Chesterbrook Academy
December News
Chesterbrook Academy - Collegeville
Email: Karen.Stewart@nlcinc.com
Website: http://Collegeville.ChesterbrookAcademy.com
Location: 3822 Germantown Pike, Collegeville, PA, USA
Phone: 610-454-9597
Holiday Show
The Holiday Show will be held on Tuesday, December 18th.
Show times are as follows:
Beginners - 4:15
Intermediates- 3:00
PK - 10:30
PK2 - 1:30
Kindergarten - 12:15
Please be sure to carpool if possible, parking is VERY tight on the day of the show. Please be sure to move your car after the show to allow the next group of parents that are arriving for the next show to have room to park.
Toys for Tots
The Toys for Tots box is in the front lobby next to the Christmas tree. Our families have been very generous and the box has been emptied 2 times already! The final day to donate is December 9th as the final pick up will be on December 10th.
Thanks You so much for your generosity!
Pajama Drive
We will be replacing our Toys for Tots box with a pajama collection box. All pajamas will be donated to needy families in the area. Please help us by donating new children's pajamas and NEW socks and underwear. These are basic items that we all take for granted but others are not fortunate to have. Let's continue to support those in need.
Important Dates
2nd - Hanukkah Begins
6th - St. Nicholas Day
6th - Lil Sports
10th - Music Class
13th - Lil Sports
17th - Music Class
18th - Holiday Show
20th - Grinch Day
6th - Lil Sports
The new turf on the playground should be done by Monday, December 10th. We have had a slight delay due to the Thanksgiving Holiday and uncooperative weather.
Save the Date
Saturday, January 26th we will be having our 10th Anniversary Celebration! There will be all kinds of festivities for the family. Be sure to save the date.