The Boomer
WHS & NGC Weekly Newsletter Vol. 4 Ed. 21 February 3 - 8
Sports At A Glance
Tuesday, February 4
JV Girls Basketball vs Lipan @ WHS 6:00
JV2/JV1/V Boys Soccer vs Abilene @ Roo Stadium 4:30/6:00/7:30
JV/Varsity Girls Soccer @ Abilene 5:30/7:00
JV/Varsity Girls Softball vs Brewer @ WHS 5:00/7:00
Wednesday, February 5
JV Tennis @ Denton Ryan Tournament 8:30
Friday, February 7
Varsity Tennis @ Birdville Tournament 8:30
JV2/JV1/Varsity Boys Soccer @ Richland 4:30/6:00/7:30
JV/F/Varsity Girls Basketball vs Trinity @ WHS 4:30/7:30/6:00
9A/JV/9B/Varsity Boys Basketball vs Euless Trinity @ WHS 4:30/6:00/7:30/7:30
Varsity Boys Wrestling @ District Tournament 12:00
Varsity Girls Wrestling @ District TBA
JV/Varsity Girls Soccer vs Richland @ WHS 5:30/7:00
Varsity Girls Softball vs Granbury @WHS 7:00
Saturday, February 8
Blue Belles Dance Competition @ McKinney Boyd HS (All Day)
Varsity Boys Wrestling @ District Tournament Day 2 9:00
Varsity Girls Wrestling @ District TBA
JV Boys Baseball @ Saginaw HS 12:00
JV Girls Softball vs Granbury @ WHS 5:00
Varsity Boys Baseball vs Saginaw @ WHS 12:00
Student Council is hosting a WHS Spirit Week on February 3-7! Be sure to dress up and support our teams.
- Monday is Meme day
- Tuesday is PJ day
- Wednesday is Wacky
- Thursday is Tacky Tourist Day
- Friday is Frat Boy
Student Council is also hosting Hat day on February 7th! Come to the main foyer before school or find a StuCo Officer with the teal shirts in the hallways to pay $1 to wear your hat! And just a reminder, hoodies are not a hat.
FFA Tractor Tech Results
The Weatherford FFA Tractor Tech Team competed in the Area 4 FFA Competition at Tarleton State University. The competition consists of a 100-question written exam, a 100-question components evaluation test, and a tractor diagnosis/repair section. Carter High, Mack Tyson, and Tucker Taylor placed 5th, overall. The team did an outstanding job representing Weatherford FFA and WHS.
Long Ball Contest
Come out and Support the Weatherford Baseball team at the 14th annual Long Ball Contest! The contest will be at the New Baseball Field February 7th at 6:00 PM. Come see who can hit the first Home Runs at the new Park and meet your 2020 Kangaroo Baseball players!
Congrats, Roo Golfers!
The boys and girls golf teams competed in their first tournament of the spring season at the Flower Mound Invitational at Tour 18.
The boys team consisting of Zach Norsworthy, Bradley Slovak, Blake Vantrease, Lane Webb, Ethan Broomes, and Jameson Crownover, finished 3rd overall. Zach Norsworthy finished in 2nd overall as an individual.
The Girls team consisting of Randi Rovnyak, Ashley Jay, Carsen Blackwell, Emilee Slovak, Jancey Ford, and Grace Sinquefield finished first! Randi Rovnyak, individual finished 1st and Grace Sinquefield finished 3rd.
Senior Standout Nominees
Be sure to congratulate the following SENIOR STANDOUT NOMINEES:
#1 Brainiac category -- Connor Bezio, Jack Waldron, Rey Huang, Abby Fant, Kaytlynn Don Carlos, Sadie Tharp, & Sandi Brown
Best Comedian category -- Blaine Shaw, Jesus Campos, Johnny Hernandez, Josh Kerfoot, Michael Dinkins, Hailey Maloy, Jayla Schultz, Madison Perry, & Meagan Mitchell
Right Off the Runway category -- Colby O'Bannon, Hyrum Harmer, Kaleb Hoffman, Blaine Shaw, Kevin Diego, Zane Luna, Areli Rodriguez Ramirez, Ashley Sparks, Bailey Smith, Elise Perry, Jessie King, Meagan Mitchell, and Molli West
Bleeds Roo Blue category -- Blaine Shaw, Cayde Taylor, Caleb Kehrman, Zeke Baker, Madison Perry, McKenna Buchfink, Sara Osborne, and Sydney Steffler
Most Likely To Be President category -- Connor Bezio, Daniel Yeats, Jesus Campos, Parker Spivey, Abby Fant, Ashley Sparks, Kaitlyn Don Carlos, Sydney Wolfenberger
Most Likely to Go PRO category -- Brandon Watson, Brendon Lopez, Cayde Taylor, Ken Seals, Rey Huang, Camille Fournier, Jayla Schultz, Sadie Tharp, and Tatum Wright
Most Likely to have a Star on Hollywood Boulevard category -- Bernabe Mendoza, Gavin Price, Ken Seals, Michael Dinkins, Thomas Collins, Xander Wooten, America Cuevas, Ashley Jay, Bre Sarslow, Clara Chestnut, and Molli West
Most Likely to Change the World category -- Connor Bezio, Jack Waldron, Jesus Campos, Michael Dinkins, Abby Fant, Hailey Maloy, Jordan Johnson, and Sarah Hamilton
Most Kindhearted category -- Andrew Whitsitt, Chris Pham, Colten Welch, Mark White, Michael Dinkins, Weston Royer, Alexis Sprunger, Aliyah Flores, and Madi Gann
Congrats to ALL the nominees!
Be sure and attend the VALENTINE'S DANCE on February 13th to see the winners announced!
Valentines Dance!
Grades 9-12 welcome!
Tickets $10 will be on sale during lunch and at the door! Get your ticket and come join the fun!
The SENIOR STANDOUTS will be announced at the DANCE!
Winter Guard Places at 1st Competition
The Weatherford HS Winter Guard’s officially started their indoor competition season in the North Texas Color Guard Association circuit. Both the JV and Varsity team traveled on February 1st to Alvarado High School where they had great first performances. The Junior Varsity team, made up of 4 vets and 15 brand new members of the color guard, competed in Novice class with their production “Sugar Rush” and earned a 75.6 and placed 3rd overall.
Varsity competed later in the day with their show “One Call Away” and received a 66.6 and placed 6th overall amongst some tough competition. Make sure to come to one of the other shows this season to see their completed performance. Indoor Percussion is the next group to compete at Lewisville HS on February 8th.
AP Students Sacrifice Saturday Morning to Improve Test Scores
Blue Belles Take First - First- First!
HOSA Results
Our WHS HOSA members competed in various events over the weekend and we are so very proud to announce...
Sheridan Kelly & Hailey Elkins 2nd place EMT
Hailey Maloy & Jaycee Brannon 1st place EMT
Hannah Keahey, Reagan McKinney & Emma Wolfenberger - Biomedical Debate 3rd place
All of these ladies qualified and will be moving on to the Texas HOSA State Competition in April!!!!
Send your child, best friend, faculty or staff a sweet treat sponsored by the Senior Class of 2020. All proceeds will benefit prom. Choose from the options below and submit your payment to the front office or mail to WHS attention Senior Class Sponsor. All items will be delivered February 13th. The deadline to order is Tuesday, February 11, 2020.
Optimist Texan & Texanne Winners - Jan & Feb
Congratulations to our January and February Texan & Texanne Winners
Jaycee Brannon
Colby Hicks
Sydney Wolfenberger
Michael Dinkins
Basketball Spiritwear
Please support the Kangaroo Basketball Booster Club by ordering spiritwear using the link below,
Band Blast
The Weatherford HS Winter Guard’s officially started their indoor competition season in the North Texas Color Guard Association circuit. Both the JV and Varsity team traveled on February 1st to Alvarado High School where they had great first performances. The Junior Varsity team, made up of 4 vets and 15 brand new members of the color guard, competed in Novice class with their production “Sugar Rush” and earned a 75.6 and placed 3rd overall.
Varsity competed later in the day with their show “One Call Away” and received a 66.6 and placed 6th overall amongst some tough competition. Make sure to come to one of the other shows this season to see their completed performance. Indoor Percussion is the next group to compete at Lewisville HS on February 8th.
The WISD Mid-Winter Concert is taking place on February 11th in the Durant Auditorium. Starting at 6:30 pm you will hear performances by Hall Middle School Symphonic Band, Tison Middle School Honors Band, and all 3 performing bands from Weatherford High School. Come enjoy an evening full of great music.
Upcoming Events this Spring:
NTCA Winter Percussion Contest – February 8th @ Lewisville HS
WISD Mid-Winter Band Concert – February 11th @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 6:30 pm)
NTCA Winter Guard Contest – February 21st @ Haltom HS (Varsity Only)
NTCA Winter Guard Contest – February 22nd @ Mansfield Summit HS (JV Only)
Region 30 Solo and Ensemble Contest – February 22nd @ Aledo HS
NTCA Winter Percussion Contest – February 29th @ Berkner HS
Region 30 Middle School Concert & Sight-reading Contest – March 4-5 @ Burleson Centennial
NTCA Winter Guard Contest – March 6th @ Everman HS (Varsity Only)
NTCA Winter Guard Contest Novice Class Championships – February 22nd @ Mansfield HS (JV Only)
NTCA Winter Guard Contest Regional Class Championships – March 14th @ Marcus HS (Varsity Only)
Marching Auxiliaries Nationals Color Guard Competition – March 27-28th @ Fort Worth Convention Center (Both Guards)
NTCA Winter Percussion Contest – March 28th @ Azle HS
WHS Pre-UIL Concert – March 31st @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 5:00 pm)
NTCA Winter Percussion Championships – April 4th @ Burleson Centennial HS
NTCA Color Guard Solo and Ensemble (Option 1) – April 4th @ Timberview HS
WISD Band Auction Concert – April 11th @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 3:00 pm)
NTCA Color Guard Solo and Ensemble (Option 2) – April 18th @ Alvarado JH
UIL Concert & Sight-reading Contest for Symphonic 1 – April 21st @ Burleson HS
UIL Concert & Sight-reading Contest for Wind Symphony – April 22st @ Burleson HS
NTCA Color Guard Solo and Ensemble All Stars Competition – April 25th @ Midlothian HS
Tison MS Spring Band Concert – May 5th @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 6:30 pm)
Hall MS Spring Band Concert – May 7th @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 6:30 pm)
WHS Band Banquet – May 16th @ Central Christian Church (Starts at 6:00 pm)
WHS Spring Band Concert – May 21st @ Durant Auditorium (Starts at 6:30 pm)
Band Trip to San Antonio – May 23rd-24th
UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest – May 29th-30th @ UT Austin
Graduation Performance – June 1st
Roo Soccer Results
10 minutes later the Roos responded with another goal that was called back. With 15 minutes in the game the Roos gave up the lead for good off a free kick. The Roos played tough for 80 minutes. Final score was Trinity 3-1 Roos.
Our First home game is Tuesday vs. Abilene. Come on out and watch some exciting soccer!
Did you know that WISD:
· Has an RN at every campus
· 9 of our 12 Registered Nurses have a bachelor’s degree in nursing
· 1 of our campus RNs not only has a BSN but also holds a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction
· 1 of our RNs is currently in school earning her degree
· 2 of our campus LVNs are in school working on their BSN
· And this month your NGC campus RN, Bobbi Sanders earned her BSN!
Congratulations Bobbi! We are so proud of you! Good job!
Tennis Weekend Winners
The Sharing Shack
We are thrilled to announce that The Sharing Shack, established by senior Keaton Martin, is officially open for business. Keaton started this project with a desire to help secure donations for fellow classmates in need. We are accepting donations for hygiene products, new socks and under garments, new or gently used clothes, coats/jackets, blankets, etc. Gift cards for food or gas are also welcome. If you would like to help, or have any questions, please feel free to email Mrs. Robertson at crobertson@weatherfordisd.com
The Eddleman-McFarland Fund Scholarship
The scholarship applications are online at https://st-andrew.com/outreach/scholarship-funds. The scholarship may be filled out online, printed and then submitted with all of the necessary paper work (reference letters, essay, tax returns, official high school transcript & SAT or ACT scores).
Visit the Automotive Aftermarket Scholarships Central website to apply for available scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $5,000. Over 400 scholarships for the 2020-21 school year will be awarded to students training to become automotive, heavy duty or collision repair technicians, as well as those studying business, engineering or other courses of study. Completed applications must be submitted by 3/31/2020.
To Apply: https://www.automotivescholarships.com/apply_online.cfm
Weatherford High School
Information must be supplied by WHS Faculty & Staff. Booster Clubs, please send your information through your Coach or Faculty Sponsor.
Information must be received by Thursday to be included in the next week's Boomer. We apologize for the time delay for weekend events.
Thanks for your support!
Got questions/comments? Please email sgilley@weatherfordisd.com
Email: sgilley@weatherfordisd.com
Website: www.weatherfordisd.com
Location: 2121 Bethel Road, Weatherford, TX, USA
Phone: 817-598-2858