Bulldog Blast
September 8, 2023
Hey Bulldog Families,
It has been another great week at BWE! We are super excited to welcome football season. There is lots of information below for our families to join our feeder celebration as we prepare for GOHS Homecoming Week. During that same week, we'll also celebrate Read-4-A-Better Life Week. In addition to the fun dress up days, there is a volunteer opportunity for classroom readers, below.
I want to take a moment to express heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support of our staff during this extreme heat. Your kindness has been so greatly appreciated by our staff during these hot days.
We look forward to seeing you soon and wish you a great weekend,
Dr. Barnes
Greetings Bulldog Families! This month our students are learning what it means to be a good citizen. At the end of the month, 2 students from each homeroom class will be recognized and receive the Bulldog BEST award for Citizenship! We know that "BWE is the BEST place to be" and cannot wait to celebrate our September Bulldog BEST !
-BWE Counselors
Grand Oaks Happenings
Grand Oaks High School Homecoming
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Students arriving after 8:00 a.m. are marked tardy.
Early check-out ends @ 2:30 p.m.
Heat index 106 - 110: Recess limited to 20 min. outdoors (10 min. indoors)
Heat index 111 - 115: Recess limited to 10 min. outdoors (20 min. indooors)
Heat index 115 +: No outdoor recess (30 min. indoors)
Actual Temp >106: No outdoor recess (30 min. indoors)
All transportation changes should be emailed to birnhamwoods@conroeisd.net.
Changes must be received by 2 p.m.
Birnham Woods Elementary
Email: mjbarnes@conroeisd.net
Website: https://birnham.conroeisd.net/
Location: 31150 Birnham Woods Dr, Spring, TX, USA
Phone: (832) 663-4200
Facebook: facebook.com/BWEBulldogsCISD
Twitter: @BWEBulldogsCISD