Updates from Superintendent Radeke
May 12, 2023
Dear Lester Prairie School District community,
As Teacher Appreciation Week comes to a close, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of our amazing educators who work tirelessly to support our students’ learning and growth.
Our teachers are the backbone of our school district and their tireless efforts to educate and inspire our students are truly remarkable. I am constantly impressed by the creativity, passion, and enthusiasm that our teachers bring to their classrooms every day. They inspire our students to learn, grow, and achieve their full potential and their impact on our community is immeasurable.
I would also like to extend my appreciation to our support staff, administrators, School Board members, and all those who play a vital role in making our schools run smoothly. The dedicated hard work of all team members benefits our number one priority: our students!
This week, the Lester Prairie Booster Club sponsored some Teacher Appreciation Week activities such as a Thank You Gift Bag, bagels and juice, pop and popcorn, and a hotdish lunch. In addition, the PTO sponsored an all-staff “Thank you for being awesome!” gift beverage tumbler. Many thanks to the Booster Club and PTO for supporting and celebrating our staff!
We are grateful for the awesome educators at Lester Prairie Schools!
Most sincerely,
Superintendent Melissa Radeke
Open Extracurricular Positions
C Squad Volleyball Coach
Head Cross Country Coach
Driver Education - Classroom
This is the 30 hours of classroom training needed before taking the state written test to receive a driving permit, if you are under the age of 18. Attendance at every class is mandatory. Students will have reading and homework assignments. Classes will be filled on a first come first served basis with a completed registration form and paid fee. Students must be 14 years of age on or before the start of class.
Class dates: Tuesday May 30 - Saturday June 3 and Monday June 5 - Friday June 9
Time: 8:00-11:00 AM
Location: Room 112, Lester Prairie School
Cost: $120
Instructor: Bill Neubarth (contact with any questions: bneubarth@lp.k12.mn.us)
Upcoming Music Performances:
HS/JH Band (5-12) - Monday, May 15 - 7:30 PM
Dates to Know:
May 19th - Graduation
May 26th - Last Day of School for Students
May 31st - Last Day for Teachers
REGULAR School Board Meeting: Monday, May 15th at 5:45pm in the Media Center
Please visit the School Board tab on our website to view upcoming Board Meeting agendas.
The Regular Board Meeting in October 2023 has been moved to Wednesday, October 11th.
Do you have any comments or feedback to share?
Lester Prairie Schools
Email: radeke@lp.k12.mn.us
Website: https://www.lp.k12.mn.us
Location: 131 Hickory Street North, Lester Prairie, MN, USA
Phone: 320-395-2521
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lp424
Twitter: @LPBulldogs424