Linn Lion's Roar
December 2021
United Capital Management
Max Jantz Excavating
United Wireless Communications
Linn Elementary
Email: linn@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543274_3
Location: 1900 Linn Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: (620) 471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/
School Hours
Class Hours: 8:00am - 3:15pm
YMCA Afterschool Program: 3:15pm - 5:15pm
Dates to remember
- December 16 -
PTO Meeting
5:30pm - December 17 -
NO SCHOOL - December 20,2021 to January 4th, 2022 -
Winter Break - January 5, 2022 -
Winter Fun/Good Deeds Challenge
Nurse's Notes
Preparing for Winter Weather
The colder weather is upon us, with snow and freezing temperatures comes the need to send your children to school with proper winter clothing. Parents and caregivers play an important role, monitoring their students’ clothing selections to make sure they are dressed appropriately for the outdoors.
Protecting students from the cold is important, however recess is critically important to the mental and physical well-being of children. Whenever possible we try to have students outside for recess, making sure your student comes prepared for outside recess is a necessity. Dressing your student in layers and making sure their head, neck and hands are covered is ideal for the cold weather. Students who walk to school or wait at school bus stops should be dressed appropriately for cold temperatures and snowy conditions as well.
Remember to label your students’ winter coat, each year we collect a large selection of lost clothing. Labeling coats will help the school get them returned to the correct student.
Healthy Sleep Habits
Did you know it is recommended for school age children to get 9-11 hours of sleep in 24 hours?
As we continue through the year I wanted to educate on healthy sleep habits; often times we are seeing students struggling to stay awake during class. Considering that wake up times vary depending on schedules, school age children should be in bed around 8 to 9 PM.
Habits to make part of your nightly routine should include: being consistent, having set bedtimes, making sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and relaxing, making sure to turn the electronic devise off at least 30 minutes before your bed time, avoiding caffeine, and getting plenty of exercise.
Shutting off electronics is important because the blue light which is produced by televisions, smartphones, tablets and computers can decrease sleepiness and make it difficult to fall asleep. Daylight exposure to natural blue light from the sun is a healthy promoter of energy and concentration, but late evening exposure from electronics can impact sleep.
Remember sleep is vital for health, performance and wellbeing.
Talking Points Communication
This school year is flying by and we can't believe we are getting close to winter break. We are spending more time sounding out and decoding words. The more sight words we know and the more words we can decode will make us a better reader. Reading to your child, in any language, is so important as well as asking them to retell what happened the story. In math, we have finished up learning about shapes and we are moving on to measurement as well as continuing to work with combinations of numbers to 10.
Just a reminder now that it is getting colder. Students need to wear a coat every day. Kindergarten goes to recess at 10:40 in the morning. It is often pretty cold. As long as the wind chill is 20 degrees, they will still go outside for a short time to get some fresh air and run around.
First Grade
We are working hard here in first grade as there is a lot to learn!
We appreciate all your help. Make sure your student is practicing sight words and reading at home every day.
The weather is changing rapidly so please ensure your student is dressed appropriately for the weather. We go outside every day (weather permitting) so your student will need a coat. As we mentioned, we have a lot to accomplish so attendance is critical.
Please try to have your student here every day and on time. We understand there will be times your student is ill or there are family emergencies.
Once again we appreciate you and let us know if we can help in any way!
You can always contact us on TalkingPoints.
Second Grade
Second grade is looking forward to starting our biography unit. We will be learning about many important Americans and their contributions to our world. We will also learn how life has changed because of their work. Be sure to read with your child every night. The only way to become a better reader is to read. Happy reading!
Third Grade
Hello 3rd Grade Family,
We are still busy learning our Multiplication Facts in 3rd Grade! This past module we learned how to multiply with multiples of ten. In reading we are currently learning about different cities and different communities around the world. We ask you to please continue to encourage and help your child study their multiplication facts at home. Your child should also still be reading 15-20 minutes every night and filling out their reading log. It’s very important that your child is going to bed early and getting plenty of sleep so they are well rested and ready to learn in the morning! Thank you for all your support and for all that you do!
The 3rd Grade Team (Mrs.Rodriguez, Mrs.Castro, Ms.Engle)
Fourth Grade
Hello 4th Grade Families,
This month in fourth grade we have been busy growing our brains!
In math, we have been focusing on long division and double digit multiplication. Ask your student to tell you the song we learned to remember the steps for long division. In science, we have been learning how the world uses energy to make things move. We have done several experiments to help us understand how rollercoasters use energy. In Reading and Writing, we have focused on telling our opinion about characters or the plot of a story. Each student uses what we read in the book to form an opinion to share with the class using evidence they find in the book. Looking forward to the next month of learning. We will be starting fractions for math, learning about volcanoes in science, and continuing opinions in reading and writing.
Please let us know if you need anything! Please continue to use the technology apps for your student to gain math and reading skills! It is important to practice math facts and/or read every day!
Fifth Grade
Greetings Linn 5th Grade Family & Friends,
The end of the year is near and time is flying by! We are getting ready to take our winter FastBridge reading screener. If your student has been attentive to the instruction in class, following directions and reading nightly for a minimum of 30 minutes, they should see a positive increase in their score. We are excited to see the progress.
Students must focus on being respectful and responsible. We have had the opportunity to spend six weeks working with Officer Lima participating in the GREAT program to become more responsible citizens. Every week we participate in Social Emotional Learning and have wrapped up our Empathy unit. Students have learned how to be a more attentive listener, how to consider others points of view and how to disagree respectfully. Students need to work on identifying their own feelings, communicating to others their thoughts and feelings, as well as ask questions when they do not understand or disagree. Please support your student as we are working hard on acceptable behaviors as we get ready for middle school.
Remember! Students need to keep reading and practicing math facts EVERY SINGLE NIGHT! Do not stop over break! Continue to support your student completing their homework and provide them with opportunities to read aloud and show off their math fact fluency.
Enjoy a wonderful Winter Break spending time with family and friends. Don’t forget to make some special memories with your time together. We are looking forward to spending 2022 with YOU!
The 5th Grade Team-
Ms. Blanco blanco.monica@usd443.org
Ms. Figueroa figueroa.gabriela@usd443.org
Mrs. Laskowsky laskowsky.allison@usd443.org
Counselor's Corner
We are so blessed to have your student’s and work with them at Linn.
We love all of our Linn families and students!
We are working on skills to help your student be a better employee someday. Can you believe being grateful is a very important job skill?
Please come along side of us in helping them understand those skills important for working.
Here are a few:
· Being on time, coming every day, calling in if they are not going to be here.
· Following the laws, for example: being in the back seat in a car booster seat if they are 4-8 years old or weigh more than 80 lbs. or are over 4 ‘9”.
· Having what they need, knowing how Kansas weather is, such as a jacket or coat for outside.
· Following school handbook rules like no more shorts until spring.
Though all of these things may seem small, it truly helps with school climate when we teach our students to be respectful and follow the rules.
Remember if you need help with shoes (coupons are at Genesis), coats (we can help anyone under 18 as we work with the Credit Union to provide those), or help with glasses (we have some sources), or dental (Genesis or if you have a medical card First Dental), we would love to help you make sure you get the help you need.
Music News
Greetings Linn Lion families!
We have just finished a successful 4th and 5th grade program.
Thank you all parents and families who came out and showed your support for our program!
5th grade - Will start working on preparing for the 5th grade assessments that are due by Dec. 15th. These are a series of three assessments that all 5th graders in Dodge City Schools take every year. We will then continue with the regular lesson schedule and start prepping for recorders coming in January.
3rd and 4th grade - Will continue working on regular lessons and also start preparing for recorders coming in January.
K-2 Grade - Is continuing to learn about all aspects of music.
Parents of 3rd-5th grades will need to start looking for a letter going home on purchase options for recorders that will be sent out next month.
Thank you,
Jeff Adams and Cheryl Shuler
K-5 music teachers
Linn Elementary School