The Heart of Haleʻiwa
May 27, 2022 Volume II Issue XVIII
In this Issue...
- Principal's End of the Year Message
- 6th Grade Graduation
- A hui hou Mrs. Kauffman & Ms. Yonting
- Kindergarten Bubbles Activity
- 1st Grade: Foil Creations
- Robotics VEX World Championship video
- Q4 Hawaii Reads Challenge Winners
- Literacy Corner: Summer Reading Challenge and Sora app
- Free Summer Lunches at WHIS
- Happy Summer!
Principal's End of the Year Message
The school year has finally come to an end. The year was filled with MANY challenges as COVID continued to impact our daily lives in school and out of school. But despite the difficulties, we were able to make many wonderful memories. We were able to bring back our annual traditions of the Halloween March, Santa picture taking and our Egg Dash. We also had our first "Pop Up Market", which was our first in person family activity in two years! It was a smashing success and we are already excited about planning another market for next year.
Of course, we cannot close the year out without mentioning the amazing robotics season this year. Not only did our teams win the state championship, but we also made it to the division finals in the Worlds Competition in Dallas, Texas.
We were also able to celebrate an in person graduation for our 6th graders. It was a beautiful day for a wonderful group of young men and women. We wish our 6th graders the very best as they continue their educational journey.
It is with great sadness that we must say "goodbye" to two of our outstanding faculty members. Mrs. Nahibi Kauffman will be relocating to the mainland at the end of this school year. Mrs. Kauffman served as a kindergarten, fourth grade and second grade teacher during her time at Hale`iwa. She made a significant impact on all of her students in the different grades that she taught. Ms. Nicole Yonting, our counselor, will be fulfilling her dream to return to her alma mater, Mililani High School, to serve as a counselor there. Ms. Yonting was very popular amongst all of our students because of her positive energy and willingness to help any student at any time. Both Mrs. Kauffman and Ms. Yonting will be missed. The schools that they are going to will be very lucky to have them!
Finally, I would like to send a huge "thank you" to the faculty and staff of Hale`iwa. They have worked tremendously hard this year and deserve to rest and refresh during the summer. I would also like to thank all of our families for your support and understanding this year. We would not have been able to make it through such a difficult year without your patience and willingness to work with us through the challenges. I hope everyone has a safe summer filled with joy and relaxation.
Malaea Wetzel
Sixth Grade Graduation
A hui hou Mrs. Kauffman
A hui hou Ms. Yonting
Kindergarten Bubbles Activity
by Ms. Mori & Ms. Brooks
The school year has come to an end and we are so proud of all the accomplishments our students have made throughout the year. To celebrate all of their successes, the Kindergarten classes had a bubble activity on Tuesday. Students made their own bubble wands with two straws and a string. Everyone had a blast trying to make the biggest bubble.
First Grade: Foil Creations
by Mrs. Lee
Literacy Corner: #808Reads 2022 Summer Challenge Launch Party
Shared eBook Collection via Sora
Robotics VEX World Championship video- skills competition (programming)
Free Summer Lunches at WHIS
Contact our "THOH" Team
Email: haleiwaschool@haleiwa.k12.hi.us
Website: haleiwaelementary.com
Phone: (808)637-8237
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haleiwaelementary
Twitter: @HaleiwaElement1