Career Corner
Business 2022-2023
What Does a Career in Business Management Look Like?
Business Careers for South Central and Southwest MN
- There are more than 1,000 businesses providing more than 9,250 jobs in Southwest & South Central Minnesota, accounting for more than 5% of total employment.
- Median wage offers for job openings in these occupational groups range from $15 to $35 per hour, which is the equivalent of $30,000 to $70,000 per year.
- Business careers are expected to grow nearly +6% over the next 10 years, adding more than 600 new jobs and more than 3,000 replacement openings
Click on the link below to download Business infographics.
Additional Business Careers Resources
CareerWise provides the following information to help explore career pathways in Business, Management, and Administration.
Do you enjoy working with other people? Do you like to plan and organize activities?
Business, management, and administrative workers give the support needed to make a business run. You might check employee time records or train new employees. Or, you might work as a top executive and provide the overall direction for a company or department.
There are many types of jobs at all levels. For example, you might manage the financial activities of a business, direct the public to specific people or departments, or record incoming and outgoing shipments.
There are many hobbies and activities you could explore to learn more about business, management, and administration. Try one or more of these activities:
- DECA (Marketing association)
- Business Professionals of America (BPA)
- Junior Achievement
- Speech
- Student Council
- Boy or Girl Scouts
- Lead a volunteer community group.
- Get elected as a class officer.
- Captain a sports team.
- Help manage a fundraiser.
- Join a committee to plan an event.
- Start a business.
- Read business newspapers, magazines, or blogs for current economic trends and business practices.
- Job shadow a local business person.
- Volunteer in the business office of a nonprofit agency or with the Chamber of Commerce.
Source: CareerWise, Minnesota Department of Education and MnCareers
Business Career Videos
Here is a sample of the many videos available:
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks
Young Entrepreneurs
U.S. Small Business Administration - Young Entrepreneurs
Women in Business
Informational Interviewing
Informational interviews are a great way to learn about occupations you are interested in. Informational interviewing can help you explore career options, answer questions you may have about your career choice and gain feedback and advice in your interested career field.
There are a number of ways you can get an informational interview with a leader in your career field of interest. You can:
- Leverage a friend or colleague who is a mutual connection and say that person recommended that you meet
- Follow up with a leader whom you met briefly at a career event and ask for a chance to meet again to find out more about his or her organization
- Request an informational interview by contacting a company that employees individuals in your career interest area.
- Ask your guidance counselors and teachers for help
In all cases, your initial email or contact needs to clearly state what you are asking for (an informational interview) and what you are hoping the recipient will do (agree to meet with you). If you have specific days and times that work for you to meet, include that information.
You will also want to put some parameters on your request to make it manageable. Say you would appreciate just 15 or so minutes of his or her time. Don’t make it look like you are looking for a job right now (even if you are) because then you may be referred to the HR department—or be declined with the message that the organization doesn’t have any positions open at the time. Follow up your email with a phone call in a few days.
Again, the purpose of an informational interview is to gain information!
Preparing for your informational interview
Spend some time ahead of time familiarizing yourself with the company where your contact works. Learn as much as possible about the occupation as well, so that you can engage your contact in conversation. You should also plan and write out some questions to take with you so that you are sure to learn as much as possible from the meeting. Questions should focus on your contact’s career choices, path, and advice. Some questions you might consider asking are as follows:
- How did you get into this career field?
- Why did you choose this profession?
- How does your position fit into the overall operation of the organization?
- What does the future look like for this profession?
- Describe a typical day on the job.
- What do you like most about your job?
- What do you like least about your job?
- What skills and abilities are most important in your work?
- What advice would you give someone starting out in this career?
- Can you suggest any reading, classes, or opportunities I should pursue?
- What other types of careers are related to this field?
- Could you suggest a couple of colleagues that would be a good source of information about the field?
- Could I use your name when I contact them?
- Is there anything else you feel I should know about this career field?
- “You have been so helpful. Thank you so much for the time you spent with me today. I have a much better sense of my next steps. Is there anyone else you would recommend I speak with as I move forward?”
- If you meet with anyone he or she recommended, keep this networking connection active by sending a follow up with a thank you for that recommendation.
To learn more check on Informational Interviewing on
South Central Workforce Council
Develop and Maintain a Quality Workforce for South Central Minnesota
Location: 706 North Victory Drive, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-2408