Tiger Tales
Albert Lea Area Schools
Stay Connected With Us
First Day of School
We officially welcomed back students on August 22nd to start the 2023-24 school year! We are excited and would like to thank parents and guardians for the partnership as we implement new pick-up and drop-off procedures at some of our schools. To help celebrate the beginning of the new school year, please see Superintendent Wagner's welcome back letter:
Welcome back to another exciting school year! We are ready to partner in another journey of inspiration, growth, and excellence. As we reunite in our schools, it's important to take a moment and reflect on our "why."
Our "why" is the heartbeat that drives our collective efforts and makes our school community so special. It's the reason we dedicate ourselves to the education and well-being of our students, shaping their futures and igniting their potential. Each one of us plays a pivotal role in their lives, and it's an honor to be part of this remarkable journey. As I reflect on my first year as Superintendent, I again am humbled by the collective commitment to ensure each day is one that brings joy into the learning of our students.
The importance of community cannot be overstated when it comes to students returning to school. The bonds formed within the school environment foster a sense of belonging and connectedness, providing students with the assurance that they are not alone in their educational journey. Friendships and peer interactions not only contribute to emotional resilience but also facilitate collaborative learning, where students can share ideas, engage in discussions, and develop a deeper understanding of their studies. Moreover, teachers and mentors within the school community serve as role models, offering guidance and encouragement that extend beyond the classroom. The shared sense of purpose and collective learning experience in a school community significantly enhance students' motivation to actively participate in their education and grow as scholars. Amidst the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, let us hold onto our shared purpose, our why, our students.
This year, let's reaffirm our commitment to our "why." Let it be the driving force behind everything we do – from the classroom to the community events to the homes of our students. We will continue to be the light that guides our students through the tough times and reflect on the impact we can make even in the face of challenges. Finally, we will collectively share in the joys and achievements of each of our students.
Once again, welcome back! I am truly grateful to be part of this incredible community, and I look forward to witnessing the extraordinary achievements we will accomplish together.
With warm regards,
Ron Wagner
Brand New Website!
Due to a company change, we are getting a new website! It will be launching on September 7th at 12pm. It will be going under maintenance, so please reach out to 507.379.4800 with any questions.
Safety Tip of the Month
Health Segment
Important Allergy Information
This year the Albert Lea School District is implementing; “No Latex and no food items containing Peanuts/Tree nuts to be allowed in the buildings”.
In previous years, the Albert Lea School District had a recommendation that students not bring
latex items or foods containing peanuts or tree nuts into the school buildings.
Severe allergies to latex items and foods containing peanuts/tree nuts is a safety issue that affects
many. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in keeping the district students and
staff safe.
Immunization Reminder
The School Immunization Law in Minnesota requires all students enrolled in grades kindergarten
through 12 to show they have received certain immunizations or an exemption.
This Minnesota Department of Health website link details the Minnesota Immunization Law.
Below is a direct link for the Immunization Form to document vaccines as well as medical or
non-medical exemptions for children enrolled in child care, early childhood education, or school.
Bring the Immunization form to your child’s provider visit to have them assist you in filling out
your child’s immunizations. Or bring it to a Notary to sign in front of them for a non-medical
exemption. Return the finished form to the building front office or secretary for the school
district to have on file.
Wondering where to get vaccinated besides the Doctor’s office? Follow this link to get
information on where to go.
Tiger Alumni Tale
This month for the Tiger Alumni Tale we are highlighting the class of 1968 who just celebrated their 55th class reunion! Here are just a few pictures from the event!
Welcome Back Festival
Our District had our Back to School Festival on August 14th. With bouncy houses, carnival games, informational tables, and Joe Beckman a speaker who talked with staff and the community about human connection. Thanks to everyone that participated and came out to help us celebrate the kick of to the 2023-24 school year!
You can view upcoming sporting events on our activities calendar.
Community Education's philosophy is to help provide opportunities for all community members to Gather. Discover. Grow.
Are you interested in working for Albert Lea Area Schools and impacting students' lives? Click below to view our current openings!
School Board Meetings
Scheduled School Board Meetings:
September 5th - 5:00 pm - Study Session
September 25th - 5:00 pm - Regular Meeting
Board meetings are recorded and can be viewed on our district YouTube channel.
Sibley Elementary
Halverson Elementary
Hawthorne Elementary
Lakeview Elementary
Southwest Middle School
Albert Lea High School
Area Learning Center
Community Education
1011 Hammer Rd
Brookside Education Center
211 W Richway Dr
Stay Connected With Us
Website: alschools.org
Location: 211 W Richway, Albert Lea, MN 56007
Phone: (507).379.4800
Facebook: facebook.com/AlbertLeaAreaSchools
Twitter: @AlbertLeaSchool
Email: welisten@alschools.org