Brophy News- Back to School Edition
One more week. We are excited to welcome you back!
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Principal's Message
We are only one short week away from the first day of school (a week and a day for kindergarten). I am so excited to welcome you all back on August 31st (September 1st for kindergarten). This week I had the privilege of having lunch with all of our new teachers, what a treat! As we welcome our new teachers, our returning Brophy teachers are enjoying their last days of summer vacation. I hope you are all doing the same.
Please take some time to read through all the information embedded in this newsletter. We made some changes to our arrival/ dismissal procedures and want to make sure we keep you in-the-know.
This is a really exciting time, however, I also recognize the nerves that come along with starting a new school year. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Happy Last Week Of Summer!!!
Jessica Mandes
Interim Principal
Caregiver Drop-off and Pick-up
Caregivers will enter the school through Pleasant Street and drive to the back of the school. When you reach the designated "drop-off zone" a staff member will signal students to exit the vehicles and enter through the available doors. For efficiency purposes, we ask that you have your child prepared to step out of the vehicle as quickly and safely as possible. Parents, please do not exit the vehicle. If needed, a staff member will help your child exit the vehicle and safely enter the school. When students have unloaded and are out of the "drop-off zone" staff will direct the cars down the back driveway leading to Berkeley Road.
I have attached a map to help visualize the change. However, please know that there will be many staff members outside assisting and directing.
Safety is priority and we ask that you please follow staff directions and drive slowly. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience as we all adjust to the new routine.
*The pick-up route will be the same as the drop-off route*
**The Berkeley St driveway is a one way route. We ONLY use it to EXIT the school grounds**