HES Shark Scoop
April 6, 2023
From Principal Cutone
Dear HES Families,
While the school week is cut short by tomorrow’s holiday, we have enjoyed a very full week at HES. At the beginning of the week, we were honored to welcome Commissioner Jeff Riley of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Commissioner Riley visited Ms. Smith’s kindergarten class for a Second Step lesson about how to respond to name calling. Then, he enjoyed a presentation by our Student Ambassadors who demonstrated how social-emotional learning occurs in our monthly All Shark Meetings. We were incredibly proud of our 4th graders who shared about their leadership experiences.
Our third grade students successfully completed the English Language Arts portion of state testing (MCAS) this week. The rest of the school was quiet and respectful throughout the building so that our third graders could “show what they know”. Next week, our fourth graders will have their turn. Thank you for ensuring that your children are well rested, nourished, and punctual on testing days.
Hopefully, you have noticed that we are celebrating Autism Appreciation Month at HES. This month, we pause to notice and appreciate the beautiful learning differences among us. Teachers are reading picture books and having conversations with students to help them understand autism, and we will be wearing our t-shirts (and pins from PTO) at the end of each week. Thank you to the astute parent who noticed that next Friday is picture day at HES. For that reason, we will wear our t-shirts on Thursday, April 13.
While we are fully immersed in the current school year, we are already planning for next year. I am accepting Optional Family Input for Placement 23/24 until Wednesday, April 26th. After this first step of receiving any family input, our classroom teachers and specialists will work carefully to create groupings that are balanced in terms of gender, social and academic strengths, special needs, and friendships - not necessarily best friends, but students who work well together. Finally, the administration will assign teachers to each class group. Please note that family input will be considered as one part of a large, complicated and thoughtful process. To that end, I will honor as many requests as I can but all requests may not be able to be fulfilled.
As I mentioned last week, Annalise Yurgelun has moved from our front office to the Central Office. We are looking to fill her position with an organized, friendly, and collaborative teammate. Experience in a school setting is not necessary. If you or someone you know have administrative skills and an interest in becoming a part of our front office team, please call the office 508-430-7216 or email me at ccutone@monomoy.edu.
If you are celebrating Easter or Passover this week, enjoy your holidays. I wish everyone a peaceful and healthy weekend!
My best,
Prezadas famílias HES,
Embora a semana escolar seja interrompida pelo feriado de amanhã, desfrutamos de uma semana muito completa no HES. No início da semana, tivemos a honra de receber o comissário Jeff Riley, do Departamento de Educação Primária e Secundária de Massachusetts. O comissário Riley visitou a classe do jardim de infância da Sra. Smith para uma aula do Segundo Passo sobre como responder a xingamentos. Em seguida, ele desfrutou de uma apresentação de nossos Embaixadores Alunos, que demonstraram como ocorre o aprendizado socioemocional em nosso All Shark Meetings mensal. Ficamos incrivelmente orgulhosos de nossos alunos da 4ª série que compartilharam suas experiências de liderança.
Nossos alunos da terceira série concluíram com sucesso a parte de Artes da Língua Inglesa do teste estadual (MCAS) esta semana. O restante da escola ficou quieto e respeitoso em todo o prédio para que nossos alunos da terceira série pudessem “mostrar o que sabem”. Na próxima semana, nossos alunos da quarta série terão sua vez. Obrigado por garantir que seus filhos estejam bem descansados, alimentados e pontuais nos dias de teste.
Espero que você tenha notado que estamos comemorando o Mês de Apreciação do Autismo no HES. Neste mês, paramos para observar e apreciar as belas diferenças de aprendizado entre nós. Os professores estão lendo livros ilustrados e conversando com os alunos para ajudá-los a entender o autismo, e usaremos nossas camisetas (e broches do PTO) no final de cada semana. Obrigado ao pai astuto que percebeu que na próxima sexta-feira é o dia da foto no HES. Por isso, usaremos nossas camisetas na quinta-feira, 13 de abril.
Enquanto estamos totalmente imersos no ano letivo atual, já estamos planejando o próximo ano.estou aceitandoOEntrada opcional da família para colocação 23/24 até quarta-feira, 26 de abril. Após esta primeira etapa de receber qualquer contribuição da família, nossos professores e especialistas em sala de aula trabalharão cuidadosamente para criar agrupamentos equilibrados em termos de gênero, pontos fortes sociais e acadêmicos, necessidades especiais e amizades - não necessariamente melhores amigos, mas alunos que trabalham bem junto. Finalmente,a administração atribuirá professores a cada grupo de classe. Observe quefamíliaa entrada será considerada como parte de um processo grande, complicado e ponderado. Para esse fim, honrarei todos os pedidos que puder, mas todos os pedidos podem não ser atendidos.
Como mencionei na semana passada, Annalise Yurgelun mudou-se de nosso front office para o Central Office. Estamos procurando preencher sua posição com um colega de equipe organizado, amigável e colaborativo. Não é necessária experiência em ambiente escolar. Se você ou alguém que você conhece tiver habilidades administrativas e interesse em fazer parte de nossa equipe de front office, ligue para o escritório 508-430-7216 ou envie um e-mail para ccutone@monomoy.edu.
Se você está celebrando a Páscoa ou Pessach esta semana, aproveite suas férias. Desejo a todos um final de semana de paz e saúde!
Meu melhor,
Polished Dental
Hi there! It’s that time of year again. Polished Dental will be back for Round 2 of teeth screenings and cleanings on Friday, May 5. If you filled out a permission form in the fall, your child will automatically be screened. If you didn’t fill it out in the fall but would like to have your child screened in May, please email me and I will provide you with a copy of the permission form. My email address is hstamp@monomoy.edu or feel free to call me at 508-430-7216.
Heather Stamp, School Nurse, HES
I See Things Differently
This story is a gentle way to learn about autism and how it affects someone who has it. This story will help younger children better understand and support autistic classmates, family, teachers, etc.
My Brother Charlie
From bestselling author and actress, Holly Robinson Peete, a heartwarming story about a boy who happens to be autistic, based on Holly's son, who has autism.
"Charlie has autism. His brain works in a special way. It's harder for him to make friends. Or show his true feelings. Or stay safe." But as his big sister tells us, for everything that Charlie can't do well, there are plenty more things that he's good at. He knows the names of all the American presidents. He knows stuff about airplanes. And he can even play the piano better than anyone he knows.
My Friend Has Autism
My friend Zack has a disability called autism. But that doesn’t matter to us. We talk about airplanes, build models, and enjoy hanging out at each others house. I’m glad Zack is my friend!
Mark Your Calendar
Friday, April 7 -- No School (Good Friday)
Friday, April 14 -- Spring Picture Day
Friday, April 14 -- BINGO for Books Family Game Night
Friday, April 14 -- Last Day of After School Clubs
April 17-21 -- April Vacation NO SCHOOL
Wednesday, April 26 -- Early Dismissal 1:20PM
Spring MCAS Schedule 2023
We ask that you please avoid scheduling appointments that will cause your child to be out of school on testing days.
- Grade 3 ELA - April 4 & 6
- Grade 3 Math - May 9 & 11
- Grade 4 ELA - April 11 & 13
- Grade 4 Math - May 16 & 18
Staff List
Harwich Elementary School Handbook
Additional Resources and Community Events
Family Peer Grief Support Group
Hello Everyone,
Grief disrupts our lives and often challenges our beliefs and assumptions about the world. It changes how we see ourselves and connect with others. If you or someone in your life is grieving, you can find compassion and support at Sharing Kindness.
Sharing Kindness is honored to announce that we have funding to expand our Family Peer Grief Support Group. We are now registering families with children ages 6-9 who have experienced the death of a significant person in their lives. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm in Harwich (specific location will be shared after registration). Our trained clinicians and volunteers co-facilitate the groups divided by age. The Parent/Caregiver group meets at the same time. A light supper will be provided.
Our programming is always free of charge due to the generosity of grant awards and private donors.
Registration is required. Please see attached flyer.
Warm regards,
Stay in Touch
Ms. Allyson Joy, Assistant Principal
Email: ccutone@monomoy.edu
Website: https://www.monomoy.edu/Domain/9
Location: 263 South Street, Harwich, MA, USA
Phone: 508-430-7216
Twitter: @monomoyschools