Jim Ned Intermediate News
November 2023
Keeping you updated on the latest and greatest from JNI!
November Updates
Hard to believe that November is here and that December is right around the corner. Lots happening over the next few weeks. Be sure to check out all of the information below.
It's Always a Great Day to be a Jim Ned Indian!
Mrs. Corbin
Jim Ned Intermediate Principal
Month at a Glance
11/2 - Book Fair is open!
11/5 - Daylight Savings (don't forget to turn your clocks back)
11/7 - Donuts with Grown ups - your chance to shop the Book Fair with your student
11/9 - Board Meeting at Administrative Offices
11/10 - Veteran's Day Program - more info below
11/20-11/24 - Thanksgiving Break
11/28 - Fundraiser Top Raisers Trip to AT&T
11/30 - 4th and 5th Grade UIL @ Merkel
Morning Areas for September - Students report to these areas at 7:45 AM
*Students remain inside during cold or inclement weather
November 6-10
- 4th grade - Outside
- 5th grade - Gym
- 6th grade - Cafeteria
- 4th grade - Cafeteria
- 5th grade - Outside
- 6th grade - Gym
November 27-December 1
- 4th grade - Gym
- 5th grade - Cafeteria
- 6th grade - Outside
Mrs. Winter has been working on Character Talks with our students. Our focus for September and October were RESPECT and RESPONSIBILITY.
November's character focus is CONFLICT RESOLUTION. Teachers and staff are on the lookout for students showing the ability to work through struggles in a peaceful way.
Veteran's Day Program
5th Grade is excited to present A Tribute to Our Veterans. We welcome you to come join us as we celebrate and honor our Veterans.
*If you are signing your student out after the program, please be prepared to sign them out through the front office with your DL. Students may only be released to their parent/guardian unless a note has been given to the front office. Thank you!
Book Fair
Book Fair is here!! Mrs. Black is set up and ready to share in our Multipurpose Room off of the Library.
Visit the link below to set up an e-wallet to help your student shop!
Tuesday will be our Donuts with Grownups event for any parent/guardian who would like to come shop with their student. This will be the only time parents will be allowed to shop with their students. Please make sure you bring a valid DL and check in at the front office.
Teams have been working hard studying for their UIL events. Coaches and coordinators will communicate travel and other plans for UIL closer to the event. Please reach out to coaches if you have any questions regarding UIL.
ES UIL will take place on November 30th at Merkel Elementary
MS UIL will take place on December 11th at Wall
A HUGE THANK YOU to all the support shown for our campus fundraiser. We are excited to be able to make purchases for our campus that will benefit our students and teachers.
We had almost 60 students earn a trip to AT&T Stadium! More information will be sent home with those students regarding trip date, parent attendance and other information.
Cookie dough will be delivered the week of November 13th. Parents will be contacted with a schedule to pick this up on campus.
November Menus
**Please note that November 8th and November 9th are switched. 8th will be Popcorn chicken and the 9th Pizza
Money can be added to student accounts at MySchoolBucks
Lunch Accounts and Balances
Letters will be going home with progress reports and reports cards for students with an negative lunch balance.
Drop off/Dismissal and Bus Rider Reminders
- Please stay off of your phone in the drop off/pick up lines! Distractions lead to accidents.
- Please do not go around cars during morning drop off.
- If arriving after 8:20AM - students need to be brought into the front office and signed in.
- Please pull forward when dropping students off in the morning to eliminate traffic backing up.
- If picking up student early, please do so before 3:30 to avoid bus lanes.
We are averaging about a 15 minute dismissal! We appreciate everyone's help in getting this system running smoothly!!
*Parents, please remember to bring your Drivers License with you when picking up students - thank you!
The JNCISD Transportation Department has communicated new Bus Behavior Expectations and Consequences. They can be found on our district website or by clicking here.
If your student is a bus rider, please continue to remind them of their behavior while on the bus. We want to keep everyone safe. Behavior concerns on the bus are reported back to student's home campus and consequences will be given. First offenses result in a 5 day bus suspension.
Attendance Matters
A few other reminders
No Snack Shop on November 10th
Lost and Found is stacking up! Please remind your student to stop by and see if anything belongs to them!