BHMS Principal's Update
October 23, 2019
Keeping up with what is going on at "The Hill"
Hi Bulldog Families...It's getting into the end of October and Halloween is just around the corner. October has been a busy month with a lot going on. As always we try to put as much information as we can here but if you ever have any questions, please call the school and we'll be happy to help you. As always, please view the video message by clicking Here. This provides a synopsis of what's in the newsletter.
Mike D'Ostilio (Principal)
Fall Harvest Dance...Wednesday October 30, 2019....7-9pm
Red Ribbon Week
New and Important Information and Events
Winter Sports Are Coming
Keep in mind it is mandatory to have a sports physical to be able to participate. Please get that in as soon as possible. That is a long process and sometimes the root of a lot of frustation. Click here for links to the athletic page.
Extra Curricular Activities - Join Any Time
Many of the clubs have started. Please listen to the morning announcements or view them on the website. If you don’t hear your club on the announcements, please view the club list in the main hallway or in the cafeteria to see who the teacher is to contact. You can also visit this link:
Please keep in mind that in all three middle schools there are clubs that are the same and clubs that are different. We try to have a wide assortment of clubs for all students to enjoy.
It is also important that families know about the prep clubs. Prep clubs are in place to provide homework assistance and study assistance. If your child needs to attend or receive extra support, please see this link so you know when your child’s grade level prep club meets.
Progress Reports
6th Graders Get These Records to the Nurse ASAP
8th Grade High School Orientation
Help Support the Future Acts Fundraiser
Wear Your Halloween Costume on 10/31
National School Folders
Bricks Fundraiser. SALE IS ONGOING
Upcoming Events
- Mon-Fri...Oct 21-25...Violence Prevention Week
- Wed...Oct 23...Inservice Day...No School
- Wed...Oct 30...Picture Make Up Day
- Wed...Oct 30...Harvest Festival ***Note the Date Change***
- Thurs...Oct 31...Halloween: Wear Costumes if you'd like (no masks), consider a $2 donation to the PTO
- Thurs and Fri...Nov 7...NJEA Convention Break/No School
- Mon...Nov 11...Veterans Day/No School
- Wed...Nov 13...Marking Period Ends
Important Information About the Vaping Epidemic
Breakfast Grab and Go
School Lunch Information
Other information you can obtain by clicking on the photo. This includes lunch menus, health information, free and reduced lunch information.
Safety and Security
Safety Procedures at BHMS
Student Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures
Bulldog Bike Safety
- Wear Helmets
- Ride your bike on the far right side of the road and obey traffic rules
- Lock your bikes at school
On-Going Projects
Gloucester County Bike Path
Update on BHMS Gym
No Place For Hate
Recurring Items
Middle School Code of Conduct
The code of conduct for the middle level was revised last year. It reflects a concentration on purposeful discipline aimed at shaping behavior. It incorporates restorative practices and categorizes infractions based on tiers. Students will be briefed in the first couple of days on the minor changes to the document. Click here to access the full document.
Child Abuse or Neglect Hotline
A new law was recently passed that mandated schools inform parents and students of the NJABUSE hotline. We have posted signs around the building and would like to inform you. Please, if you suspect the abuse or neglect of a child, report that to this hotline. School personnel are familiar with this service and have used it. We have a duty to report credible suspicions for the sake of a child.
Resources for the Teen and Adolescent Child
These resources can be found on our webpage in the “Parents” tab. We will work to update information for you to help your child have a safe and healthy pre-teen and teen experience while in middle school. As a middle school administrator for many years, and in talking with Dr. Muscelli and the counselors, we see trends that have surfaced at the middle level. We’ve included links on three important topics so we as a community can educate ourselves about what your child may be experiencing or engaging in. You most likely are aware of some of the information in these resources, but we feel they are important to share. We will update and add to these resources throughout the year. Right now we’ve included information on Vaping, Social Media, and Anxiety. Please view these resources at or go to the Bunker Hill Web Page and click on the “Parents” tab then scroll down to the bottom of the list.
Partnership with Jake's Pizza on Greentree Road
Through the help of the PTO, Jakes has agreed to give us pizza at a discount price and fundraise for us all year. In return, we agree for all our school-based events (involving pizza) to order from Jake's. Click on the picture to see specifics.
8th Grade Trip…There have been a lot of questions and comments regarding the venue for the 8th Grade Trip. We appreciate the superintendent’s correspondence regarding it. While the trip is about 10 months away, we will continue to take concerns and work to research many venues and reach a conclusion. We want to thank you for your patience while this process is going on. Administration has done sight visits and we will be finalizing some information as soon as possible.
· “The Bunker Hill Times”…This is a student created newsletter that comes out quarterly. To view the most current edition please click on this link: Bunker Hill Times Spring 2019 Final Edition
Bunker Hill Middle School: Home of the Bulldogs
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--Grade 6…Text @BHMS2022 to 81010
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Location: 372 Pitman Downer Road, Sewell, NJ, USA
Phone: 856 881 7007
Twitter: @Official_BHMS