Chesterbrook Academy
November News
Note from the Principal
We have been having so much fun this fall! We have had Great weather to play outdoors! We had so much fun Trick or Treating and dressing up for Halloween. We are now looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities.
We will be having our Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday the 21st and our Annual Holiday Show will beheld on December the 19th.
We have a Toys for Tots donation bin in the lobby. Please help us to help the less fortunate by dropping in a gift for a child in need.
Parent Assessments went home last week. If you feel that you would like a parent conference please contact me and I will set one up for you.
If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to stop by the office.
Important Dates
21st - Thanksgiving Feast
21st - Quiver Farm Presentation
22nd - BookMobile
23rd - CLOSED - Happy Thanksgiving
29th - Field Trip - Pennypacker Mills - PK2, KE and K
12th - Hanukkah Begins
19th - Holiday Shows
21st - Polar Express Day - wear your PJ's
25th - CLOSED - Merry Christmas!
Extra Clothes - The weather is colder, please be sure to check extra clothes for warmth and size.
Outside - We will continue to go outside weather permitting, please send your child to school with appropriate outerwear.
Water Bottles - Children may bring water bottles to school but we will not be taking them outside with us during the colder weather.
Drop off - If you will be arriving after 10a.m. Please notify the office so that we can staff appropriately.
Sign in - You must sign in on your way into the building prior to going to your child's classroom.