1st grade Busy Bee Classroom News
with Mrs. Berry
WEEK OF March 11th
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
- Ecology: air, water, minerals, organisms, and other factors affecting a given organism
Class Blog
Important Transportation Information
• No changes of transportation can be accepted by parents over Remind, Class Dojo, email, etc. Changes must be made in writing to the office and received by 1:30 each day.
Thank you!
Sharing the Planet
What is the measure of a healthy ecosystem?
Do you know what an ecosystem is? Examples of ecosystems include coral reefs, deserts, old-growth forests, temperate rain-forests, and grasslands. In a balanced and healthy ecosystem, there is a wide range of species present. The measure of the health of an ecosystem is its biological diversity, or biodiversity. There are three levels of biodiversity: genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity.
Humans' Effect on Ecosystems
Within each ecosystem there is a web of connections among the various species of plants, animals, and microorganisms and between the organisms and their environment. The relationships within and between ecosystems form the "web of life". When an ecosystem is healthy, there is a balance between the inhabitants and the resources available to them. The balance between inhabitants and resources ensure their survival. When we, as humans, disturb or remove one part of that balanced ecosystem, it could affect the functioning of other parts of the ecosystem. This leads to the decline of the ecosystem. Eventually, one or more species may become endangered or extinct.
Found from : http://www.ecologyfund.com/ecology/res_kid_care.html
Helpful Hints for IB units
Encourage your child to read books at home that correlate to the IB unit we are learning about in school. Encourage them to create new things that can apply to our unit. For example, can your child create something to help plants or animals? Utilize your time after school to complete some of these activities- your child’s creativity is just as important as their academic goals.
As we head towards the end of the school year- please remember that continuing to practice reading and math facts is crucial to building your child’s academic strength. As you and your child read, remember to log your minutes in Biblionasium. Mrs. Crosby always recognizes those students who log their 600 monthly minutes! Raz-Kids is also available for your child. Prodigy is a great math program to practice their math fluency. Thank you!!
Curriculum Corner
Ask me what I’m learning!
Math- How do I add and subtract within 100?
Writing- How do I write an opinion writing piece? How do I use a rubric to make my writing better? How do I revise?
Language Arts- How do I compare and contrast the experiences of characters in stories?
Phonics- How does the letter /e/ (found at the end of the word) change the word?
IB Unit: Living organisms around the world require different necessities in order to survive.
Writing Conventions: How do I use punctuation to make my stories easier to read?
IB Unit: Sharing The Planet
Central Idea: Living organisms around the world require different necessities in order to survive
Key Concepts:
* Function
* Connection
* Causation
Learner Profile Traits:
Lines of Inquiry
-Plants and animals have basic needs in order to stay healthy
-Plants have parts with specific jobs
-Humans have impacts on the well-beings of plants and animals
Teacher goals for students’ learning:
-Students will be able to identify the needs of plants and animals
- Students will be able to identify human’s impact on the world around them
- Students will be able to identify the parts of a plant
How can you help at home?
-Can you grow a garden at home? Discuss with your child what your garden might need (water, sunlight, etc.)
- Ask your child if all plants grow the same way- do trees need the same thing as air plants? Do flowers need the same things as grass?
-Talk with your child about how humans can impact how plants grow- if we cut trees down, what will happen?
-Have you heard about endangered animals? What is it that humans are doing to impact those animals?
Encourage them at home to be caring by:
- Discussing how to reduce, reuse, and recycle with your child.
-Discussing how we can be role models for our friends and neighbors or in the community.
*Kids have big ears, big eyes, and big hearts- let’s set that example for them to make the
world a better place!
Encourage them at home to be thinkers by:
-Encouraging your child to think of a problem that they see in the world and discuss how they would fix/help the problem
- Encouraging your child to think of a variety of ways to solve everyday problems- i.e. “I’m not sure how to arrange the cups so that they all fit in the cupboard”. -If your child is working on a problem, ask them “How could I solve this differently?’ or “How did you figure that out?”
Encourage them at home to be inquiring by:
-Encouraging your child to think of a variety of things they might be interested in learning and going to the local library to learn more about that topic
-Demonstrate aloud that you might not know the answer to everything- show how you find the answer to your question.
Specials for the Week
Learning Lab
March 14:
K-2 Talent Show Dress Rehearsal
March 15th:
Spring Pictures - Dress up and wear/look your BEST for class pictures. You do not have to be in standard school attire.
March 20th:
Kindergarten registration
March 21:
Field Trip to the Chattahoochee Nature Center - Permission forms will go home today - Please Return ASAP
March 22nd:
K-2 Talent Show
March 26th:
Spirit Night (US Café)
March 29th:
Dress Down $1
Berry's Busy Bees
Email: tara.berry@cobbk12.org
Website: https://berrysbusybees.blogspot.com/
Location: Teasley Elementary School, Spring Hill Parkway, Smyrna, GA, USA
Phone: (770) 437-5945
Learning Websites
Cobb Digital Library Login
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
RAzKids Login
passsword: read