Ruhkala Announcements & Schedule
Week of January 9th through January 13th
To Clear Absences:
Please contact Ms. Schrader (at rschrader@rocklinusd.org) in order to clear absences.
Office Sign In
All parents and guardians must sign in at the Ruhkala Main Office when entering the campus for any reason (volunteering, Friday Awards, parent/teacher meeting, etc.). Thank you!
Community Flyers!
Weekly Schedule
- Articulation Monday Early Dismissal: TK Dismisses at 1:10/K-6th Grade Dismisses at 1:20
- VAPA: Ms. Yamasaki
- VAPA: Mr. Carozza/Ms. Berridge
- PE with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- VAPA: Ms. Kelley/Mr. Garza
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- VAPA: Ms. Brown/Ms. Gottschalk
- PE with Coach Carter
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- VAPA: Ms. Holochwost/Ms. Heap
- School Dismissal: 2:20 (TK 1:20)
- Monday, January 16th: No School/Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Tuesday, January 17th: TK/K On-Line Registration Opens
- Wednesday, January 18th: Second-grade field trip to Roseville Theater
- Thursday, January 19th: PTC Spirit Night - Panera
- Monday, January 23rd: PTC's Virtual Monthly Meeting - 7:00 pm
- Wednesday, January 25th: First-grade field trip to Roseville Theater
- Wednesday, January 25th: Ruhkala TK/K Parent Information Night - 6:00 pm