Sunset Ridge Weekly Update
June 10, 2021
Principal's Message
Last Day of School Car Parade
¡El 11 de junio a la 1:30 pm estaremos celebrando el final del año escolar con un desfile de autos! Párese a lo largo de la ruta del desfile (ver mapa). ¡Haz carteles para animar el verano!
Family Appreciation Videos
Chromebook Return
Group A - Monday, June 14 and Tuesda, June 15 11:00am - 1:00pm
Group B - Friday, June 11 Please bring your devices to school with you and return them to your teacher.
Como parte de nuestro proceso de fin de año, se espera que todos los estudiantes devuelvan sus Chromebooks y hotspots del distrito. Los dispositivos deben inventariarse, limpiarse y actualizarse para el otoño. Consulte el programa a continuación para las devoluciones:
Grupo A - Lunes 14 de junio y martes 15 de junio 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Grupo B - Viernes 11 de junio Por favor traiga sus dispositivos a la escuela y devuélvalos a su maestro.
Yearbooks Still Available
We still have 20-21 yearbooks availabe for purchase. Visit the website below to order now!!
Todavía tenemos 20-21 anuarios disponibles para su compra. ¡Visite el sitio web a continuación para ordenar ahora!
Spanish Independent Work
Spanish Independent Work Week #33 Español Trabajo Independiente
Kindergarten Thank You-Vacation Party #33 Kindergarten Gracias-Fiesta De Vacaciones
1st Grade Thank You-Vacation Party #33 Primer Grado Gracias-Fiesta de Vacaciones
2nd Grade Thank You-Vacation Party #33 Segundo Grado Gracia-Fiesta de Vacaciones
3rd Grade Thank You-Vacation Party #33 Tercer Grado Gracias-Fiesta de Vacaciones
4th Grade Review B-Vacation Party #33 4º Grado Repaso de Año B-Fiesta de Vacaciones
5th Grade Review B-Graduation Party #33 5º Repaso B-Fiesta de Graduación
Community Message from Care Solace
Care Solace
Summer Break Community Message
As we approach summer, we hope your families are able to take a true break to rest, restore, and safely connect with your loved ones. We want to remind you of the resources available in our community over the summer. We encourage you to save these resources so you can easily reference them should you or a family member need help during the break.
Pacifica School District has partnered with Care Solace to support our community’s mental health and substance use needs. If you or a family member could benefit from help with your mental health or substance use, Care Solace can help find community providers matched to your needs regardless of the circumstance.
Care Solace’s team is available 24/7/365 and can support you in any language at no charge to you or your family.
If you would like to use Care Solace to help you find a provider:
● Call 888-515-0595 24/7/365
● Visit caresolace.com/psd and either search on your own, OR click “Book Appointment” for assistance by video chat, email, or phone.
● Email weserve@caresolace.org with the following information:
○ Your name and contact information (cell phone number)
○ Your preferred language
○ A good time for Care Solace to contact you
In an emergency:
● Call 911 and request a Crisis Intervention Trained (C.I.T.) response
● Go to the closest emergency room for support
● Text “Hello” or “Home” to 741741 to connect with support
● Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 ○
○ English: 800-273-TALK
○ Español: 888-628-9454
○ TTYY: 800-799-4889
● Online chat: suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Summer Learning Challenge 2021 from the Pacifica Public Library
The San Mateo County Libraries will be offering their annual Summer Learning Challenge from June 1 to August 31. Free age-appropriate books will be distributed to all Sunset Ridge students. Every student with a San Mateo County library card will be automatically entered into a raffle for a chance to win a $1,000 college scholarship, so please make sure that your child has a library card.
(If your child needs a library card, or if you have any questions, please call the SMCL Customer Care line at 1-833-YES-SMCL).
Las bibliotecas del condado de San Mateo ofrecerán su Desafío de aprendizaje de verano anual del 1 de junio al 31 de agosto. Se distribuirán libros gratuitos apropiados para la edad a todos los estudiantes de Sunset Ridge. Cada estudiante con una tarjeta de la biblioteca del condado de San Mateo participará automáticamente en una rifa para tener la oportunidad de ganar una beca universitaria de $ 1,000, así que asegúrese de que su hijo tenga una tarjeta de la biblioteca.
(Si su hijo necesita una tarjeta de la biblioteca, o si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la línea de atención al cliente de SMCL al 1-833-YES-SMCL).
“Save the date” - Drive In Benefit for SSR PTO - August 7, 2021
Our last drive in benefit earned Sunset Ridge nearly $1,000. It was so successful, we signed up to sponsor another drive in event on August 7.
This showing will be Pee Wee’s Big Adventure, a cult classic and sure to be a blast!
We need 8 volunteers. If you are able to help out, please sign up here and the coordinator will be in touch late July. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0549A8AF28A5FB6-peewees
We’ll send out reminders thru the PTO Facebook page, but for those who want to book early, tickets may be purchased here: https://www.beachbreakentertainment.com/events/pee-wees-big-adventure
Nuestra última campaña en beneficio le valió a Sunset Ridge casi $ 1,000. Fue tan exitoso que nos inscribimos para patrocinar otra campaña en el evento el 7 de agosto.
¡Esta proyección será la gran aventura de Pee Wee, un clásico de culto y seguro que será una maravilla!
Necesitamos 8 voluntarios. Si puede ayudar, regístrese aquí y el coordinador se pondrá en contacto a fines de julio. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0549A8AF28A5FB6-peewees
Enviaremos recordatorios a través de la página de Facebook del PTO, pero para aquellos que quieran reservar con anticipación, los boletos se pueden comprar aquí: https://www.beachbreakentertainment.com/events/pee-wees-big-adventure
PAWS Point Winners
PAWS points are awarded for students who are:
Problem-solvers Always Kind Willing to try Staying safe
Congratulations to this week’s winners:
Billy Linney
Alexandria Linney
Jack Brass
Nathan Go
Greyson Newbeck
Wesley King
Olivia Hernandez
Hugh Caciardi
Lilliana Moller
Audrey Curran
POP Star Winners
This award is given to students who have shown outstanding participation in their virtual classes. They show up consistently, engage in conversations and activities in a positive way, and complete assignments. Children can only be nominated for this award by their classroom teacher. Winners are given a certificate and a lollipop that is personally delivered to their home.
This week’s winners are:
Daniel Calvillo
Chaylin Reyes
Adele Anvar
Abigail Dreesman
Noah Shatara
”Celebrating Excellence Through Diversity and Collaboration”
Email: jcastaneda@pacificasd.org
Website: srepto.org
Location: 340 Inverness Drive, Pacifica, CA, USA
Phone: 650.738.6687