The Synapse
Updates from the Sciences at Loyola University Maryland
April 2023| Issue 54
The April issue of "The Synapse" is about the excellent work of faculty, students, and staff including the Teacher of the Year award, a major collaborative federal grant, and the excellent work by NAS students. The April issue of the Synapse also covers the "Celebration of Science Week" events and the NAS Student Excellence Event.
The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... These are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.
Share your news, photos, inspiring stories, and upcoming events for a future issue. Please send any feature suggestions to Hizbullah Baryal at hbaryal@loyola.edu
2023 The Harry W. Rodgers III Distinguished Teacher of the Year Award.
This award was founded in 1971 to give public recognition to full-time faculty members whose teaching activities demonstrate a high degree of professional excellence. To be eligible for this award, the faculty is nominated by undergraduate students. We are delighted and excited that the 2023 Awardee is Dr. Theresa Nguyen, Associate Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry.
2023 The Faculty Award for Excellence in Transformative Teaching Award
This award recognizes a colleague for achievement in imaginative teaching practice. This might take the form of a curricular revision, a course redesign, an inventive tradition, a new teaching format, an exemplary project, a new immersive experience, or any number of ways a colleague transforms the learning experience. It is a pleasure that the 2023 Awardee is one of our NAS colleagues, Dr. Timothy Clark, associate professor of Mathematics and Statistics. This award was presented during the Maryland Day Convocation, on March 24, in McGuire Hall.
Loyola faculty awarded $1.2 million grant to increase the number of STEM educators working in high needs schools.
The National Science Foundation has awarded Loyola a $1.2 million grant to establish the Culturally Responsive Equitable STEM Teaching (CREST) program at the University. The funding, received over five years through the NSF’s Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, will support teacher candidates in developing the necessary knowledge and skills to implement equitable practices to succeed as highly qualified STEM teachers in high-needs schools.
The Principal Investigator (PI) for the Noyce grant is Timothy B. P. Clark, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics and statistics, with Co-PIs Afra Hersi, Ph.D., interim dean of the School of Education; Qi Shi, Ph.D., director of the Center for Equity, Leadership and Social Justice in Education and associate professor of school counseling, and Stacy Williams, chair of the teacher education department.
More details are provided in the Noyce grant Press Release.
2023 NAS Student Excellence Event
The 2023 Student Excellence event recognized four groups of outstanding graduating NAS Students. This event was held on March 31 in the Program Room, when both President Terrence M. Sawyer, and Interim Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Cheryl Moore-Thomas, attended and provided the opportunity for each group of NAS students to take a group picture with them.
2023 Choudhury Sarkar-Dey Graduating Medalists:
This year for the first time the selection committee presented the Choudhury Sarkar-Dey medal to two of our division medal finalists:
- Sylvia Lei (Biology '23) - Division Medal recipient
- Patrick McGinnis (Biochemistry & Theology '23)- Division Medal recipient
- Ashley Dwyer (Physics '23)- Division Medal finalist
- Emily Hunt (Engineering; Mechanical & Materials '23)- Division Medal finalist
- Hanah Mannering (Data Science & Computer Science '23)- Division Medal finalist
2023 Graduating Haig Scholars:
- McGinnis, Patrick (Biochemistry & Theology)
- Autumn Banks (Biology/Psychology)
- Kristen Battista (Biology)
- Devin DeMelis (Biology/Psychology)
- Caroline Farrell (Biology)
- Olivia Giovannone (Biology)
- Nathalie Gomez-Vergara (Biology)
- Madison Kane (Biology)
- Sylvia Lei (Biology)
- Cecilia Mota (Biology/Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences)
- Eleftheria Petratos (Chemistry)
- Sophia Valkenberg (Biochemistry)
- Vaughn Waldron (Biology)
- Gianna J. Calciano (Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
- Ashley E. Dwyer (Physics)
- Matt Spear (Physics)
- Kayla E. Thomsen (Biochemistry)
- Casey L. Clark (Biochemistry)
- Erin R. Dunn (Chemistry)
- Nada Jokhadar (Biology/Psychology)
- Marty MacStudy (Biology and Forensic Studies)
- John C. Mirarchi (Biochemistry)
- Morgan B. Motsay (Biology/Psychology)
- Ethan W. O'Reilly (Biology)
- Jen Reilly (Biochemistry)
Note: some of the graduating Haig scholars are not in the picture below due to scheduling conflicts.
2023 Graduating Hauber Fellows:
Kristen Battista (biology) – Research Mentor: Professor Theresa Geiman
Ashley Dwyer (Physics) – Research Mentor: Professor Joseph Ganem
Kyle Geary (Chemistry) – Research Mentor: Professors Dave Binkley, Mary Lowe, David Hoe
Erik Henson (Computer Science) – Research Mentor: Professor David Binkley & Sibren Isaacman
John Mirarchi (Biochemistry) – Research Mentor: Professor Lisa Scheifele
Paige Sim (Biochemistry) – Research Mentor: Professor
Jack Still (Statistics) – Research Mentor: Professor Christopher Thompson
Mathew Spear (Physics & Engineering) – Research Mentor: Professor Joseph Ganem
Ryan Overton (Engineering) – Research Mentor: Professor Yanko Kranov
Katie McManus (Biology) – Research Mentor: Professor Elizabeth Dahl
Grace Wayson (Biology) – Research Mentor: Professor Maren Blohm
Marty MacStudy (biology) – Research Mentor: Professor Maren Blohm
Devin DeMelis (Biology) – Research Mentor: Professor Michael Tangrea
Emily Bui (Computer Science) – Research Mentor: Professor Henrique Rocha
Greyson Flynn (Chemistry) – Research Mentor: Professor Elizabeth Dahl
2023 graduating CPaMS scholars:
- Ashley Dwyer (Physics)
- Matthew Spear (Physics & Engineering)
- Hannah Mannering (Data Science & Computer Science)
- Jack Still (Statistics)
- Kelsey McCoy (Mathematics)
- Victoria Brimacomb (Mathematics)
- Emily Bui (computer Science)
- Molly O'Hare (Computer Science)
- Christian Parker (Computer Science)
- Mitchell Bardsley (Computer Science)
- Robert Okupski (Data Science)
- Giovanni Euresti (Computer Science)
CPaMS program is led by professor Megan Olsen (not in the following picture) and professor Oberbroeckling (4th from right).
Images from 2023 Celebration of Science week (March 27-31) events and activities
Thanks to active participation by NAS students and faculty, the 2023 Celebration of Science week was a week packed with various activities and events to inform the members of the Loyola community about the excellent work of NAS members. The highlight of the Celebration of Science Week was the "Student Excellence Event" when we had the pleasure of our president and provost joining the event for recognizing our student scholars and research fellows. Below are some images from the week's events.
Microbial Art - Celebration of Science
Plaques & cords for NAS Scholars
Microbial Art - Celebration of Science
SWE's Speed Mentoring event
SWE's Speed Mentoring event
SWE's Speed Mentoring event
IEEE Club - Celebration of Science 2023
Baja Club - Celebration of Science 2023
Robotics Club - Celebration of Science 2023
STEM Club Social event
STEM Club Social event
STEM Club Social event
The Earth Day "Teach in" event & The environmental film event at the Senator
The Earth Day Teach In event is planned for April 21 as shown in the event poster below. Furthermore, the Baltimore Environmental Film Series will feature films from the Environmental Justice Journalism Initiative followed by a panel discussion with the filmmakers Andre Chung, Rona Kobell, and Sean Yoes moderated by Kaye Whitehead. The event is scheduled for April 18 at 7 PM at the Senator Theatre. Messina is providing transportation from the library starting at 5 PM and will provide bussing back after the event. More event info is available at: https://www.loyola.edu/join-us/environmental-film-series. Moreover, the direct link to Bridge Registration is: https://cglink.me/2hL/r2076269
Link to I&E related programs and events in Baltimore during the month of April:
Reminders & Resources
The Bridge
Visit The Bridge for upcoming campus meetings and events.
Training and Development Opportunities for Employees and Students
Academic Calendar
Coronavirus Resources
- Loyola Coronavirus Updates - General university information for all students, faculty, staff including reopening plans, COVID-19 dashboard, FAQs, policies, and resources
Student Support Resources
Employee Support Resources