Tiger News May 26, 2023

Welcome to the CMIT North Elementary Newsletter
Administrative Announcements
Principal Tiger Den Updates!
Front Office
Please note, we have implemented a Google form for submission of absences/late arrivals and notes. This form is the only acceptable method of communication and must be utilized for reporting absences/late arrivals and uploading doctor/medical notes ONLY for your student(s). With the exception of COVID reporting in which an email in addition to the absence form must be sent to Nurse Ann (sally.warf@pgcps.org), Dr. Fryson (tfryson@cmitelementary.org) and Mrs. Virgil (evirgil@cmitelementary.org). Please click here to access the CMIT North Elementary School Absence Form: https://forms.gle/zoLQx9kZThEH8Gge6 to submit doctor notes, results and any absence notes. ABSENT NOTE SUBMISSION: Please complete this form within three (3) days once your child returns to instruction. Excused absences cannot be placed into SchoolMax until after the child returns to instruction. Family vacations and trips are not considered excused absences. Refer to the Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook for further clarification regarding excused and unexcused absences. For quick reference, you may access the handbook at: https://offices.pgcps.org/student_rights_responsibilities.htm
Mrs. Virgil, Principal's Secretary
Nurse Updates
Notes from the School Nurse
Hello Parents/Guardians!
As we are now into cold/flu season and also still dealing with COVID-19, this note serves as a gentle reminder regarding a few things related to student health.
1. Sick children need to be kept home from school; to include excessive coughing, sore throat, runny nose/congestion, vomiting, and/or high body temperatures (fever). Resting at home will help them get better more quickly and will prevent them from exposing other children or the staff to their illness.
2. For additional information and/or questions regarding when to keep your child home from school please visit the link below:
- When to Keep Your Child Home From School: https://www.pgcps.org/offices/school-health/when-to-keep-your-child-home-from-school
Mrs. Virgil, Principal Secretary
Allergy Information
Spring allergy season and those signs/symptoms of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes and nose----Parents should START ALLERGY TREATMENTS AT THIS TIME.
~~NO continuous coughing, sneezing, draining eyes or nose in the school building~~
I have medication forms available, if it is to be administered at school.
Clubs have ended!
We have had a great year with our after-school clubs! Please note that the last day of clubs for this school year was Friday, May, 12, 2023.
Congratulations to our New CMITES North PTO Executive Board for SY 2023-2025!
President - Adrienne Settles
Vice President - Angel Brown
Treasurer - Natasha Persaud
Corresponding Secretary - April Broadnax
Recording Secretary - Dominique Barnes
Teacher Representative - Celisa Glasper
Admin Representative - Michelle Crosby
Kind Kindergarten
Hello Kindergarten Families,
Please check the weather daily, so your scholar is dressed appropriately for outdoor recess. Please make sure that you are reading any messages via dojo, class story, or emails pertaining to your scholar’s class.
We have begun testing with DRA, and Dibels this week. We will begin MAP testing on Tuesday, March 30, 2023. It is important that your scholars come to school daily. Please make sure that your scholar is getting enough rest, eats a balanced breakfast, and comes to school on time.
ELA: We will learn to listen actively and ask questions to understand information and answer questions using multi-word responses. The students will work on recognizing and analyzing literary elements. We will be taking our topic 4 assessment next week. Our sight words for the week are: may, this, and round, your scholars will use them in a sentence and practice writing them this week.
Math: We are using online platforms to assign math lessons relating to word problems, 2-3 digit addition and subtraction problems. The programs are Boddle, Prodigy, and IXL, and are found on Clever.
Science: We are reviewing different types of habitats and the animals that live in each habitat.Your scholar should be working on the animal habitat diorama, which is due on June 2, 2023.
Social Studies: We will continue to talk about long ago and things that happened in the past.
Kindergarten promotion ceremony will be on June 8, 2023 (each student will receive 3 tickets for the ceremony)
Ms.Thornton’s class will be wearing the color white
Ms. Echols class will be wearing the colors white with a splash of yellow
Ms. Tate’s class will be wearing the color white with a splash of blue
Ms. Major’s class will be wearing the color blue
The first ceremony will be at 8:30am and that will be Ms. Thornton's and Ms. Echols' class. The 2nd ceremony will begin at 11:30am and that will be Ms. Tate's and Ms. Major's class. A link was posted in our class story for you to add your guest information that will be attending the promotion. You may use the link below if you have not connected with your scholars class dojo. Please only complete it one time, each scholar will receive 3 tickets for the promotion ceremony. Your scholar's siblings who attend CMIT North Elementary will not need a ticket.
Kindergarten Promotion Day Questionnaire.
Friendly reminder: Class dojo is one of our main forms of communication for any classroom activities, events, and messages. Please make sure that you are connected to your scholar’s Class dojo. Teacher emails and the communication folder are other ways to stay connected as well.
Ms. Tate: krenaudtate@cmitelementary.org Ms. Major: jmajor@cmitelementary.org
Ms. Echols: eechols@cmitelementary.org Ms. Thornton: athornton@cmitelementary.org
Please provide a nut free snack for your scholar daily. Your scholar should have a full set of extra change of clothes that are labeled with their name (uniform) that can be kept in their cubbies.
If your scholar’s form of transportation changes for dismissal, please complete the necessary forms and upload into the document, as well as notify your scholar’s teacher.
Thank you from your Kindergarten Team
First Grade
Friendly First Grade
Greetings First Grade Families:
We will be celebrating the end of the year with a "Chalk and Bubbles Day" on June 6th!
Please donate sidewalk chalk and bubbles/wands to your child's classroom to ensure that all students are able to participate.
Upcoming Events:
May 29-Memorial Day
May 30-June 2 MAP Reading and Math Testing
Content area focus this week:
MAP Reading Testing
MAP Math Testing
Social Studies
Chapter 6: Work in the Community
Lesson 1: Needs, Wants and Choices
Chapter 6: Parents and Offspring
Lesson 3: Patterns in Animal Behavior
Health/Social Emotional Learning
Lesson focus: Students will be able to describe different thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that may occur in response to a situation.
First Grade Team
Second Grade
Sensational Second Graders
We hope this newsletter finds you well and that you have had a great week. We want to extend our gratitude to all the parents for their support in ensuring our students come to school prepared for testing. The testing process has been going smoothly, and we appreciate your cooperation.
Looking ahead to next week, we will continue with testing. We encourage all students to get a good night's sleep and have a nutritious breakfast to help them perform their best.
In Reading, we are excited to embark on Unit 5, which explores the fascinating theme of "Our Incredible Earth." During the first week of this unit, our focus will be on reading informational text and writing procedural text. Additionally, our spelling pattern for the week will be homographs. We can't wait to dive into these engaging activities and enhance our literacy skills!
In Math, our exploration of measurement continues. We will continue to work with centimeters, meters, inches, feet, and yards. Our students will have hands-on experiences and practice measuring various objects using these different units.
In Science, our focus remains on habitats. We will delve deeper into the diverse environments in which animals and plants thrive. Through engaging experiments and discussions, our students will gain a better understanding of the importance of habitats and the fascinating adaptations that allow living organisms to survive.
In Social studies, we will embark on a captivating exploration of our American culture. Our students will learn about the values, traditions, and contributions that shape our rich heritage. Through interactive lessons and engaging activities, we aim to foster a sense of pride and appreciation for our country's cultural tapestry.
We want to remind you that Field Day is scheduled for June 5. It promises to be a day filled with fun and outdoor activities. Additionally, we have an exciting in-school field trip planned for June 6. We kindly request that you promptly return the permission slips for this special event.
Thank you once again for your continued support and involvement in your child's education. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to a productive and enjoyable week ahead!
Third Grade
Terrific Third Graders
In Reading this week, we will begin week 5: Unit 2 from Earthquakes, Eruptions, and Other Events that Change Earth. Students will continue vowel patterns ei and eigh.
In Social Studies, students will continue to learn about the Reasons for Rules and Laws.
In Math, we will be finishing up Topic 16 and taking our Cumulative Assessment (topics 1-16). We will start Topic 17, which is Step Up to 4th grade.
In Science, we will begin topic 7, which is about Fossils.
Field Day - June 5th
Third Grade Team
Fourth Grade
Fantastic Fourth Graders!
In Reading, students will review previously taught skills in preparation for our Unit 4 assessment. In Math, students will continue studying measurement and review previous skills taught in preparation for their Cumulative Assessment. In Social Studies, we will finish up studying the West region. In Science, students will demonstrate how high-tech devices use waves to send and receive information.
We strongly encourage parents to check SchoolMax weekly to stay abreast of your scholar's progress in all academic areas. Students can redo eligible assignments within a week of being posted. Weekly check-ins with your scholar about his/her grades is a great way to set goals and reflect on progress.
Let's have a great week on purpose!!
May 29 No School Memorial Day
June 5 Field Day
Fourth Grade Team
Fifth Grade
Fabulous Fifth Graders
Ms. Tellis, Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Linton-Philp
Tigers! Tigers! Thank you for an outstanding week of adventure and challenges! We completed our assignments at Camp Schmidt and are now headed toward completion of MAP testing and the final lessons of 5th grade achievements! Way to go! You all have come so far and we are proud of you! Continue to push forward as we embark upon the finish line!
This week students attended the Spring Book Fair, and complete their Spring RELA MAP assessment. Next week, we will be finishing up the curriculum and getting ready to start packing up the year.
Math & Science
This week in math, students will be able to identify and graph points with rational coordinates on the coordinate plane, and reflect points with rational coordinates across both axes.
In science, students will describe how organisms use matter.
Social Studies
This week we are migrating into Chapters 11 and 12 and studying the impact of the Industrial Revolution and the struggle that it brought upon the nation causing the Great Depression.
Have an outstanding week Tigers!
Team 5th Grade
Creative Arts
Captivating Creative Arts
Congrats to all 3rd and 4th graders who are earning their recorder karate belts!!! We have dozens of students putting in work at lunch and recess to earn their belts. I am so proud of the individual efforts of these students and of the support and encouragement they’re offering their peers. Awesome job!
Students will be beginning some fun experiments for the science of sound OR will be checking out a “tasting menu” of dozens of different musical styles and genres as we close out the year.
K-2 practiced:
Keyboarding: Cursor, Arrows, and Tab
In this engaging and interactive digital lesson, the learners receive direct instruction and practice with keyboarding using the cursor, arrows, tab, backspace, and delete keys as they move the cursor, remove text, and create large spaces.
3-5 practiced:
Tynker- How Computers are Used
Students will learn about how computing devices are used in our personal and professional lives. They also learn about specific careers that use computers extensively and how data collection and visualization is a powerful tool that computers make easier.
K-1: Review numbers and write the days of the week.
2nd grade: Numbers 1-100
3rd grade: Articles
4th & 5th: Review verb of the “ESTAR”
Good week! This week we are working on our basketball skills! So please make sure your student has athletic sneakers that fit, and a positive attitude! Thank you and have a great week!
Tigers will make presentations. Classes will primarily consist of independent work to finish their projects and critiques. Projects include portraits, landscapes, cityscapes, abstract, and other activities that develop their understanding of depth of field and value. We will continue to stress craftsmanship as a priority.
Tigers are being creative and building designs that first come to their mind.
Follow us on Social Media
Get connected! Follow CMIT North Elementary on social media. Follow us on Twitter @CMIT_Elementary Follow us on Facebook @CMITNorthElementary Follow us on Instagram cmit_north_elementary
In partnership with students, parents and the community, CMIT Elementary School will attain educational excellence by providing a rigorous and technology-integrated education for elementary school students with an emphasis on mathematics, science, and information technologies.
The vision of CMIT Elementary School is to provide multiple opportunities for Prince George’s County elementary school students by developing an early interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). CMIT Elementary School will create expansive learning opportunities, hands-on activities, and course designs focused on STEM curricula that will connect real world experiences to Prince George’s County students.