OLHMS Weekly 10/4/22
D123 Late Start 10/5/22
Our Family Conference structure is an essential component of building strong, 2-way learning partnerships between the classroom and home. Oak Lawn-Hometown School District 123 Family Conferences will be completely scheduled online via Skyward. All District 123 Families are asked to schedule a maximum of 3 conferences. OLHMS families should schedule conferences with
(1) Core Teacher, (1) Encore Teacher, and (1) Family Choice.
This year families will have the opportunity to schedule In-Person, Virtual, or Telephone Conferences.
All scheduling will be completed in Skyward Family Access from September 29th through October 10th.
New this fall, families will have an opportunity to schedule conferences with an expanded set of staff members.
Families will have the opportunity to schedule in a 1-1-1 model. (1) Core Class, (1) Encore Class, and (1) Choice Option (Core, Encore, Specialist).
D123 Late Start (Tomorrow) 10/5/22
Mustang Families,
Welcome to October! Do not Forget tomorrow, October 5th is a D123 Late Start Day!
We are looking forward to the upcoming D123 Family Conferences on October 13th and 14th. Please make sure you have scheduled conferences through Skyward for up to three conferences. We do have a 1-1-1 model for registration! Families have the option to select 1- Core Teacher, 1- Encore Teacher and 1- Family Choice. Conference scheduling opened on September 29th and will close on October 10th.
Skyward Family Access: Make sure you are checking/ logging into Skyward Family Access routinely. This is a great place to obtain supportive information such as student's courses, bus routes, student fees/ debts.
Student State Tests: IAR Paperwork/ Scores should be arriving home this week with scholars and Fall NWEA MAP Assessment scores have been posted in Skyward.
Lunch Funds: Please make sure to check Skyward Family Access for lunch and fee balances. Students are able to purchase ala carte items.
Assignment Notebooks/ Student Planners: Scholars have been given student planners to assist in their organization and school preparations! Please check their assignment notebooks regularly! These notebooks/ planners are also being used to help monitor hall passes and out of classroom time for students. These have been distributed and every scholar should maintain their planner. Lost or damaged planners will need to be replaced at the expense of families!
Health Examination and Immunization Requirements: There are specific requirements for students entering preschool, kindergarten, second grade and sixth grade, as well as for all new students. Visit our Health Forms & Guidelines page for more information. Please note that these vaccinations and/or health examinations are required by state law. Medical exclusions from school begin in mid October and students are not allowed to participate in sports without physicals!
D123 Parent University - Keeping Kids Safe Online, please check out the recording.
10/5/22: D123 Late Start
10/10/22: No School
10/11-10/14: Scholastic Book Fair
10/13 & 10/14: Family Conferences (Virtual or In Person) 1-1-1
10/17-10/21: Unity Week
10/26/22: OLHMS High School Fair
10/31/22: Half Day
Looking Ahead:
11/4/22: Veterans Day Assembly
11/11/22: End of Trimester
11/12/22: Senior Leaf Raking
12/17/22: Feed Six
Unity Week: 10/17-10/21
Insurance Deadline Extended to October 14th!
OLHMS High School Fair 10/26/22
All staff and families are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
Membership can be online using this link: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Thank you to all of the volunteers and participants at our first PTSA Open Gym!
Our PTSA is seeking to identify a new Vice President. Candidates should reach out to any PTSA Board member.
Reach out to Mrs. Shane, our PTSA President for more information (tmshane@gmail.com)
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn High School
Richards High School
Fall Play at Richards High School
Mother McCauley
Little Redhawk Tutoring Program
Providence Catholic
2022 Upcoming Opportunities at Providence Catholic
Registration Link: Junior High Nights at Providence Catholic! | Providence Catholic High School