Library Annual Report 2014-2015
Edward Harris, Jr. Middle School
Highlights from the year
- Presenting databases and Sacramento Public Library homework support to our students and their parents at Parent University in September
- Celebrating Banned Book Week and promoting reading with students
- Collaborating with Sacramento Public Librarian, Elsie Mak
- Teaching students to use Google Drive and Noodle Tools
- Book Tasting with Mr. Baraza's 7th-grade English classes
- Welcoming our parent volunteer, Seeling Chia, who is helping us convert our lengthy call numbers to a more manageable, user-friendly length
- Expanding Digital Citizenship Day to include quick weekly informational video clips
- Hosting the MTHS student Art Show
- Working with Frank Cody and Ryan Bartley to provide student accounts for individual check out of our e-books
- Expanding our computer labs to accommodate more students
- Visiting classrooms to teach and support research on Chrome books
- Running a successful Scholastic Book Fair with the student Book Crew
- Representing our school at the Gold Ribbon Schools ceremony
- Welcoming our library technicians, Nancey Bartow and Edie Hernandez
The EHMS Parent University Team
Gold Ribbon School
Sally White and Tom Torlakson
Collaboration for Student Research
This year I visited some classrooms to conduct research lessons on Chrome books.
Jennifer Jenkins and Amy Cima invited me into their classrooms to assist with lessons conducted on Chrome books.
David Baraza and Sharae Green brought their 7th-grade English Language Arts classes to the library regularly for Book Talks and to select independent reading books. Mr. Baraza's classes participated in a Book Tasting activity. Daniel Seymour brought his Independent Living Skills class to the library every other week until he retired. Ryan Morgan continued the tradition for the ILS class but visited every Friday if the schedule allowed. Alison Bliss also brought her class to the library to select independent reading books.
We were pleased to discover that the majority of 8th-grade students left our campus this year with established Google Drive accounts.
Readapalooza Winners!
Each winner was given a poster and an additional poster was displayed in the library.
Book Tasting
Students sample books
Using Padlet
Using technology
Circulation Statistics
Database Usage Statistics
Grolier 23,787 searches performed
WebPath Express 1,049 searches performed (stats only available for May)
Universal Search unavailable
Noodle Tools 3,288 projects created
*All our results are shared statistics as both the middle school and high school share access to each of these digital tools.
Library Services
I continued to present Digital Learning segments at our staff meetings which introduce our teachers to free technology they could use with their students, for presentation, for information and for organization. I continued to work with James Ponder, our School Loop webmaster, to keep our library webpage up-to-date. Since he will be retiring this year, Mr. Ponder gave me privileges to edit the library webpage and post library news, and I am adding that to my skill repertoire. The high school provided EBSCO databases for all of our library patrons and their families to use as well as NoodleTools accounts. We added more e-books to our collection and thanks to Frank Cody and Ryan Bartley in Technology Services all of our students have individual accounts which allow them to download our e-books to devices for up to two weeks. Our databases and e-books provide our students with access to information outside our library walls. This year I provided WebPath Express for use in the library. The Follett service allows students to safely search the Internet for research topics. Free Animoto education accounts were provided for students to create thirty second videos. The district provided Google Drive accounts to all students. With the help of Gail Desler, I learned that we could use Google Slide to design a poster to replace the use of Glogster. As teachers and students requested, I instructed and coached students in the use of these educational technology tools.
Our liaison with the Sacramento Public Library continues to flourish. Elsie Mak of the Elk Grove SPL branch provided us with e-cards to have access SPL databases and homework help which I introduce during our first Parent University session. She even personally delivered SPL library cards for students who had signed up during September's Parent University to our campus! She attends our Parent University's Readapalooza in November to promote SPL services and returns in May to sign students and staff up for the SPL summer reading program.
We continued to notify parents and guardians of overdue materials with mailings sent in February and April. Other ways we notified students were through School Loop mail and news, report card holds and the Library No Activities List. Our library technicians were also able to make phone calls to the families of students who had many textbooks overdue to encourage them to return these items.
Spring Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you for all your hard work Crew!
Spring Book Crew
Professional Accomplishments
- Served on Library Leadership and developed a slideshow for our EGUSD School Board which was presented during National School Library Month in April
- Attended California School Library Association's Centennial Conference in San Francisco in February.
- Served as Digital Citizenship Coordinator for our campus
- Continued dialog with District Administration and Technology Services regarding allowing access to our catalog outside the school walls which led to all EGUSD students and staff now having access to the Destiny catalog as guests from https://follett.egusd.net
- Worked with other secondary librarians to provide information to district curriculum leaders regarding the purchase of databases district wide to support student research (EBSCO databases have been purchased by our school district and will provide all secondary students with access to quality information for research and study beginning this July)
Goals for the 2015-2016 School Year
- Learn more about Guided Inquiry Research and the possibilities of this method supporting students to become stronger researchers, writers and critical thinkers.
- Continue to work toward the goal of providing individual Destiny account access for students and staff. Volunteer as a pilot school to test system and establish procedures if necessary.
- Learn more about Google Classroom and other Google applications. Share this knowledge with colleagues and assist them with applying this knowledge to Chrome book use in the classroom.
- Provide more events in the library to promote reading, research and the safe use of technology.
- Continue to share technology tools and research strategies with staff through time at staff meetings, department meetings and workshops.
- Promote e-book collection and WebPath Express in addition to our databases with students and their families at Parent University.
- Adapt to providing Library Services on our new A/B schedule.
- Continue to collaboration with my fellow library colleagues to develop best practices in teaching research and technology use, promoting reading and maintaining quality library services.