Swansboro Middle School
Join the Club, Be a Pirate!
Good evening Pirate Families! I hope you are enjoying your child's summer break. We are busy preparing the school for the students return.
New to Swansboro Middle School or could not make it to the 6th grade orientation? Join us at 4:00pm on Monday August 12th at Swansboro Middle for a question and answer session and a tour of the school.
See the school supply list below for a list of supplies for the 19.20 school year.
The updated 19.20 dress code is below.
Report cards are still available for pick up during office hours. All school and lunch fees must be paid before pick up. Report cards will not be mailed home, if you need assistance picking up your report card call the school at 910-326-3601 or email jacob.mabry@onslow.k12.nc.us
Office hours for the summer are Monday-Thursday from 8-4.
Football camp is still underway each afternoon. For more information contact Coach Kline at michael.kline@onslow.k12.nc.us
Enjoy your weekend!
Upcoming Dates
8/12: New Student Orientation 4:00pm
8/14: Pirate Parents 6:00pm
8/16: Football Tryouts
8/19: Locked-in Teacher Workday
8/20: Instructional Locked-in Teacher Workday
8/21: Human Resources Locked-in Teacher Workday
8/22: Locked-in Teacher Workday
8/22: Open House 12:00-1:00, 4:00-6:00
8/26: Students First Day
8/26: Softball Tryouts
8/31: Tri-M Car Wash
9/2: No School, Labor Day
9/4: Football @ Trexler Middle
9/7: Tri-M Car Wash
9/9: Softball @ Trexler Middle
9/10: Football vs. Southwest Middle
9/11: Pirate Parents Meeting
9/12: Softball vs. Southwest Middle
9/16: Softball @ Dixon Middle
9/17: Football @ Dixon Middle
9/18: Softball @ Northwoods Park Middle
9/19: Early Release Professional Development Day
9/20: School Dance 2:30-4:30
9/23-9/27: Hello Week
9/23: Softball vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
9/24: Football @ Northwoods Park Middle
9/28: Pride Vendor Sale
9/30: Softball @ Hunters Creek Middle
10/1: Football vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
10/3: Softball vs. Brewster Middle
10/7: Teacher Workday
10/9: Pirate Parent Meeting
10/9: Softball vs. New Bridge Middle
10/12: Mullet Festival Parade
10/15: Football @ Hunters Creek Middle
10/17: Early Release Professional Development Day
10/20-10/26: Safe Schools Week
10/21: Wrestling/Girls Soccer Tryouts
10/22: Football vs. Brewster Middle
10/22: Meet at the Fence
10/24: Orchestra Concert
10/25: Pirate Parent Event
10/28-11/1: Book Fair
10/28: Chorus Concert
10/29: Football vs. Newbridge Middle
10/29: End of 1st Grading Period
11/1: School Dance 2:30-4:30
11/2: Cheerleading Competition, Brewster Middle
11/4: Report Card Pick up Night
11/4: Wrestling/Girls Soccer @ Trexler Middle
11/4-11/15: Butter Braids Pride Fundraiser
11/5-11/7: Incentive Trip Altitude
11/6: Wrestling/Girls Soccer vs. Southwest Middle
11/8: Early Release Professional Development Day
11/11: No School, Veterans Day
11/12: Wrestling/Girls Soccer @ Dixon Middle
11/13: Pirate Parents Meeting
11/14: Wrestling/Girls Soccer @ Northwoods Park Middle
11/18-11/22: SCA Can Food Drive
11/18-12/2: Band Poinsettia Fundraiser
11/18: Wrestling/Girls Soccer vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
11/27-22/29: No School, Thanksgiving Holiday
12/3: Wrestling/Girls Soccer @ Hunters Creek Middle
12/5 Chorus Concert
12/5: Wrestling/Girls Soccer vs. Brewster Middle
12/9-12/13: SCA Penny Drive
12/9: Wrestling/Girls Soccer vs. New Bridge Middle
12/10 Band Concert
12/13: Wrestling Tournament, Brewster Middle
12/16 Orchestra Concert
12/16: Boys/Girls Basketball Tryouts
12/18 Pirate Parents Meeting
12/19: Staff Christmas Caroling
12/20: Staff Christmas Party
12/23-1/1: No School Christmas Holiday
1/2: Teacher Workday
1/9: Basketball @ Trexler Middle
1/10: School Dance 2:30-4:30
1/11: All District Band
1/14: Basketball vs. Southwest Middle
1/16: Basketball @ Dixon Middle
1/17: End of 2nd 9 Weeks
1/20: No School, Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
1/21: Teacher Workday
1/22: Locked-in Teacher Workday
1/23 Basketball @ Northwoods Park Middle
1/24: All County Band
1/28: Art Show
1/28: Report Card Pick Up Night
1/28 Basketball vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
1/29-1/31: Incentive Trip, Movie Theater
1/31: All County Orchestra
2/4: Basketball @ Hunters Creek Middle
2/6: Basketball vs. Brewster Middle School
2/11: Basketball vs. New Bridge Middle School
2/12: Boys Soccer/Volleyball Tryouts
2/13: Early Release Professional Development Day
2/14: School Dance 2:30-4:30
2/15: Basketball Tournament, Brewster Middle
2/17: Instructional Locked-in Teacher Workday
2/25: Orchestra MPA Performance
2/25: Boys Soccer/Volleyball @ Trexler Middle
2/27: Boys Soccer/Volleyball vs. Southwest Middle
3/2-3/6: Say Something Week
3/3: Boys Soccer/Volleyball @ Dixon Middle
3/5: Boys Soccer/Volleyball @ Northwoods Park Middle
3/7: Band MPA Performance
3/7: Regional Orchestra
3/9: Boys Soccer/Volleyball vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
3/12: Early Release Professional Development Day
3/16: Teacher Workday
3/17: Boys Soccer/Volleyball @ Hunters Creek Middle
3/19: Boys Soccer/Volleyball vs. Brewster Middle
3/20: School Dance 2:30-4:30
3/23-4/3: Spirt Wear Order
3/24: Boys Soccer/Volleyball vs. New Bridge Middle
3/25: Baseball Tryouts
3/27: End of 3rd 9 Weeks
3/27-3/28: Spring Musical
4/2 Report Card Pick Up Night
4/3: Mad Strong Basketball Tournament
4/6: Baseball @ Trexler Middle
4/6: Track Tryouts
4/7-4/9: Incentive Trip: Altitude
4/9: Baseball vs. Southwest Middle
4/10-4/17: No School, Spring Break
4/22 Track Meet
4/23 Baseball @ Dixon Middle
4/25: Pride Yard Sale
4/25: Orchestra Car Wash
4/27: Baseball @ Northwoods Park Middle
4/28: Tri-M Recital
4/29: Track Meet
4/30: Baseball vs. Jacksonville Commons Middle
5/1: All State Band
5/1: Pirate Parents Spring Event
5/2: Regional Orchestra
5/4-5/9: Book Fair
5/6: Track Meet
5/7: Baseball @ Hunters Creek
5/8: Pride Trip, Principals List
5/11: Band Concert
5/11: Baseball vs. Brewster Middle
5/12: Conference Track Meet, Brewster Middle
5/13: Baseball vs. New Bridge Middle
5/18 Chorus Concert
5/19: Athletic Banquet
5/21: Orchestra Concert
5/25: No School, Memorial Day
5/29: Talent Show
6/8: 8th Grade Dance
6/9: Last Day for Students
6/10: Locked-In Teacher Workday
6/11: Locked-in Teacher Workday
6/12: Teacher Workday
Swansboro Middle School
Email: jacob.mabry@onslow.k12.nc.us
Website: https://www.onslow.k12.nc.us/swansboroms
Location: 1240 West Corbett Avenue, Swansboro, NC, USA
Phone: 910-326-3601
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwansboroMiddleSchool/