on our first visit to the new hot spot for fresh catch dishes and delicious smoked meats.
The outdoor restaurant, an extension of Hookin’ Ain’t Easy’s indoor seafood market, is a little slice of paradise, offering up great food, cold drinks, and a relaxing atmosphere. Currently, the café is open Wednesday-Saturday 11 am – 7 pm, and Sunday from 11 am – 5 pm, with live music Friday-Sunday. Owners say they hope to soon extend hours to be open later.
Hookin’ Ain’t Easy was first opened as a fresh seafood shop by a local and lifelong commercial fisherman after – he jokes – his wife got tired of him selling fish out of the house. After a couple years running the shop on the corner of the property, he took over the outdoor space (formerly a nursery) next to the shop and created an idyllic outdoor restaurant and bar. Complete with sand, seashells and picnic tables, the space is an oasis for great food and relaxing afternoons with live music, cornhole, and beer on tap.
That food, however, is the real star. The dishes are prepared incredibly well, seasoned to perfection and cooked just right, coming in massive portions that are sure to sate even the largest appetites.
And of course, being run by a fisherman, the dishes at Hookin’ Ain’t Easy aren’t just tasty – they’re incredibly fresh. While eating a blackened grouper sandwich on our visit, we were informed by the matriarch of the establishment that just yesterday the fish had still been in the water. As a result of their fresh-first approach (most of the fish is caught by the owners themselves), the menu rotates based on what’s in season.
Right now, for instance, diners can snag smoked mullet, blackened flounder, grouper, and crab of the Snow, Blue and Dungeness varieties.
However, while the seafood certainly takes centerstage, the smoker behind the kitchen is quietly wafting some of St. Pete’s most tantalizing scents into the air. Here, Hookin’ Ain’t Easy is smoking pounds and pounds of pork butts and chicken wings, and while we didn’t get try any of the pulled pork, we can vouch for the smoked wings as being some of the best in town.
On a visit to Hookin’ Ain’t Easy, simply stroll up to the mobile kitchen on the far end of the lot, make some picks (we highly recommend the fried okra to start), and snag a table to wait. Looking for a beer or a spot to watch football? Grab a stool at the bar and settle in. The food will be brought out to you either way.
In addition to the fish, wings, pork, and crab, the kitchen pumps out plenty more platters of goodness. Grab a burger or quesadilla if the mood strikes, or snack on cheese sticks, fried pickles, onion rings and the like. One of our favorites from the appetizer menu was the plate of fried biscuits with maple syrup. Think of them as St. Pete-style beignets.
Follow Hookin’ Ain’t Easy on facebook and Instagram for more updates.
Article by Bob Carskadon: I Love The Burg
More and More Pipes are Corroding and Causing Issues
The Board is currently looking at PROPOSALS .
Attached is a proposal to have the main drainage lines and lateral lines to include the stacked pipes inspected on the five different types of buildings at Bermuda Bay via a camera. What this does is gives us a blueprint of the pipes in the buildings and lets the association know the extent of the damage to the cast iron piping. Once this is done PRS has this procedure where they put this plastic piping lining material inside the pipe essentially bring the existing pipe back to its original size. This new material does not corrode, and Tori and I were told that it would drastically decrease the amount of times a plumber is called to clear pipes at BB. Installing this plastic pipe is expensive but can be done building by building after all the blueprints are taken.
This is just one proposal the Board is looking at, but we wanted to share just so the Association can understand the steps needed to be considered and the cost for beginning stages.
Good news from the City of St. Petersburg! All of the permits with the exception of buildings 45, 46, 47, 48, and 49 have been approved and issued.
Message from WKM
We will be on property Monday 10/3 to re-start the rear stair installations. We will be working on building 68 and 72 and then be moving to buildings 65, 67, and 70 per the attached schedule.
We have the permits for all but 5 of the buildings.
Meet Your Neighbor - Barbi Martinson - 63A
I am a true Florida Cracker, born in St. Petersburg, FL. I lived and grew up in Lakewood Estates, less than two miles from Bermuda Bay. During my teen years I used to ride my horse to the beach here at Bermuda Bay (prior to it being built). There was a dirt road leading to our beach with big, beautiful oak trees. 38th Ave South didn’t come down this way yet - it was a dirt path. One day we were riding our horses down here to take them swimming and we noticed that they were building some apartments.
My parents sold their farm in Indiana and moved to St Petersburg so I’m the only child in the family born here. My dad bought a Biff Burger, It was located on US19 and 22 nd South. I worked there as my first job. Later, I went to St. Pete Vocational school and took printing. I ended up operating a printing press for 15 years, then I went into marketing as a print buyer and production manager. I worked for AAA Travel for 12 years as a print production manager/buyer.
Later, my parents divorced, and I was living at home with my mom. She wanted to sell our house and move into an apartment, so she did just that. I talked her into looking at this place in 1975, then called Hidden Beach Apartments. We moved in and the fun began.
There was a fun group living here we made great friends with them all. Some had
boats, sailboats and two had an Ultralight that they would fly taking off from the beach. There was volleyball every weekend on the beach and once a month there was a Keg party provided by management. My Mother, Edith Brubaker ran the social committee back then. Always a great time with many themed parties. She started the summer Olympics here which is now like St. Patty’s party. Everyone called her mom or Bru and she was well loved. She passed away in 2016. My brother Bobby Brubaker moved into Bermuda Bay in 1980, and rented until he bought when it went condo. He owned a unit in building 63 and also owned a unit near the back pool. Everyone knew Bobby. He helped everyone and showed them a good time. He took everyone out in his boat to see what St. Pete, Shell island and Egmont Key was all about. My brother Bobby and his wife Beth, along with Russ and I, had the first tree burning party (either 1995 or 1996) which is now a yearly New Year’s tradition. We won $50.00 for the best burning tree because we put all his Ex-wife’s ornaments on it and boy did it flame high! Bobby passed in 2005. My Sister Sheri, had a unit in building 64 and wishes she had kept it forever. When my parents got older, we moved my dad (Max Brubaker) in my brother’s unit near the back pool. Dad knew every year how many night Herons were nesting in the woods. Dad passed in 2010. Many Brubakers have resided in Bermuda Bay!
In 1984, when Hidden Beach became condos and changed to Bermuda Bay, my son Justin was born. He graduated from Lakewood High and went into the Army after he graduated. He is now 38. I moved out of Bermuda Bay a few times throughout my life, but not for long. I missed this place and loved living here. I’ve always said, “Bermuda Bay is like Hotel California - you check in but never leave”. We will be carried out feet first on a gurney in a bag - we will never leave. To me the people in Bermuda Bay
make this place. I can’t be more thankful than to have a home like this and so many good friends.
I met my husband Russ Martinson in Bermuda Bay in 1994. I was living in a townhouse on the woods near the playground when I met Russ. He was up at my brothers, and we played cards. He was going through a bad divorce and did not appear to be interested in me, but I never gave up. We dated until I moved in with Russ in 2002. We thought if we still liked/loved each other and got along after living together a few years we would marry. We married in 2004. I knew I had a keeper, and now here we are living happily ever after. Through the years we have made so many great friends. Friends from all over the world. We have had such a good life here; it is a great place to live. Sometimes you must look past some ugliness to see the beauty. I could write a book about all the characters I have met in Bermuda Bay, funny stories and good old times.
I have served on the Pool furniture committee with Barb Barnard and Janis Crew. The old furniture was there since the 80’s…so it was time. I also volunteer on the Boat/recreational vehicle parking and the Kayak committee. I love to garden and work hard to make Bermuda Bay look better. During the summer it’s too hot to garden and most of the landscape committee is back up north. There are three of us that head up different areas in Bermuda Bay. I mostly work the areas near the Canoe Garden and the wall going up to the owner’s gate.
My hobby is photography; wildlife and landscape. We love to travel in our travel trailer. We live here year-round other than traveling to see something new or get out of the heat. Enjoy life you never know what’s ahead. We know we have a lot of friends here when my husband started going through radiation and his third round of Chemo. We had so many people helping us in many ways; from meals, gifts, and household help. Russ couldn’t walk for a few months he was so sick, and people offered to help just by sitting with him so that I could go to the store or doctor’s appointments. . I want to thank all our good friends for their help - we wouldn’t have survived this without you. Again the people make Bermuda Bay the great place it is!
Committees at Bermuda Bay
Environmental Committee - Tom Shaw - fltshaw@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Social Committee: Marcia Montgomery, Gail Oliviera (Summer chair: Mary French)
skeets11@gmail.com gailoliveira61@gmail.com MaryLLLFrench@gmail.com
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison Imzchef@comcast.net
Stair Committee - Tom Shaw fltshaw@yahoo.com
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Security Committee: Gy Lein gyora@me.com
Landscaping Committee- Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
The REVIEW OF DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE - Susan Hoffman susankatzhoffman@gmail.com
ARC COMMITTEE - Roger Daisley hrdaisley@gmail.com
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE - Meredith Bordman mrkbdn@yahoo.com
The Budget Committee for the 2023 Budget: Christina Stokes, Karen Nash, Laurel Poletti, Payne Blair, Tori Elvir, Vivi Iglesias
Hurricane Ian: St. Pete Dodges Brunt Of Storm; 172K Without Power
The city fielded reports of numerous downed trees and power lines after Ian slammed into Florida as a Category 4 storm.
As Floridians step out to assess the damage left behind by Hurricane Ian, St. Pete was spared the worst from a storm that ranks among the top five strongest hurricanes to ever hit the United States.
Ian slammed into southwest Florida on Wednesday as a Category 4 hurricane packing 150 mph winds, tying it as the fifth-strongest hurricane, when measured by wind speed, ever to strike the United States, according to The Associated Press.
Nearly 172,000 people — or 30 percent of residents and businesses — remain without power in Pinellas County,
Reported by Megan VerHelst,Patch Staff
A message from our Property Manager
Good afternoon,
In the wake of Hurricane Ian and as many owners start to make their way back onsite, you will notice there are areas of the community that have been taped off for safety. Most of the issues that we sustained were from uprooted trees and branches, but the board and maintenance have shared with me to ask owners to be cautious around the rear of buildings 53, 54, 55, 58, the front of 76, and the wooded park area. Our landscaping crew will be onsite tomorrow to assess the community and will be working with maintenance and management to start the cleanup process. Maintenance has established a debris staging area on the outside of the owner's gate (gate that does not have a call box) and any owners willing and able to assist in the cleanup process tomorrow are welcomed. The city of St. Petersburg will pick up the debris from this area.
Additional information:
- Bermuda Bay's insurance company the Marsh McLennan Agency has been notified and updated on the status of the property.
- Security gates will be made operational tonight 9/29/2022.
- Front pool is operational.
- There were a couple of ACs units that were damaged by a fallen tree behind 55 that will be assessed once the tree has been removed.
If there are other issues that need to be reported, please email, or call the appropriate people with your concerns. On a personal note, I ended up evacuating and unfortunately, I am unable to make it back to Bermuda Bay until tomorrow afternoon 9/30/2022. Should you need to personally reach me please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 and they will put you in contact with me.
Thank you and stay safe!
Joshua McCollum, LCAM
A picture of Tampa Bay - as the water was sucked out...
We were not the only ones who hunkered down...
A Big Thanks to everyone who provided pictures for this edition of the October Newsletter
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/cinc/home/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735