Countdown to Kindergarten
Helpful tips for a successful transition to kindergarten
Kindergarten Readiness checklist
Many parents ask what their child needs to know before kindergarten. It is really a combination of skills, behaviors, and attitudes that determine each child’s readiness to start school. The following list includes some of the traits that are important for a successful transition to kindergarten.
Respects people and materials: ready to follow rules, attempts to solve simple problems independently, and is willing to cooperate.
Independently takes care of personal needs: dresses self, uses bathroom independently, cleans up after self, uses tissues, and asks for help when necessary.
Recognizes own name in print: identifies name on mailbox or desk.
Uses scissors, glue, markers, pencils, and crayons appropriately: holds scissors comfortably, writes name legibly, and draws recognizable shapes and figures.
Follows simple directions: listens and remembers what he or she is asked to do independently.
- Takes turns: shares toys and materials, is able to wait to share thoughts, or receive individual help or attention.
Respects personal space: keeps hands and legs to self when sitting in a group. Understands when and how to appropriately make physical contact with others.
Uses books on a regular basis: enjoys stories, listens without being distracted, wants to read or be read to, and is familiar with some nursery rhymes, rhyming songs and books.
Recognizes some letters and numbers: recent research shows successful kindergartners can identify at least 8 alphabet letters when they enter school.
Demonstrates self control: able to contain emotions, try new things, interact with children and adults.
- Is excited to start school and is eager to learn: ready for independent experiences, and wants to be part of a group.
What else can i do?
Talk often with your child to build listening and talking skills.
Talk with your child often, as you eat together, shop for groceries, walk to school, wait in line. As your child gets ready for school, ask about the stories she is reading and what projects she has in science or art time. Ask about friends and classmates, and encourage using names, and describe the games they like to play together.
Have your child use his imagination to make up and tell you stories. Ask questions that will encourage him to expand the stories.
“Why didn’t the dog just run away?”
“Where did the boy live?”
“What kind of eyes did the monster have?”
Have a conversation about recent family photographs. Ask your child to describe each picture; who is in it, what is happening, and where the picture was taken.
Listen to your child's questions patiently and answer them just as patiently. If you don’t know the answer to a question, work together to find one.
Talk about books that you’ve read together. Ask your child about favorite parts and characters and answer questions about events in the story.
Pay attention to how much time your child spends in front of a screen. Set limits on the use of electronics such as tv, smartphone, tablets, computers, etc. Create a “Screen Free” time each day and use that time to talk together.
Tell stories about your childhood. Make a story out of something that happened, such as a special birthday, a visit to a zoo, or city.
Show your child how books and print work.
As you read with your child, have him point out such things as front and back covers and the title. Have your child show you where you should start reading on a page.
- Help your child make connections between print and pictures as you read. Have him find details in the pictures, then help him find and point to the worlds that name those details.
Focus your child's attention on the sounds of spoken language.
Sing or say nursery rhymes and songs
Play word games
“How many words can you say that rhyme with fox? With bill?”
Read a story or poem and ask your child to listen for words that begin with the same sound. Have her say the words. Then have her say another word that begins with that sound.
As you read, stop and say a simple word. Have your child say the sound in the word, write the letters for the sounds, and then read it back to you.
“The dog is big. B-I-G. Can you say the sounds in big? Now can you write the letters for the sounds? Good, now read the word to me.”
Help your child identify and name the letters of the alphabet.
Point out letters and have your child name them.
- Make an alphabet book with your child. Have him draw pictures or cut pictures from magazines. Paste each picture into the book. With your child, write the first letter of the word that stands for the object or person in the picture (for example M for milk and B for bird, and so on.)
We love kindergarten!
Kindergarten Pre-Registration
Kindergarten Pre-Registration for the 2022-2023 school year will be held February 23 - March 4, 2022. Any student who will be at least five years of age before August 1, 2022 is eligible to attend kindergarten. Pre-Registration is by appointment only, afternoon and evening appointments are available.
Pre-Registration will take place at two locations this year:
The future Washington Primary (currently Griffith Elementary) at 803 E. National Highway, Washington, IN. Appointments available February 28 - March 3, 11:00 am - 6:00 pm, and March 4, 11:00 am -3:00 pm.
The future Washington Veale Elementary (currently Veale Elementary) at 326 E. 450 South, Washington, IN. Appointments available February 23, from 12:00 to 6:00 pm, and February 24, by appointment as needed.
Appointments can be made by calling any of our four elementary schools.
Griffith Elementary: (812) 254-8360
Lena Dunn Elementary: (812) 254-8366
North Elementary: (812) 254-8363
Veale Elementary: (812) 254-3968
Please bring your child with you to your appointment, as well as your child’s birth certificate, immunization record, proof of address where you live, and parent ID.
It is very important that all students who will be attending Kindergarten in the 2022-23 school year take part in Pre-Registration. Each child will receive learning games and activities to help your child be successful in school. We look forward to meeting your family, and welcoming our newest Hatchets!
Indiana Immunization Requirements
Indiana law requires children entering school to have three (3) Hepatitis B, five (5) DTaP, four (4) Polio, two (2) MMR, and two (2) Hepatitis A vaccinations. In addition, all students entering Kindergarten must have two (2) varicella (chickenpox) vaccinations or a history of the disease documented by a health care provider. The school nurse will copy and check immunization records as part of the kindergarten preregistration. All immunizations must be complete by the first day of school.
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Washington Community Schools