The Good News - January 15, 2023
St. John XXIII Catholic School
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leadership Message
We all belong. We belong to the school community and the Body of Christ. Each individual in our school community contributes something unique and each person matters.
Thank you for your part in making our St. John XXIII community amazing.
January 2023
Monday, Jan. 16
- Dallas Arcand - Hoop Dancer
Tuesday, Jan. 17
- Regular School Day - no special events
Wednesday, Jan. 18
- Panago Pizza from PSC
Thursday, Jan. 19
- Panago Pizza from PSC for K T/R and PUF Pathways
Friday, Jan. 20
- Regular School Day - no special events
Jan. 30 - PD Day
Feb. 1 - 2023-2024 Registration Opens
Feb. 1 - World Read Aloud Day/Early Dismissal 2:15
Feb. 3 - Report Cards go home
Feb. 8 - Arctic Winter Games
Feb. 8 - Family Movie Night
Feb. 9/10 - No School -Teachers Convention
2023-2024 Registration Opens February 1st!
We Are SO Excited to Welcome our New Learners to St. John XXIII!
Please Work With Us To Keep our Parking Lot Safe!
Please DO NOT double park behind other cars.
Vote for the Yearbook Cover
Please cast your vote for our 2022-2023 Yearbook cover. Below are the top 5 finalists (one from each grade).
One winner will be selected to be displayed on the front cover. Four other winners will be displayed on the back cover.
Voting will close on January 30. Only one vote per email address is allowed. Vote here.
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
A Message from your Parent Council
Big Box of Cards Prize Winners
We are pleased to announce the winners of the Big Box of Cards fundraising initiative.
- The winner of the Samsung tablet was - Cohen Bechtel
- The four $25 gift card recipients were - Ava Eveleigh, Carter Polanski, Fynn Kober and Aiden Dow
- Instead of one class getting a pizza party we decided to have a pizza party for the whole school! Each child will receive two slices of Cheese pizza from Panago on Jan 18th and Jan 19th for Thursday kinder and PUF pathways class.
How Will This Fundraising Money Be Used?
The funds raised by the Big Box Fundraiser will be used to complete a legacy project that focuses on learning activities/enhancements in the library.
Want to use your skills and expertise to help enhance your child's school experience? Consider joining our small working group to help plan this enhancement project for our kids. Watch for more information on a meeting date for the collaboration meeting. Our goal is to bring our proposal for the project to the PSC meeting in March.
Other PSC Info:
At The February PSC meeting we are focusing on planning a year end event. Please join to have your say.
Lastly, if you have not picked up your box of cards please come to the school and report to the office to pick them up.
Inclusive Learning Corner - Home Connections
Inclusive Learning Teacher Consultant:
Sing songs and nursery rhymes with your child. When children play with nursery rhymes, they learn all about rhyming and how sounds work. Nursery rhymes are easy to memorize and you can add new words to make them more engaging. (Twinkle Twinkle, London Bridge, Humpty Dumpty to name a few). Search Super Simple Songs for some fun and engaging versions of these classics.
Occupational Therapist:
Play outside! Shovelling snow, pushing, pulling, rolling big snowballs to make snowmen, tromping through and rolling in the snow. Outside play can help regulate energy levels and to feel more calm. Outside play also develops motor skills in a fun, unstructured way.
Speech & Language Pathologist:
Read books with your child every day!
Talk about what is happening in the pictures
Make MORE comments and ask FEWER questions
Guess how characters might feel or what might happen next
Growing Brains & Sharing Smiles! It's a GREAT Day to be a St. John Kid!
Ordering will remain open until a week before each hot lunch date: Jan. 26, Feb. 8 & 23, March 8 & 23
Saint John XXIII Catholic School
Location: 9526 89 Street, Fort Saskatchewan, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-998-7777
Twitter: @St_JohnXXIII