Swift - Slaybaugh Complex
Week of December 18, 2022
Simply put, thank you so much for coming to our holiday events over the last couple of weeks. It was great to see you in the building. I wish you and your families an enjoyable, safe, happy, and healthy holiday season and break from school. We will see everyone back to kick off the new year of adventures at school on January 4th!
Joe Marinelli
November Top Readers!
Slaybaugh Elementary was so proud of these top readers for the month of November. Our 2nd-grade leader for the second month in a row was Amelia Konkel from Mrs. Zompa's class. Our 3rd grade had a tie for the top spot! Cassandra Perry from Mrs. McGowan's class and Reehan Tanvir from Mrs. Smith's class. Congratulations to all of our readers who earned their rewards! The top in-school reading classrooms for November were Mrs. Pellegrini's Class and Mrs. Cochrane's Class. Awesome job! Keep reading every day. Don't forget the time spent in the car or at a sibling's practice is perfect for reading a good book.
Empathy Project
Mrs. Bernardino and Mrs. Ungerer's class put together an empathy project and learned about the importance of giving. Students collected gently used items they no longer used at home and brought them into school to donate to a few Pre School classrooms. Pre School teachers Mrs. White, Mrs. Richards, and Mrs. Simon welcomed our 3rd graders into their classrooms. All of the students enjoyed getting to know one another and the donated toys were a hit!
Pre-K Holiday Party Success!
Swift/Slaybaugh Complex "Decked The Halls!"
Teacher of the Year and Education Services Professional of the Year
Kacey Chism is Teacher of the Year and Angie Gant is the Educational Services Professional of the Year for Bargaintown Preschool 2022-2023.
Teacher of the Year: Cheryl Alverson
Educational Professional of the Year: Ginger Palmero
School Health
"The week of December 5th and December 12th our School Health Specialist Kelly Connors taught lessons on handwashing and hygiene for K-3rd grade students to learn how to stay healthy all year long, especially during the winter months."
NexTrex Recycling Program
Our students at Slaybaugh Primary are on a mission to recycle plastic film for the #TrexRecyclingChallenge #Recycle2Win.
Think beyond the bag when it comes to recycling plastic! Help our students collect polyethylene to win the #TrexRecyclingChallenge #Recycle2Win! In addition to plastic grocery and retail bags, you can recycle bread bags, newspaper sleeves, bubble wrap, and more. Check out the full list of plastic items at https://recycle.trex.com/view/educate
Parents Club
Logging into Google Classroom
Contact Us!
Email: ehtsd@eht.k12.nj.us
Website: sl.eht.k12.nj.us/
Location: 11 Swift Drive, Egg Harbor Township, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-927-8222
Facebook: facebook.com/EHTNJSlaybaugh
Twitter: @EHTNJSlaybaugh