Bermuda Bay Condominium Newsletter
January 2024
Moving forward in 2024, the newsletters will go out the Friday after the Board Meetings. This way I can share with you the most recent and up to date information. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
Group One (65, 68, 70, 72) is the first section of balconies to be completed. The process has
been slowed down considerably because Clout failed to call 811 before digging and discovered they had cut several irrigation lines, and needed some electric and Spectrum cables to be relocated.
The office is currently trying to schedule and coordinate these efforts, but Juliet has met with quite
a bit of resistance from Spectrum. This will be an additional cost to move these lines. We will deal with the irrigation lines in-house, but the rest will be dependent upon outside agencies.
If you have individual questions concerning the balcony project – there is a form in the office
for you to fill out. John King is our Bermuda Bay liaison. The office is the clearinghouse, but
no specific construction questions should be answered by Luis or Juliet. John King will meet with you individually and get the answers you are seeking from the correct parties.
We are hopeful to learn from the first set of buildings, as each one presents it's own unique issues. For example:
Building 65 J irrigation and cable lines need to be moved
Building 65 G cable lines needs to be moved
Building 68 G cable lines need to be moved
Building 68 H irrigation and cable lines need to be moved
Building 70 L water, cable and electric need to be moved
Building 70 J cable, irrigation and electric needs to be moved
Building 70 I irrigation needs to be moved
Building 72 G cable needs to be moved
Building 72 I/J have no concrete where the cells should be and are being held up by jacks
We will continue to update you as the project continues. Joe Tracono still has oversight of this project. WKM has not been on site recently, but there is still plenty of punchout items that are needed. If you see anything at your building that needs rectified and addressed, please fill out a form in the office or fill out a work order on the website. This will be given to Joe to follow up on. The more eyes on the project will help identify any issues that need to be addressed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Our new guards, Alex and Devante, have been trained in the fine art of vehicle inspection, and have
been outfitted with the appropriate attire and golf cart light for doing vehicle inspections during the
night hours. Please be sure that your permit is the right one (Owner, Tenant, Visitor), and that it is
affixed in the right place so that the guards can spot it easily.
GREEN Owners Affix to inside lower left windshield, driver’s side windshield
PURPLE Tenants - Hang from rearview mirror, date facing out. If hard to see
because of tinted windows, tape to windshield under the rearview mirror
YELLOW Visitors- * Hang from rearview mirror while on property.
*Visitors include friends and family who stay with you 5 days or longer, and visitors who visit regularly, but just for a short time. If you have an infrequent visitor who is staying less than 5 days and they receive a parking citation, they can just ignore it. If you have a question about whether to get a Yellow Visitor’s Permit, just ask at the office.
RED -- No longer used for FT tenants. Use PURPLE tenant permit.
CARS WITH COVERS - Get an additional Permit from the office, laminated, with wire to attach to zipper or seam.
You may not transfer a permit from one vehicle to another. Come to the office for a new permit,
and if you are replacing an old permit, there is no charge.
Be sure to keep your car locked when parked on property!
Can’t see Parking Permit because it’s in the wrong place.
No permit (includes cars with a covering but no visible permit).
Permit out of date.
Registration out of date.
No license plate.
Vehicle not operable
Vehicle parked in a manner that impedes the maintenance of the property.
Go to the office! Open 10am to 4pm
If you need a first-time permit, bring a $10 check or money order. No cash or electronic
If you need to replace an existing permit, there’s no charge.
If you were cited for an out-of-date registration, no license plate, or the vehicle isn’t operable,
you will continue to get citations until you provide proof that the situation has been remedied.
If you do not remedy the situation you will be towed after three warnings. All efforts will have
been made to locate and contact the owner before this happens.
The Security Committee 2024
These types of items that cannot be compacted need to be taken to the appropriate dumping stations. Each item is a $100.00 automatic fine. When people do this - it costs the association to dispose of it. Please dispose of your own trash. The aluminum can container is for aluminum cans ONLY....not any other kind of trash. Remember - you are on camera at these locations - and we plan on protecting our property and our rules and regulations. Please be considerate! When you dump illegal things - it means more work for everyone.
just about ten minutes away accepts:
· Paper
· Cardboard
· Containers (plastic, cans, and glass bottles)
· some Metal
· Tree/Brush trimmings
2500 26th Ave S
OPEN Daily 9:30AM – 5:00PM Payment: FREE
Pinellas County Solid Waste
3095 114th Ave N
(727) 464-7500 Opens 6AM most days, Closes 6PM, Closed Sunday
Payment: $15.00 credit/debit cards only
Household Electronics and Chemical Collection Center
2855 109th Ave N
(727) 464-7500 Open 7AM – Closes 5PM - Closed Sunday Payment: FREE or Nominal
Saturday, February 3, from 10 A.M. to 4 P.M.
Cost: Free. All ages welcome
Join us for the Tenth Annual Raptor Fest at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve! Watch trained raptors in free flight, learn about Florida’s native raptor species, take a photo with live birds of prey, learn from local environmental exhibitors, enjoy activities for children and families, take a bird walk and much more! Flight shows will begin at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. Free parking and shuttle services will be provided at Lakewood High School and Lake Vista Recreation Center.
Friday, February 9, from 7-9:30 P.M.
Location: Education Center Classroom
Cost: $15. Ages 21 and up
Nature’s Match is a unique event that brings together like-minded singles who appreciate the beauty of nature and are looking to connect with others who share their passion. This event offers a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere where attendees can explore the wonders of the preserve, engage in meaningful conversations, and potentially find a new friendship or special connection!
Saturday, February 10, from 2-4 P.M.
Location: Education Center Lobby
Cost: $5 | Ages 18 and up welcome
Bring your loved ones and join us for a craft session to make your own personalized Valentine’s Day cards using our assortment of supplies and materials. Spread joy and love with every creation.
We need your help to complete a new gopher tortoise burrow survey at Boyd Hill Nature Preserve. The new survey will be conducted for the preserve’s uplands area during February and March of 2024. The survey is being conducted by Heinrich Ecological Services.
Heinrich Ecological Services is seeking volunteers to complete this project. This is a great opportunity for individuals to learn about the ecology of this threatened species, while participating in actual wildlife research. The data gained from this survey will result in the production of new distribution maps, and an updated estimate of population size.
A large number of volunteers will be needed to complete this project. If you are interested, please contact george@heinrichecologicalservices.com or call 727-599-1843.
Owner Information, Documents, Work Orders, Meeting Minutes, Voting platform, Forms, etc.
Tori Elvir - President
Roger Daisley - Vice President
Mike Martin - Treasurer
Bermuda Bay Contact Information
Current Contact information for the Board:
President - Tori Elvir - bermudabaypresident@gmail.com
Vice- President -Roger Daisly- bermudabayvicepresident@gmail.com
Treasurer - Mike Martin - bermudabaytreasurer@gmail.com
Secretary - Chris Boyd - bermudabaysecretary@gmail.com
Director-at-Large - John King- bermudabaydirectoratlarge@gmail.com
Juliet Mee, Property Manager: - bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Administrative Assistant: Christine Dickey and Jen Sullivan - bbboffice@condominiumassociates.com
Bermuda Bay Office: 727-864-0735
Bermuda Bay Security Phone Number: 727-212-9963 (Current guards - Alex Prince and Devante Evans)
If you have an after hours emergency, please call Condominium Associates at 727-573-9300 or reach out to a board member for assistance.
Police Non-emergency: 727-893-7780
Police Emergency: 911
Bermuda Bay Clubhouse WiFi: Username: Bermudabayclubhouse (it should pop up)
Password: bbclubhouse
We do have a separate web page called https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/
The password had to be updated, as passwords are occasionally.
Username: BBB (which is the same) and the new Password is: beachcondos
This is NOT the official website of Bermuda Bay, but we try and keep this one updated for your pleasure. The workable website for work orders, payments, documents, etc. is the https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/ and is maintained by CA
Committee Chairs at Bermuda Bay
ARC COMMITTEE - Jennie Creighton - jenniecreighton@tagpartners.org
Beach Restoration Committee - Kerry Morrison - Imzchef@comcast.net
Courts and Sports Committee - Robin Ward - Rifkasema@gmail.com
Environmental Committee - Vic Vena bigvic01@icloud.com
Kayak/Trailer and Boat Committee - Barbi Martinson boutfintime101@gmail.com
Landscaping Committee- Cindy Hansen cindyhansen.travel@gmail.com
Pool Committee - Cindy Vena cyvena@icloud.com
Preventitive Maintenance Committee - Meredith Borden mrkbdn@yahoo.com
Review Committee- Patti Brazil brazil.patty@gmail.com
Security Committee: Peg Daisley- MDaisley@msn.com
Social Committee: No chair at this time
As you can see - the Social Committee is at a stand still due to the lack of leadership. The committee itself, still has several board approved volunteers who are awaiting someone to guide and direct them. If you, or anyone is interested about taking the helm, please let the office or a Board member know. We lament over the loss of Michelle and hope that someone will step up to resume leading the group into the great parties that Bermuda Bay is known for. Until further notice - there will be no planned events under the auspices of the social committee.
We are very lucky at Bermuda Bay to have giving volunteers who share their expertise and talents with the community. As we work our property back to the "glory days" we want to publicly thank the countless hours that community members put in to help revive and keep our community safe.
Treasurer’s Report January 17, 2024
Unless I state otherwise, the numbers I am reporting are as at December 31st. Because it is the year end, the official reports are not yet due. There will be some accounting adjustments made but they will not be material to what I tell you now.
Bank Accounts
We have balances totaling $737k. Of that, $270 are owners’ balcony deposits.
Operating Account
The operating account balance is $130k.
The biggest over budget item is the liability insurance. It is about $96k over. But, overall, we will have a year end surplus. That is primarily due to the 2022 Special Assessment being taken into account during 2023. During the voting in December, the owners elected to carry over this surplus into
2024. This positive vote was critical to avoid putting us into a taxable situation.
Reserve Fund
The Reserve Fund currently has $334k in the account. In December, we had to accelerate the timing of re-roofing of three buildings. That cost the fund about $170k. I am continuing to negotiate with the bank to get some Stair Project invoices paid from the Reserve Fund covered by construction loan. If they can all go through, it would mean about $3/4million credited to the Fund.
Delinquencies amounted to $15,600. That is about $2k better than last month. Since the year end reports have not yet been released, I do not have a breakdown of the age of these delinquencies or how much is with the attorney for collection.
New Year's Eve at Bermuda Bay
New Year's Eve might have looked a little different since there was no burning of the trees, but that didn't stop people from having a good time. Susan and David provided a great playlist to usher in the New Year and Mike added his expertise on the guitar. There was a bonfire on the beach and good fellowship throughout the community.
Courts and Sports is chaired by Robin Ward rifkasema@gmail.com
Committee members are: Ed Brabham, Debra Curtis, Jeff Montgomery, Jesse Reynolds, Steve Kura, Tom Parker, Peggy Cole and Tim Scott
The Courts & Sports Committee at Bermuda Bay evolved from the original “Pickleball
Committee” in 2018 to the Racquet Sports Committee in 2022 with the addition of
tennis players and a renewed interest in racquetball. The tennis courts were resurfaced
in 2022.
By 2023 the committee’s scope grew to include the Shuffleboard Courts which
were fully resurfaced, repaired and reconditioned by Ed Brabham with help from
committee members. The name change to “Courts & Sports” reflected the broader focus
and in 2023 the committee adopted the Putting Green as a project to repair in 2024.
While the number of tennis players declined over the past few years, the growth of
pickleball has kept four courts busy February thru March, with daily player attendance
often exceeding 24. Through skills, drills and beginner workshops in which committee
members volunteered their time, over 20 new players were born!
The special events and end of season tournament drew around 30 players. Over 30 people attended the Shuffleboard Court opening in early 2023. Players formed teams and regular play began
under the tutelage of Peggy Cole, a committee member. Courts & Sports has a
dedicated team of hard-working individuals who believe in the ability of community to
make positive change and enhance the Bermuda Bay experience for both owners and
The Courts & Sports Mission Statement
✔ To be advocates for the proper maintenance and repair of all courts found on the
Bermuda Bay property
✔ To foster good sportsmanship both on and off the court
✔ To encourage equitable usage of all shared courts
✔ To provide an opportunity for both new and skilled players to develop and improve
their court skills
✔ To promote exercise, socialization and fun for owners, renters and guests at
Bermuda Bay
Stay tuned! In development for 2024 is a “Walk/Run” buddy program.
Courts and Sports Meeting Minutes
I. Call to Order at 10:34AM
II. Proof of Notice to owners on December 27, 2023
III. Member/Guest introductions – Members present: Ed Brabham, Peggy Cole, Steve Kura,
Jesse Reynolds, Robin Ward. Debra Curtis telephone. Guest Juergen Hofheinz on ZOOM
IV. Tennis Courts
Design New Sign – draft sign (attached) approved by Committee. Will send to Juliet for
review, editing and ordering.
Juliet will contact Stewart re: fading paint on courts while still under warranty.
A work day to remove overhanging foliage, perform equipment maintenance will be
scheduled after January 20, 2024.
V. Pickleball
Plan events to increase participation: demonstration and training, Monday night
beginner’s play, designated “learner’s” court
◦ Agreed to have 2-3 small signs made re: “Monday Night Play. Beginner’s
Welcome” to put at key locations on property.
Considering 3 evening activities for February; Monday Skills/Drills, Wednesday Couples,
Friday Happy Hour, Tournament end of March. Other events to be considered.
VI. Shuffleboard
Schedule work day to clean and seal court early in January. Ed will purchase a special
applicator that will allow a thicker coat of sealer to be applied.
Peggy will plan a demonstration and training session and encourage scheduled play
using St. Petersburg Shuffleboard Club rules. Consider Happy Hour, Brunch or other
special event.
VII. Racquetball Court Maintenance/Repair
Revisit court condition and use. Committee agreed to table this unless there is demand
for court. Equipment for 2 players has been donated. May discuss setting up a
demonstration and training session with Tim to gauge interest when he returns.
VIII. Putting Green
Ed and Steve will get ballpark figures for cement and felt to repair the green but will not
move forward with an actual request until construction of balconies is completed.
Discussed ways to prevent pedestrian, bicycle, motorized equipment traffic over surface
including removable garden edging or fence, landscaping with bushes, signage.
Don't Forget to Fill out the ARC form to keep balcony/lanai dimensions on file
Use a Licensed Electrician—It’s the Law! by Roger Daisley
A very good friend of ours had a very bad situation. Lightning struck NEAR her home and it caused a plug socket in her basement, where a table lamp was plugged in, to start smoldering. A lightning strike can lead to fire in the electrical system as the lightning seeks to ground itself through the conductive wiring. Our friend said she woke up in the middle of the night when she heard a noise—the sound of burnt furniture collapsing. Then she smelled the smoke. Then she looked in her basement and it was on fire. She didn’t lose her home, but she lost pretty much everything inside it.
Many of us here at Bermuda Bay have done renovation projects. But does everyone know that even replacing an outdated electrical socket requires getting a permit and a licensed electrician, according to Pinellas County?
When we had our kitchen remodeled, we had a licensed contractor, licensed plumber, and licensed electrician. But let’s suppose we just used our handyman to do the electrical work or at least the simple job of changing out some of the old electrical sockets for new ones.
And now imagine there was a fire in our condo, started by lightning finding its way to a vulnerable electrical socket, like the situation with our friend. Everyone in our building could lose their homes if the fire wasn’t contained fast enough. Even worse, when the insurance companies found out that the fire was started in a socket where the work was not done with a permit and licensed electrician, they would deny the claim—not just our claim for damage to our condo, but the COA’s claim for damages to the building.
It may seem like a minor thing—it’s “just” a little electrical socket, after all. But it’s the law to do this properly, with a licensed electrician and a permit. Our friend lost the use of her home for almost a year while the reconstruction was done. We are grateful that she didn’t lose her life.
Bermuda Bay escaped another bad storm with HIGH winds and rain. We were in a tornado warning for a bit, but luckily only had about 3-5 trees downed. Lots of erosion to our beach, but the Beach Committee is on it. A big thanks to Colleen Vizents-Ras for the great video. (Forgive the cursing).
The powerful line of storms that moved across the state on Tuesday produced a brief tornado in St. Petersburg. Rick Davis, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service office in Ruskin, said an EF-0 tornado touched down at an apartment building at 4:23 p.m. He said winds reached up to 80 mph and blew a roof off a portion of the building.
Davis said winds in the St. Petersburg area were generally around 50 mph outside of the heaviest storms, with gusts of 60 mph reported at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. There were also reports of localized flooding and downed trees across the region. Davis said rainfall totals ranged from a half-inch to an inch across much of the region, with 0.56 inches reported at Albert Whitted Airport in St. Petersburg.
Even though our security hours have changed it is still important TO LOCK YOUR CAR!
Our new security hours are: 10:00pm - 6:00am Daily. We continue to have unwanted people on our property, so it is important to stay vigilant and LOCK YOUR CAR. Be sure that your keys or fobs, or anything of value is NOT visible from any car window. Any subspinous activity: please report to Bermuda Bay Security and the POLICE!
Security Guard Phone Number - 727-212-9963
Seven days a week: 10:00pm - 6:00am
- Alex Prince - Wednesday - Sunday
- Devante Evans - Mondays and Tuesdays
Kind of a Play on Words...but if you are in doubt as to what you can plant??????
Here is the updated list of invasive plants not allowed at Bermuda Bay.
Here are some other educational links:
You are also encouraged to contact anyone on the Landscaping committee. Cindy Hansen, Gail Cunningham, Bari Martinson, and Barb Barnard. They are more than willing to assist with your questions and all your landscaping needs.
What is the Florida invasive species app?
IveGot1 allows for both online and offline reporting with reports saved on your phone for uploading when you have network connectivity. Images and information on Florida's worst non-native invasive animals and plants. Real-time point distribution maps centered on your current location.
Recently I've been alerted to the fact that several work orders have been closed prematurely, without the work being fully completed or even started in some cases. While it's fine to submit new work orders, a more efficient approach would be for owners to email me directly at bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com and let me know the condition of the work.This way, I can reopen the existing orders. Reopening helps maintain the chronological order of the queue and preserves any existing notes or photos attached to the original work order.
Please continue to log all your requests and needs through work orders. We are now holding daily meetings to prioritize and ensure efficient, timely completion of these tasks.
Let's keep moving forward into the beautification of the property!
Juliet Mee, Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Beginning January 1, 2024, the maintenance fees due for Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc., are as follows (2023 fees included for clarification):
2023 Fees
2024 Fees
1 bedroom
Smaller 2 Bedroom
Larger 2 Bedroom
3 Bedroom
Payment is due on or before the Due Date. Payments are delinquent if not received by the Due Date and may be subject to fees, interest, and other finance charges.
Please use one of the payment options below:
Payment by Check:
- Make your check payable to Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
- All checks must be payable in U.S. funds. Please be advised that foreign check processing may delay receipt of your payment.
- Detach the coupon (Print the attached statement and tear off the bottom portion) and mail it with your check.
- You can find the ledger by logging in to the website www.bermudabaystpete.com and going to the CINC link at the top banner.
Mail to this address:
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
C/O Condominium Associates/ Precedent Hospitality/ Moore Property Management Services
P. O. Box 22437 Tampa, FL 33622-2437
On-line Bill Pay Service (through your bank):
If you wish to pay your fees with an online payment service, use the following setup:
- Account Name: Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
- Account number: You can find the account number on your ledger by logging in to the website www.bermudabaystpete.com and going to the CINC link at the top banner.
Mailing address:
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
C/O Condominium Associates/ Precedent Hospitality/ Moore Property Management
P.O. Box 22437
Tampa, FL 33622-2437
Account phone# 727-573-9300
Make sure with your bank that the payment will be sent electronically instead of via paper check.
One Time and Recurring Electronic Check and/or Credit Card Option:
Go to www.condominiumassociates.com and select "Homeowner Log-in". Register for a new account if you do not already have one.
Sign in and select: Pay Assessments.
Please follow the prompts for your desired payment option.
*Note* Credit card and e-check convenience fees are charged and collected by the credit card processing company for all payments.
This fee is charged at the time the payment is made and will be debited from the homeowner’s bank account. The fee is displayed to the homeowner prior to their final submission of the payment.
Automatic Deductions (ACH Payment Option):
If you wish to have your fee automatically deducted from your bank account, please contact our office and request that an ACH form be sent to you. Instructions and processing information will be on that form.
E-statements will no longer be sent once the ACH setup is complete.
Please contact our Client Services Team at 727-573-9300 should you have any questions regarding these payment options
Thank you for the opportunity to serve your association – Condominium Associates & Precedent Hospitality & Property Management & Moore Property Management
Clearwater ~ 3001 Executive Drive, Ste 260, Clearwater, FL 33762 ~ Phone: 727.573.9300 ~info@precedentmgt.com or info@condominiumassociates.com or info@moorepm.com
Thank you,
Diana Goetz, LCAM
Executive Vice President of Property Management
ARC Documents for Association Review
Juliet Mee - property manager
Dear Community Members,
I want to extend my appreciation for our community's ongoing dedication and vigilance in maintaining the standards and security within our condominium. Your efforts are crucial in ensuring a harmonious living environment for all residents.
I am writing to propose a streamlined approach to handling incidents, such as unregistered vehicles or improper trash disposal. These situations often lead to extensive email threads, sometimes sent to multiple email addresses, and can result in confrontational interactions with residents. For instance, a recent vehicle issue generated 17 emails, while today's incident involving a television by the trash compactor led to 9 emails, consuming significant time and resources.
To enhance our process and maintain a positive atmosphere, I propose:
- Initial Incident Reporting: When observing a violation, please approach the individual involved in a friendly, non-confrontational manner. Our goal is to inform and allow for voluntary correction.
- Consolidated Communication: Rather than multiple emails, use the attached Complaint Form to document the incident (available here: https://www.bermudabaystpete.com/forms+rules/form-complaint-2016.pdf. Please send the completed form only to bbbmanager@condominiumassociates.com or drop it off at the office. You may report incidents anonymously by dropping the form through the mail slot at the office.
- Follow-up Actions: I will address each reported issue comprehensively, ensuring adherence to our community's rules.
This new approach aims to reduce email volume and foster positive interactions, allowing for more efficient and effective management of such situations.
Your understanding and cooperation in implementing this new procedure are greatly appreciated. This change will contribute to a more organized and pleasant environment for everyone.
Should you have any questions or feedback about this new process, please feel free to reach out. I am open to suggestions and eager to work together to improve our community.
The complaint form is attached below the construction update.
Looking forward to your continued support and collaboration.
Warm regards,
Juliet Mee, Manager
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Over 100 people came to pay tribute to Russ Martinson and to surround Barbi with their love and support. It was a beautiful night with ceremonies planned by Kerry and Chris. A Memorial service is planned in the future at the Bermuda Bay Clubhouse. A big thanks to the photography shared by David and Susan and any others who contributed.
Russ Martinson March 26, 1951 - January 14, 2024
“Those we love don't go away, They walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.”
Rest in peace my friend!
Bermuda Bay Beach Condominium Association, Inc.
Email: bermudabaymgr@condominiumassociates.com
Website: https://condo.cincwebaxis.com/
Location: Bermuda Bay Beach and Racquet Club, 4201 38th Avenue South, St. Petersburg, FL 33711, USA
Phone: 727-864-0735
Twitter: @BermudaBayStP