Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | March 4, 2019
Let's Celebrate in March!
TOPP Summer 2019 and Fall 2019 Applications DUE Tues 3/5
Did you miss our TOPP Pre-Application Information session? Please contact celtt@hawaii.edu to get additional information and to learn how to apply. Applications for both Summer 19 (5/20 - 6/28) and Fall 19 (9/3 - 10/25) are due on Tuesday, 3/5/2019. We are limited to 10 participants per cohort. Selection criteria for TOPP Summer 2019 are:
FT or Lecturer scheduled to teach DCO in Fall 2019
FT or Lecturer scheduled to teach DCO in Spring 2020
FT or Lecturer scheduled to teach Hybrid in Fall 2019
FT or Lecturer scheduled to teach Hybrid in Spring 2020
*Faculty new to teaching online (i.e. TOPP is required before teaching online) have higher priority than grandmothers
**FT faculty may not receive TEs if teaching Summer I (UHPA rules).
Congratulations, Helen!
Use Padlet for FREE
Padlet - Engage the students in your class by using the interactive pinboard called Padlet! Students can upload and share multimedia files, record videos and audio clips directly into the Padlet, share links to resources, questions, comments and ideas and more all without having to create an account! CELTT has purchased a full Kapi’olani Padlet Account with unlimited licenses, so if you’re interested, please log into RESOLVE, click the Home tab, then click Instructional Design and Support Requests and request yours!
FREE Adobe Acrobat Pro
Upcoming Workshops in Spring 2019
CELTT is pleased to announce that a series of interactive workshops will be offered for each month in Spring 2019.
March Workshops
F2F | Accessibility ( Word + PowerPoint)
Tuesday 3/5 at 2:30 - 4:00 pm in Lama 116
Wednesday 3/6 at 10:30 am - 12:00 pm in Lama 116
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Maximizing the Effectiveness of Discussion Forums
Friday 3/15 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Lama 118
April Workshops
F2F | Fostering Community in Online Courses
Friday 4/5 at 1:00 - 2:30 pm in Lama 116
SPOTLIGHT: Online Teaching | Group Projects Online
Friday 4/26 at 1:00 - 2:00 pm in Lama 118
Reminders will be posted through Kapi'olani News and Events. Our goal is to provide opportunities in a variety of workshop topics to anyone who may be interested in learning, collaborating, and/or growing their skills.
If you have any questions about our Workshop Series or would like to suggest a topic, please reach out to celtt@hawaii.edu.
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Go2Knowledge Webinars for FREE
Did you know that Kapiʻolani CC faculty and staff can use an exclusive coupon code to order various training webinars at Go2Knowledge for FREE? (Retail price is $400+ per session.)
Lots of engaging topics are coming up on teaching, administration, counseling, Title IX, student support, FYE, student success, distance education, and more! Please see the calendar on their website for webinar listings and descriptions.
Visit the Go2Knowledge information page for registration instructions or order your free webinar by following the steps below:
Step 1: Go to https://www.innovativeeducators.org/pages/events
Step 2: Click on the webinar you want to order
Step 3: From the Webinar Pricing drop-down menu, choose the Go2K option
Step 4: Click the Register button, then the Check Out button
Step 5: In the Customer Information section, enter your email address and Billing Address (KapCC address)
Step 6: On the right side of the page, enter the Discount Code KCC17 and click the APPLY button *IMPORTANT*
Step 7: Make sure the Total is $0.00 USD
Step 8: Click the Continue to payment method button on the bottom of the page
Step 9: Click Complete Order button and you should get an email confirmation.
Your recording will be sent to you about a week after the webinar goes live. Please keep in mind that all webinars listed on Go2Knowledge are set to Eastern Standard Time. Please contact us (celtt@hawaii.edu) if you have problems ordering your free webinars.
Laulima (Advanced) Tips
Tip #1: A Strange Case of Shy Forums
When students try to click on the Forum instructions (“View Full Description”), it opens and closes too quickly to be read. Not even ITS knows why or when the problem occurs.
If you happen to come across this issue in the future, do the following:
Select the forum or the topic (whichever page you're having this issue on) Settings
In the Description section, click "Source"
Delete a line of source code (it typically populates at the top): <div class="toggle" style=""> or similar
Tip #2: Lose Youtube’s “recommended videos”
A study found that online students engaged more in non-educational multi-tasking (i.e. distractions) than F2F students. The recommended videos that appear at the end of your course-related Youtube video could add to the distraction or worse, lead them down a rabbit hole that may not lead them back to your online class. There is a way to suppress Youtube from showing recommended videos.
Open the video page > Share (at bottom right of the video) > Embed > Copy the entire <iframe> code
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/JeKn-ym6sgE?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>
?rel=0 tells the video player to suppress all related videos.
Watch for the DE Course Comments Form for Fall 2019
FS DE Committee Announcements
There is currently a great deal of discrepancy in the way we define and talk about courses with varying degrees of Web-based activity. Specifically, the DCO code for "distance completely online" or the term "online course” may lead to misconceptions, and it is not uncommon for issues to arise when students find they are required to come to campus (sometimes on multiple occasions) or participate in other location-based activities in their "online" course.A s a greater variety of formats and options emerge, it is necessary to have standard terminology that both encompasses and delineates course formats along the continuum from face-to-face to fully online. Such specificity should help alleviate some of the misconceptions we often encounter with our currently broader and more nebulous terminology and ensure that we share a common language for the types of course formats we offer at KCC and what they entail.
The DE Committee has developed a set of definitions/glossary for the continuum from face-to-face to fully online and we are happy to announce that Faculty Senate has voted and accepted the action request on the adoption of these course format definitions to establish clear and specific, shared language among campus stakeholders, including faculty, staff, administration and students. This adoption is not meant to affect or change the original banner codes, but we hope that the terminology will become common language at KCC.
Face-to-face (F2F) : Class activity is organized around scheduled, location-based meetings.
Synchronous Distributed (SD) : Class activities are scheduled and location-based; Web-based technologies are used to extend face-to-face activities to students at remote sites in real time.
Web-Enhanced (WE) : Online class activity complements in-person class sessions without significantly reducing the number of required face-to-face meetings.
Hybrid (H) : A minimum of 50% of the class activities are online, with the remainder of activities occurring in face-to-face meetings.
Primarily Online (PO) : The majority of course activity is completed online, but there are limited required face-to-face instructional activities such as labs, clinicals, practicums, service learning, internships, performance assessments or proctored exams.
Fully Online (FO) : All course activity is done online; there are no required face-to-face sessions within the course and no requirements for location-based activity.
Communicating with Students
Question 14: What communication practices have been effective in your DE courses? (check all that apply)
What We Are Reading Now
- Seven Things to Consider Before Developing Your Online Course (Faculty Focus)
- Using Your Students' Evaluations (Inside Higher Ed)
- Teaching Gen Z Students: Strategies for Dynamic & Engaging Learning Experiences (PDF)
- Interpreting what is Required for “Regular and Substantive Interaction” (WCET Frontiers)
- The Long and Short of Online Courses (Inside Higher Ed) - Talks about the UH 5-Week Online initiative and other colleges experimenting with shorter course length
- Extending the Conversation on Online Course Length (Inside Higher Ed), continued from the previous article
Leigh Dooley
ldooley@hawaii.edu, x9703
Nadine Wolff
nwolff@hawaii.edu, x9787
Kelli Nakamura
kellinak@hawaii.edu, x9420
Helen Torigoe
htorigoe@hawaii.edu, x9855
Jamie Sickel
jsickel@hawaii.edu, x9849
Youxin (Yoyo) Zhang
youxin@hawaii.edu, x9822
Melissa Nakamura
mchar@hawaii.edu, x9152
Kristie Malterre
kristies@hawaii.edu, x9344
(on sabbatical Spring 2019)