OLHMS Weekly 10/25/22
Mustang Families,
We have been very fortunate with the weather this past weekend and hope everyone took advantage of their time outdoors before our Wintery shift coming our way all too soon! Speaking of too soon, our Trimester is very quickly coming to an end! Please make sure you are reminding our scholars to complete all of their assigned work and prepare for the close of the First Trimester on November 11th.
OLHMS Annual High School Fair: We are very excited to be welcoming 13 area high schools to our building tomorrow evening from 6:00-8:00pm! Take advantage of this opportunity to explore multiple high school options or just visit with your soon-to-be school!
Thought Exchange: How has D123 formed meaningful learning partnerships with parents, families, and the broader learning community? School District 123 values the learning partnerships that are formed between our families, students and staff. Each year District 123 strives to ensure that all members of the learning community are able to connect with classrooms, and the school system in valuable and meaningful ways.
District 123 has intentionally created opportunities for connection including:
- Meet & Greet Opportunities
- School Open Houses
- Family Conferences (In-Person, Virtual, and Telephone)
- Remind, Seesaw, and Email Communication Tools
- Individual Classroom Curricular Newsletters
- Principal Tuesday Take Home Communication
Yearbook Contest: Contest Information The yearbook cover contest is currently happening with entries due Wednesday, November 30th (after Thanksgiving break).
AISLE: The Association of Illinois School Library Educators named OLHMS the as a recipient of the 2022 AISLE Exemplary School Library Award- Congrats to Mrs. McCarthy, our school and district! Mrs. McCarthy was given a nice banner at our Monday night Board of Education Meeting.
Lunch Promo: Our Arbor staff is offering an orange and cream slushie on Friday, October 28th to all students purchasing a lunch. Pictured is the flyer for the lunch promotion this Friday, 10/28.
Also, as a reminder to all families, if students are in the negative they cannot purchase ala carte items. That said, students are never denied a lunch no matter how much they are in the negative, however, they will be refused the ala carte items. Please check Skyward accounts.
Halloween Half Day: We are all looking forward to some extra fun! Scholars and staff are allowed and encouraged to wear a costume on the 31st or wear orange, purple or black! Here is the LINK for costume guidelines.
Spectator Permission Form and Code of Conduct: We are quickly approaching home sports games and love to see student spectators. Please use the link to print if you wish to allow your student to cheer on their classmates.
Veteran's Day Assembly: Oak Lawn - Hometown Middle School would like to invite you to join us in honoring our veterans on Friday, November 4. Please encourage any veteran who is a neighbor, friend, or family member of District 123 to attend and be honored at our annual assembly. Please take the time to fill out this RSVP by Friday, October 28th if you plan on inviting a veteran to attend this event. The program will be held in the main gymnasium at OLHMS from 9:30am - 10:30am. Our student body will be in attendance, along with our band/chorus, and guest speakers. The event will be broadcasted live for any member that is unable to attend.
Skyward Family Access: Make sure you are checking/ logging into Skyward Family Access routinely. This is a great place to obtain supportive information such as student's courses, bus routes, student fees/ debts.
Health Examination and Immunization Requirements: There are specific requirements for students entering preschool, kindergarten, second grade and sixth grade, as well as for all new students. Visit our Health Forms & Guidelines page for more information. Please note that these vaccinations and/or health examinations are required by state law. Medical exclusions have begun this week. Students are not allowed to participate in sports without physicals!
10/26/22: OLHMS High School Fair
10/31/22: Half Day (Student are allowed to wear appropriate costumes)
Looking Ahead:
11/1/22: PTSA Meeting
11/2/22: Music Booster Eat and Earn
11/4/22: Veterans Day Assembly, D123 Thought Exchange Closes
11/8/22: No School
11/9/22: PTSA Eat and Earn
11/11/22: End of Trimester
11/12/22: Senior Leaf Raking
12/17/22: Feed Six
Community Leaf Raking Event
D123 is proud to take part in this excellent community service event.
All D123 families are invited to help rake leaves for those community members who may have difficulty doing it on their own.
All volunteers should meet at OLHMS - 5345 W 99th St at 9 am. After raking during the morning, volunteers are invited back to OLHMS at 12 pm for lunch.
We also need your help in identifying the seniors, veterans, and/or those within our community that could benefit from this service.
Please add the contact information and address of those homes by submitting them below.
OLHMS PTSA: Next Meeting 11/1/22
All staff and families are highly encouraged to join the PTSA and attend meetings. This is an incredible opportunity, partnership and fun way to support our scholar’s experience at the middle school!
Membership can be online using this link: https://olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store
Spirit gear has been delivered.
Our PTSA is in search of a new Vice President for the rest of the school year. This role is an important part of our board, and if you are interested in learning more about this position and what it requires please reach out.
Our bylaws state, The vice president(s) shall act as aide(s) to the president, and shall in their designated order perform the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve.
Reach out to Mrs. Shane, our PTSA President for more information (tmshane@gmail.com)
Scentsy Fundraiser: Order between 10/24 to 11/14/ 22
Eat and Earn at Lou Malnati's on 11/9/22
OLHMS Music Booster Eat and Earn- 11/1/22
High School Happenings
Oak Lawn High School
Brother Rice
Open House: 10/2, 11/6, 11/30
Shadow Days: 10/10, 10/14, *Shadow Days are available any day Brother Rice is in session.
December 3, 2022: Placement Exam
Mother McCauley
Little Redhawk Tutoring Program
St. Ignatius
Open House: 11/13 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
December 3, 2022: Placement Exam
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Providence Catholic
2022 Upcoming Opportunities at Providence Catholic
Families who would like to set up a time for a personal family tour of Providence Catholic to learn more about academics, extracurriculars, athletics, STEM, Engineering Science, IncubatorEDU, and more can contact the Admissions Office at swithers@providencecatholic.org or (815) 717-3160.
December 3, 2022: Placement Exam
8:00 AM-11:30 AM
HFS Chicago Scholars
Founded in 1993, HFS Chicago Scholars helps economically disadvantaged Chicago high school students flourish in and out of the classroom by providing educational enrichment through our lifelong mentoring, college readiness and academic excellence programs, as well as providing financial assistance to attend top Chicago-area schools.
2023 Viewbook: Learn what IMSA is all about! Our Application for the Academy is open!
IMSA Profile: Information about matriculation, courses, and colleges that our students attend
IMSA Academy: Residential STEM School for Grades 10-12, Applications are open October- February
IMSA PROMISE Program: Youth Outreach Saturday program (Applications opening in November)
This grant-funded program is designed to support Black or African American students, Latinx students, students who qualify for the national free or reduced-price meal program, as well as students from rural Illinois counties. The PROMISE Program consists of three grade-based experiences. The Fall and/or Spring PROMISE Programs are held on Saturdays during the fall and/or spring semesters. The Summer PROMISE Program is held during the month of June. Each program has a separate application process. You can find more details about the programs below or in our PROMISE Brochure.