The Cub Hub
Notes from the Den | Volume 1: Issue 2 - Aug. 17, 2020
Principal's Message
Tomorrow is the big day!
On Tuesday morning myself and our amazing staff begin the most important work of our lives. The agenda was roughly 12 years in the making and it is a result of thousands of conversations, wonderings, and experiences.
This is the road map to reinventing the public education experience for our children.
We will be focused on a variety of topics as we build our Bear Creek community of professional learners. In addition we will also be modeling for teachers many effective remote teaching strategies and mirroring our instructional schedule as much as possible.
Topics Of Synchronous Learning (SL)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching Focusing On Identity (Personal And Collective) Work
- The Culture Of Bear Creek Elementary
- Responsive Classrooms
- Remote Learning Strategies
- Rigor, Relevance, Relationship Framework
- PLC Process
- The Five Houses Of Bear Creek Elementary
- The Bear Creek Elementary Bear Necessities
- Discovery Education STEM Partnership
- Maker Education
Topics Of Asynchronous Learning (ASL)
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Structured Reflection Opportunities
- Sandbox Play With BLEND & Seesaw & Other Tools
Thank you for your support!
David Crissey
Proud Principal of Bear Creek Elementary
Remote Learning | Schedule
Please see the remote learning schedule below. If you have questions, please shoot me an email. Please note that nothing has changed since last Monday!
We tried to be as consistent as possible across grade levels. Because our special areas (art, music, and PE) have to be synchronous, we had to spread them throughout the day as we would if we were on campus. Because there are different blocks for those special areas, the schedule cannot be the same for each grade level.
Please note that based on TEA guidelines the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth grade students have the same amount of synchronous instructional minutes and pre-k and kindergarten have the same amount of synchronous instructional minutes.
Also note that all grade level teachers will be in lock step with schedules and assignments. The schedule and these instructional expectations have been created intentionally to accommodate the multiple learning pods that are being formed to help the community distribute the logistical load of remote learning.
* Download the PDF for the clearest view of the schedule.
Reopening Community Letter
Please review the letter that has been developed by the district office to provide a review of the reopening timeline and procedures. It also gives you a sneak peak at our fancy letterhead :-)
Technology Distribution
iPads For Pre-K, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade
You will be able to pick up iPads at Bailey Middle School on August 26, 27, and 28, 2020.
August 26 pick up will be from 2pm - 7pm
August 27 pick up will be from 730am - 130pm
August 28 pick up will be from 730am - 130pm
Bailey Middle School - 4020 Lost Oasis Hollow, Austin, TX 78739
Chromebooks For Third Grade, Fourth Grade And Fifth Grade
Families who need a Chromebook can now go to one of the Computer Curbside locations to pick up a device:
A large shipment of Chromebooks is expected next week.
Student Enrollment Data
This data is current as of August 17, 2020. We have seats for 522 students. After enrolling Pre-K, we will be roughly 120 students over initial projections for the school year. We are awaiting an additional teacher in Kindergarten and in First Grade.
Family Pulse Survey Data
This data is current as of August 17, 2020. Two hundred and twenty-five families have completed the survey.
AISD is excited to announce the release of our AISD mobile app! The app provides a central place for AISD news, quicklinks, and message notifications. Download it from your preferred app store.
PTA Paw Prints
Today is the day! Have YOU joined the PTA?
Our PTA membership drive begins today!
Join the Bear Creek PTA to help support our Cubs education and enrichment while also engaging with fellow Bear Creek families. Also receive membership benefits.
- Membership drive 8/17/2020 - 9/30/2020
- Who can Join: Anyone! Parents, Student, Teachers, Grandparents, Relatives, Neighbors
- Cost: $10 per individual/ $20 Family (2 individuals)/$5 for teachers and staff
- Our Goal is to achieve PTA membership for every Bear Creek Cub
Join today https://my.cheddarup.com/c/joinbearcreekpta
Bear Creek Q & A With A Focus On Student Emotional Health With Ms. Sheeran
Please join myself and Ms. Sheeran (our guidance counselor) for a brief presentation on supporting your student's social-emotional health as we return to school. There will be time for questions afterwards. We will both take questions regarding this topic and anything else that may come up.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 944 7410 9701
Passcode: 0eawg0