Smoke Signal
January 4, 2021
Happy New Year and Welcome Back! At this point last year, it would have been very difficult to imagine what all of us have experienced these past ten months. It has been through valiant action and dynamic innovation on behalf of many of you that we have been able to continue to serve our students. Maybe one day we may all appreciate that these difficult times made us wiser beyond our years and more committed to serving our students. If this is what was gained from this pandemic then we will be better equipped to understand that we are in the business of transforming lives! Have a great 2021!
Have a great week and as always... It's a Great Day to be a Chieftain!
Calendar of Events
- Staff Development
- No School / Student Holiday
Tuesday, 1/5
- Beginning of 4th Six Weeks
- 6:30 pm CHS Girls BB vs Southland
Friday, 1/8
- 4:00 pm Grades Due for 3rd Six Weeks
- 6:30 pm CHS Girls Basketball vs Lorenzo
Saturday, 1/9
- ATSSB All Region Band Auditions
Crosbyton CISD Virtual Learning Guidelines
The virtual learning model is different from the remote learning in the spring. The virtual model will be much more rigorous, and daily attendance will be required. Crosbyton CISD will use Google Classroom as our virtual learning platform. Students will be required to have a reliable internet connect, and a device capable of running the Google Classroom application.
Key aspects of the virtual learning model include:
- Students will be expected to follow the full instructional day plan according to the provided schedule. Secondary students will complete at least 240 minutes per day.
- Content learning and activities will be planned by the classroom teacher to make sure each student receives their full instructional minutes.
- Virtual Learning model may have a separate instructional design, but will use the same scope and sequence as Face-to-Face learning.
- The virtual learning assignments may look different, but they will cover the same content and skills as on-campus instruction.
- Learning opportunities will be personalized to meet individual needs of students that receive specialized services.
Students that choose to participate in virtual learning will be required to remain in virtual learning until the end of the grading period, and they waive participation and attendance in extracurricular activities. Certain elective courses will require attendance in face-to-face instruction. If a student chooses virtual learning, and is enrolled in one of these courses, the student will have to change their schedule.
Hector O. Dominguez, Jr., Principal
Email: hdominguez@crosbyton.k12.tx.us
Website: www.crosbyton.k12.tx.us
Phone: (806) 675-7331
Twitter: @principal_hd