Weirton Elementary School
August 2023
W.E.S. Families - August Newsletter
Dear WES Families,
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year where we will continue our journey of “Hope Grows Here”. Where we BELIEVE our students, families, staff, and community working together will CULTIVATE a community of learners. Together, we will make this school year one of growth and achievement for all children.
Thank you for sharing W.E.S. Edu-Gator pictures this summer. We have enjoyed watching our students make summer memories with their families.
We have A LOT of information in this newsletter, so please take some time and look through it, fill out forms, click the links and let's get ready to start this school year!
Here's what is in this newsletter:
- Welcome Video
- W.E.S. August/September Calendar
- Hancock County School's Calendar
- Arrival/Dismissal times/procedures
- Information from Nurse DeCaria (physical and dental forms)
- Kindergarten Registration Information
- Popsicles with Principals Event flyer
- Coffee with Principals Event flyer
- School Supply Lists
- W.E.S. new staff members
- P.T.A. Information
New information and updates will be posted in the Family August Newsletter.
Read the entire newsletter. Lots of updates and information included as you scroll down the newsletter.
Welcome Back Video
W.E.S. Information
We have tried to consolidate all the information you will need into 3 easy locations. Back to school updates and information can be found in the W.E.S. Family Newsletter. We will also be posting on W.E.S. Facebook page and W.E.S. website. Once school begins families will have access to Class Dojo where information will be shared daily in the "School Story". Below are the links to our W.E.S. Website and W.E.S. Facebook page.
Popsicles with Principals, Sunday, August 20
Join us on Sunday, August 20 at W.E.S. for Popsicles with Principals. Families will receive their child's homeroom teacher's name, back-to-school informational packet, car/bus rider information/tags, school tours, PTA Membership Information, WES Health Center information, and enjoy a popsicle treat from the W.E.S. PTA.
W.E.S. August & September Calendar Dates
Mark Your Calendar
Thursday, August 10:
- W.E.S. office will open for enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. Call the school to make an appointment on August 10.
Sunday, August 20:
- Popsicles with Principals 10:00am - 2:00pm.
- All students entering 1st through 4th grade can pick up informational packets for the 2023-2024 school year. **Date has been changed to August 20 instead of August 19.
Wednesday, August 23:
- First day of school grades 1-4.
Thursday, August 24:
- Kindergarten Informational packet pick-up outside. K teachers will call families.
Friday, August 25:
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
Monday, August 28:
- Kindergarten Orientation. K teachers will call families.
- CWP Mooney's class 10:40-11:40
- CWP Basil's class 12:00-1:00
Tuesday, August 29:
- PreK Orientations. PreK teachers will call families to set up orientation times.
- CWP Elliott's class 10:40-11:40
- CWP Kendrick's class 12:00-1:00
Wednesday, August 30:
- CWP Frey's class 10:40-11:40
- CWP Beagle's class 12:00-1:00
Thursday, August 31:
- CWP Haught's class 10:40-11:40
- CWP Ferrell's class 12:00-1:00
Wednesday/Thursday August 30 & 31:
- First week of kindergarten. Teachers will be calling families to schedule first day.
- First day for kindergarten will either be on August 30 or 31.
- It will be a staggered start. Teachers do not return back to school until August 17.
Friday, September 1:
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
- CWP Cekinovich 12-1
- CWP Lyon 10:40-11:40
Monday, September 4:
- No School, Labor Day
Tuesday, September 5:
- CWP 4th grade Bell 12-1
- CWP Hildreth 10:40-11:40
- PreK staggered start the week of September 5. PreK teachers will notify families.
Wednesday, September 6:
- CWP Johnson's class 10:40-11:40
Thursday, September 7:
- September PTA meeting @ 6:00 W.E.S. cafeteria. 4H Club presentation.
- CWP Fair's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Grimm's class 11:20-12:20
Friday, September 8:
- CWP Schey's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Ziarko's class 11:20-12:20
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
Monday, September 11:
- CWP Barrett's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Ost's class 11:20-12:20
Tuesday, September 12:
- CWP Bartley's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Smich's class 11:20-12:20
Wednesday, September 13:
- CWP Davis's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Ferrell's class 11:20-12:20
Thursday, September 14:
- CWP Hall's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP DeCaria's class 11:20-12:20
- National Coloring Day
Friday, September 15:
- CWP Bell's class 10:00-11:00
- CWP Maine's class 11:20-12:20
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
Monday, September 18:
- CWP Kaufman's class 10:00-11:00
Tuesday, September 19:
- CWP Myers's class 10:00-11:00
Wednesday, September 20:
- CWP Howell's class 10:00-11:00
Thursday, September 21:
- CWP Yacoviello 10:00-11:00
Friday, September 22:
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
- CWP Fodor's class 10:00-11:00
- Farmer's Market
Monday, September 25:
- CWP Curtis & Miller's class 10:00-11:00
Tuesday, September 26:
- Open House PreK, 1, 3 (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
- CWP Kaufman 10:00-11:00
Wednesday, September 27:
- Open House K, 2, 4 (5:00pm - 7:00pm)
Friday, September 29:
- Weir Rider Day (wear red/black)
*CWP (Coffee with Principals)
*Keep checking back to this newsletter for more updated dates as we receive them.
School Calendar 2023-2024
W.E.S. Suggested Supply List 2023-2024
Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Car rider door is located at the pre-k/kindergarten entrance.
Car rider door opens promptly at 7:50am. Tardy Bell 8:15am.
Cars should not line up before 7:00 and cars should not park in the drop-off area.
Students must remain in cars until a staff member opens the car door.
Cars that arrive after 8:15 must park car in a parking spot in front of the school. Guardian must walk child in the building to the main office to receive a tardy slip.
Parents/Guardians must remain in their vehicles at all times during drop off and pick up.
Please work with your child to learn to buckle/unbuckle themselves in their seatbelts/booster seats/car seats as this will help traffic to flow smoothly.
Car/Bus Dismissal is at 3:00.
All car riders must have a red car rider tag on their book bags. Bus riders must have a yellow car rider tag on their book bags.
Please do not line up before 2:55 as the area in front of the dismissal door is a fire lane.
iDismiss is utilized for car rider dismissal.
Each student is assigned an iDismiss number.
iDismiss number must be displayed in the front widow of the car.
Cars without the iDismiss numbers displayed or readily available will be asked to park until all cars and buses are dismissed.
Parents/Guardians must enter the front office and present identification before the child can be dismissed.
Replacement copies of iDismiss numbers may be obtained by presenting identification in the main office (ask for Ms. Stephanie).
Bus Safety
Please remind your child about good behaviors on the bus.
- Students are to stay seated the whole time.
- Students are not to walk in the aisles or jump seat to seat.
- Students are to refrain from touching each other.
- Students are not to yell or argue.
- Bottom to bottom, Back-to-Back, Bookbag on lap.
Students are to refrain from creating any type of safety issues for anybody on the bus.
Contact Mrs. Carinci-Bell if you have any bus concerns or questions.
Welcome to Weirton Elementary School
Welcome Josh Weltner, Physical Education Teacher
Welcome Megan Ost, Third Grade Teacher
Welcome Anna Grimm, Third Grade Teacher
Welcome Miss Ferrell, Fourth Grade Teacher
Welcome Ms. Oliver, Special Education Teacher
Welcome Ms. Burrier, Special Education Teacher
Welcome Mrs. Gottardi, PreK Special Needs
Welcome Ms. Miller, Kindergarten Teacher
Welcome Mrs. Kimberland, Special Education Teacher
Welcome Alicia Ziarko, Third Grade Teacher
Mrs. Kristin Bowman-Cross, Community In Schools Coordinator
Mrs. Kristin Bowman-Cross will be taking on a new role at W.E.S. as our Community In Schools Coordinator.
Welcome Mrs. Erin Harvey, Secretary.
Welcome Ms. Alexis McKeown, Special Education Teacher
Welcome Ms. Jasymine Hildreth, second grade teacher
Mrs. Fair, moving to First Grade
Mrs. Fair will be taking a new role as a first-grade teacher for the 2023-2024 school year.
Welcome Kelsey Stewart, Special Education Teacher
Welcome Rachel Peterson, Supervisory Aide
Welcome Back Lt. Watson, Autism Mentor Aide
Welcome Mrs. Greco, Supervisory Aide
Welcome Ms. Shields, Supervisory Aide
Welcome Mr. Buffington, Autism Mentor Aide
Welcome Mrs. Payne, Supervisory Aide
Welcome Mr. Bucci, Custodian
Welcome Laryssa Janowski Autism Mentor Aide
Welcome Debra Murphy, PreK ECCAT
Welcome Ms. Rowland, PreK ECCAT
Welcome Miss Boyce, PreK ECCAT
Welcome Miss Colaber, Kindergarten ECCAT
Welcome Jamie Moore, Autism Mentor Aide
Welcome Ms. Janowski, Autism Mentor Aide
Welcome Miss Wiley, PreK Speech Therapist
PreK News
Tuesday, August 29: Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags will be picked up on Tuesday, August 29. Teachers will contact families with the designated time for their classroom orientation.
Week of September 5: PreK students will have a staggered start to help with transition. Teachers will contact families to let them know when their child will be starting school.
Suggested Supply List will be given on Tuesday, August 29.
Kindergarten News
Thursday, August 24: Informational Packet pick up outside the school. Teachers will notify families with designated time.
Monday, August 28: Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags will be picked up on Monday, August 28. Teachers will contact families with the designated time for their classroom orientation.
August 30 & 31: Kindergarten students will have a staggered start to help with transition. Half of the students will start on the 30th the other half on the 31st. Teachers will contact families to let them know if their child will be starting on Wednesday, August 30 or Thursday, August 31. All Kindergarten students will attend on Friday, September 1.
Friday, September 1: All Kindergarten students will attend on Friday, September 1.
Suggested Supply List is posted above.
First Grade News
First day of school: Wednesday, August 23
Suggested Supply List is posted above.
Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags can be picked up at "Popsicles with Principals" on Sunday, August 20. Information will be left outside Sunday evening for those that cannot attend the event.
Second Grade News
First day of school: Wednesday, August 23
Suggested Supply List is posted above.
Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags can be picked up at "Popsicles with Principals" on Sunday, August 20. Information will be left outside Sunday evening for those that cannot attend the event.
Third Grade News
First day of school: Wednesday, August 23
Suggested Supply List is posted above.
Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags can be picked up at "Popsicles with Principals" on Sunday, August 20. Information will be left outside Sunday evening for those that cannot attend the event.
Fourth Grade News
First day of school: Wednesday, August 23
Suggested Supply List is posted above.
Class Assignments, Informational Packets, and bus/car rider tags can be picked up at "Popsicles with Principals" on Sunday, August 20. Information will be left outside Sunday evening for those that cannot attend the event.
WES School Counselors
Ms. Mary Ann Petrelle: Grades PreK & K
Mrs. Stacy Cullinan: Grades 1 & 2
Mrs. Sarah Aspenleiter: Grades 3 & 4
WES Health Center offers Social Emotional/Behavioral Therapy
(304) 797-5299
We hope everyone had a relaxing, stress free and safe summer with lots of good memories. We are so excited to see you in the next few weeks. We would like to offer a few tips to help with the Back-To-School Transition. Believe me we all have been sleeping in, going to bed late and binging our favorite shows! Here are a few tips that will help top ease the transition to a schedule/ routine and to help decrease everyone's stress levels.
- Practice an earlier bedtime a week before school starts! It takes a while for our bodies to accommodate the new morning wake up routine.
- Start to decrease electronic/ screen time. Screen Time really effects our attitude and productivity.
- Talk with your child about their new routine and anything they would like to add to it. Let the child have some control on their daily routine, it really helps if they feel ownership.
- Talk with your child about their concerns, worries and fears prior to the night before the First Day of School.
- Talk with your child about any new changes that will need to occur within their schedule. (Drop off, after care, day care, etc.)
- Sit down and review your expectations of them regarding schoolwork and behavior.
- Read some books about the First Day Of School to help ease the anxiety and butterflies. (Links to books can be found below.)
- Remind them to have fun and we can't wait to Greet them on the First Day of WES!!
THE KISSING HAND Read Aloud - YouTube
The Crayon's Go Back to School- Read Aloud - YouTube
President: Allyson Taflan
Vice President: Arrissa Cochran
Vice President: Stephanie Baumgardner
Secretary: Maria Rhoads
Treasurer: Lindy Dunlap
Sign-up to be a W.E.S. PTA member at Popsicles at Principals on Sunday, August 20 ($5.00 membership fee).
Electronic Link to sign-up for PTA Membership is below "Givebacks".
Thursday, September 7: September PTA Meeting 6:00pm W.E.S. cafeteria
Kindergarten Registration Packet 2023-2024 call for an appointment 304-748-8370
Next Year's Kindergarten and Second Grade Students:
Dear Parents of Next Year's Kindergarten and Second Grade Students:
Any Hancock County student entering Preschool, Kindergarten, and Second grade (2023-2024 school year) are required to provide proof of a health examination or physical and proof of a dental examination by a licensed dentist.
All students must complete the West Virginia State Requirements for school entry. Please make an appointment with your child's doctor and dentist as soon as possible. Once the exams are complete, provide copies of the exam records to Mrs. DeCaria or fax it to Weirton Elementary School at 304-748-8383. Oral Health Exams and Physical Exams completed between March 2023 and the first day of school will be accepted.
Attached are blank copies of the WV Oral Health Assessment Form and West Virginia DHHR Health Exam or Physical Form which you make take to the appointments. (Choose the Physical Form for your child's age - all ages are attached.) Please call Nurse DeCaria if you would like a hard copy of the Physical or Dental form sent home with your child.
Please contact the Weirton Elementary School Nurse, Mrs. DeCaria, with any questions.
Denise Miller
Ms. Stephanie, Attendance Secretary (304-748-8370)
Attendance Reminders:
Going Bananas for Attendance:
Going Bananas for Attendance video:
Go Bananas for Attendance:
Please remember to call the office or email Ms. Stephanie for any missed days.
Mrs. Martich (3rd & 4th) Mrs. Carinci-Bell (1st & 2nd) Ms. Miller (Head Principal) PreK & K Principal TBA
WES Title Services
Meet our WES Title Teachers:
Mrs. Orwasky
Ms. Paull
Mrs. Donna Carnes
Mrs. Davidson
WES Related Arts
Our licensed healthcare staff is on site in a safe, child-friendly environment. We closely work with the school nurse and faculty to provide convenient care to your child. We closely work with the school nurse and faculty to provide convenient care to your child.
We provide the following services:
Well check exams, sick visits, injury treatment, immunizations, allergy shots, ADHD evaluation and treatment, sports physicals, behavioral health, dental care, chronic health care maintenance - like being on site to assist with Diabetes, Seizures, and Asthma. Just think of us as a doctor's office inside the school.
Please contact the WES Health Center at 304-797-5299 if you have any questions or medical needs.
WES Speech Therapists
If you questions regarding speech screenings or speech services, please contact one of our speech therapists.
Mrs. Lockerbie (Kindergarten)
Mrs. Gianvito (First Grade)
Mrs. Hinzman (PreK & 4th)
Mrs. Burdette (2nd & 3rd)
Mrs. Edie (Special Education Classes)
Special Education Staff
August Lunch/Breakfast menus coming soon.
Bank at School
Our Partners in Education, First Choice America, will be setting up a program called "Bank at School". Families were able to sign-up at Open House. Students will be able to do banking at school during breakfast once a week on Tuesdays. More details to come.