LMHS Updates
for parents and families ... March 9, 2023

Middle School Spaghetti Supper
Please join us for the annual middle school spaghetti dinner on Thursday, March 23rd from 5-7pm at the LMHS cafeteria. Tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and senior citizens. To purchase your tickets, see any middle school student or contact the school!
6th Grade Family Information Night
On Wednesday, March 22 at 6:30pm we will welcome the current 6th grade students and their families to LMHS for an introduction to the school. 6th grade students will take part in a tour and scavenger hunt; their families will learn about the school, our programs, and have the opportunity to participate in a question-and-answer session.
Welcome to the Class of 2029!
Spring Sports Night
All students planning to participate on an LMHS spring athletic team (baseball, softball, tennis, girls lacrosse) must attend the Spring Sports Night with at least one parent/guardian on Wednesday, March 15 at 6:30pm in the LMHS auditorium. General information will be shared, as well as an opportunity to meet with team coaches.
Coming Soon: Course Selection for 23-24
During the week of March 20th, we will begin working with students to pick courses for the 2023-2024 school year! We will be holding informational assemblies during the school day, and will also hold a parent Q&A session via Zoom one evening that week to answer any questions from parents/guardians.
More information will be published soon!
GSA Ally Week
The LMHS GSA is sponsoring Ally Week March 13-17! This national event is a time to raise awareness for the LGBTQ+ community. An informational booth will be outside the lunch room each day; students can stop by to learn more and get a rainbow bracelet!
Contact GSA advisors Mrs. Verdi or Mrs. Jarowski with any questions.
Spring Musical This Weekend
Join the LMHS Drama program as they present "The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee" this Friday, March 10 at 7pm; Saturday, March 11 at 7pm; and Sunday, March 12 at 2pm. It's sure to be a fun time, and is great for all ages!
Tickets are available at the door -- $10 for adults; $8 for students and senior citizens.
Other Upcoming Dates & Events
Wednesday, March 15 - Student survey during advisory (rescheduled from 3/1)
Friday, March 17 - HALF DAY for students (dismissal at 11:26)
Tuesday, March 28 & Wednesday, March 29 - MCAS ELA grade 10
Thursday, March 30 - Kyle Scheele wellness assemblies
Friday, March 31 - Progress Reports issued