ACS Connect
Employee Edition
Students tell their Power of One stories
As you know, this year's theme is the Power of One. Earlier this school year, you were challenged to send a postcard to one student each month to offer your thanks, encouragement or overall support.
But we also think it's important to share how YOU are leaving an impact on our students! This video shares some of those stories. Although not all employees are mentioned, know that each of you are instrumental in our students' lives!
Students tell their Power of One stories
ACS Spotlight on Employees
We've had a great year so far celebrating the ACS Spotlight on Employees! Every month, one employee from each school is selected for the spotlight for either Supporting Student Success, Promoting Health Choices, Outreaching in the Community or for their Teamwork.
Check out this school year's recipients so far, and be on the lookout for more this semester!
Check out WREG's Educators of the Week from ACS!
Arlington Middle's Latisha King named finalist for Science Educator of the Year
Congratulations to Arlington Middle's Latisha King on being named a finalist for the Tennessee Science Teachers Association 5-8 Educator of the Year! She is one of only 26 teachers statewide to be in the running for this award.
Have you earned an advanced degree this school year?? We'd love to share your good news with our families on social media! ACS is proud to celebrate your accomplishments!
Email Tyler Hill, ACS Communications Coordinator, at tyler.hill@acsk-12.org.
Don't let "nothing break your stride" in 2020!
Ain't Nothing Gonna Break Our Stride in 2020
Arlington Community Schools
Email: info@acsk-12.org
Website: www.acsk-12.org
Location: Arlington, TN, USA
Phone: 901-389-2497
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/arlingtoncommunityschools
Twitter: @acs_system