Archer Update #12
October 27, 2023
Supporting #PHMExcellence
The P-H-M Education Foundation supports the district's commitment to academic excellence by funding innovative programs that fall outside of the district's budget. That means all of PHMEF fundraising dollars go directly back into P-H-M classrooms benefiting your students! Last month's Penn Homecoming activities sponsored by the Education Foundation netted approximately $75,000!!! That's money now available for teacher and school grants. The Fall Grant cycle closes Tuesday Oct., 31, 4 p.m. Have a great idea? Partner with your students' teachers or school to apply by Halloween.
This Year's Theme is: SHINE
Grades will be posted on Skyward October 27th @ 4pm
In this edition of the Archer Update you will find the following information:
- Fall Fest Spirit Day - Wear your Halloween Costume on 10/31
- Picture Retake Day is 10/30
- 4.0 Breakfast Treats for Students on November 1st
- Information for 8th Grade Parents - Washington D.C. Trip
- Teacher Job Fair for PHM
- Reporting Student Absences
Friendly Reminders:
- Drop-off begins at 8:50 am and students will be marked tardy if they aren't in their seats by 9:05 am. Dismissal begins at 4:00 pm for car riders and buses depart by 4:08 pm.
- Unless approved by the building principal, no visitors or guests are allowed in the building.
Discovery Middle School is ranked #2 in the State of Indiana for top performing middle schools (this is out of about 300). Our teachers continue to be prepared to provide the most targeted, engaging lessons to help all our students reach their fullest learning potential. Our students are some of the best in Indiana and possibly the world! Thank you for sending us your finest!
Picture Day is: October 30, 2023
Order Code is: 79457DT
Website: https://inter-state.com/
Your Unique Web link to order is: https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/79457DT
4.0 Breakfast Treats for Students - November 1st
Students check your skyward grades or the list in the commons to see if you made the Principal's 4.0 Honor Roll for receiving straight A's! CONGRATULATIONS!
This year we are excited to announce the 6th annual Short Hair Because We Care hair donation event will be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at Penn High School from 11:30 to 2:30. Anyone in the community can come and donate their hair for FREE! Donators should enter Penn through Door F. Hair can be dyed and color-treated, as long as there is 8 inches to donate. All hair will be cut by professionals and sent by the club to Children With Hair Loss, a non-profit organization that makes free wigs for children who are experiencing hair loss. Again, anyone in the community can donate, so invite your friends and family!
On top of that, we are hosting a hygiene drive in the week leading up to and during the event to give community members another opportunity to donate to those in need. Hygenic items, including deodorant, razors, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and hand warmers, can be brought to the hair donation event to be donated as well!
If you are interested in donating your hair, please fill out this form. This is a great opportunity to give back to the community and get involved! Email us at shbwcphs@gmail.com with any questions or concerns!
We hope to see you on Saturday, November 4 from 11:30-2:30 pm at Penn High School!
1. Direct Donation Drive
2. Spirit Wear Sale
3. PTO 5 Minute Form
4. Facebook
5. Scrip - Fundraising for field trips
6. Box Tops
1. Our No Hassle PTO Donation Drive is underway now until November 3rd. Only one week left! Thank you for your generous and unwavering support of our students, school, teachers and staff!
**If you have already made a donation of $25 and did NOT include your child's name or 1st period teacher, please email the PTO at discoverypto@phm.k12.in.us with that info. Thanks!**
2. Spirit Wear sale runs now through Nov 26 and will arrive in time for the holidays! If ordering a gift, PLEASE include a note that indicates that. All orders need to have a student's name and grade. The first item is a new design by DMS’s own Mrs. Blanchard! We have also included new Nike apparel as well.
Link to purchase: https://www.paigeslettering.com/dms-spirit-wear
3. Please take a few minutes to fill out this quick "5 minute form". This helps us get to know you and your areas of interest/involvement in the PTO.
4. Once you have filled out the 5 minute form, please join us on our closed Facebook page at “Discovery Middle School PTO” to stay up to date with PTO and school events. You must fill out the 5 minute form in order to be approved into the group.
5. Scrip is a national fundraising program for non-profit organizations. The PTO runs this program at DMS to help families save money toward their student’s trip(s) while at Discovery. The way it works is you buy physical or eGift cards at regular face value and earn a rebate between 2% and 20%. Of that rebate, 90% goes into your child’s DMS Trip Account and 10% goes to the PTO. It’s like earning free money! It’s a great way to save money without much hassle. Please see the form link below on how to get started.
School Trips for Free (23-24) info sheet. https://bit.ly/ScripInfo23-24
6. Help our school earn money by submitting Box Tops. It’s all electronic and it’s easy! Download the app, add Discovery, and start scanning your receipts. It’s a quick, easy way to earn cash for our school!
Click here to sign your child up for the DC trip this spring. Make an account and you will find details of the Discovery 8th Grade trip, links to sign up and pay your deposit.
If anyone has interest in traveling on this trip as a chaperone, please email Mr. Bontrager at dbontrager@phm.k12.in.us with your desire to accompany the 8th graders by 11/3/2023. He will respond to your email with information about the upcoming Chaperone meeting which will be held at DMS on Nov. 9th at 7:30 a.m. This is a mandatory meeting to complete the necessary paperwork needed.
-To help with the cost of this trip, your son/daughter will be bringing home a box of The World's Finest Chocolate this week to sell. The profit they make will go towards their DC trip. Later in October and November 8th graders will have the chance to sell poinsettias and those profits also can be banked into their DC acct.
-Another way to offset the cost of this trip is using Scrip offered through the PTO. A great way to earn money without selling anything. Click link for the School Trips for Free (23-24) info sheet. https://bit.ly/ScripInfo23-24. On the sheet you can find information on how to sign up and get started earning money for your child's DC trip.
Reporting Student Absences
Another option is to go to your Skyward Family Access Account and follow these steps:
- Click on the Attendance Tile for the child who will be absent.
- Click on the Absence Requests Tab
- Click Add Absence Request on the right side of the screen
- Enter Start and End Date
- Check All Day if the absence will be the entire school day
- Attendance Reason - Choose from the drop down menu
- Comment - Add any information regarding the absence reason
- Click SAVE in the upper right hand corner
Discovery Middle School
Website: https://discovery.phmschools.org/
Location: 10050 Brummitt Road, Granger, IN, USA
Phone: 574-674-6010