Cedar Reader: PTC Edition
November 2020
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Welcome to Cedar Park Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
All current parents and guardians of CPMS students are automatically members of the PTC.
Our events, programs, school support, and enthusiasm make up this vibrant volunteer community and are indeed, POWERED BY YOU.
2. Team Email Directory Change Request Form Closes TODAY, Thursday,11/12
This year, Cedar Park PTC is launching the easiest fundraising campaign ever: a link to PayPal.
Use your PayPal account or any debit/credit card to support the CDL efforts of Cedar Park in as little as 30 seconds. Let's come together to KEEP CEDAR PARK AWESOME!
MATCHING FUNDS Make the Difference
Unsure if your company matches? Head to www.cedarparkptc.org/matching and use the “Double the Donation” search engine to look up your company.
NIKE/COLUMBIA/INTEL FAMILIES: Feel free to donate directly to the Cedar Park PTC via the Benevity portal. Forward the confirmation to president@cedarparkptc.org.
***Remember to submit matching funds requests to employers for your donations promptly as some employers, such as Intel, have only a 60 day window to submit.
Need a conforming receipt for matching fund purposes? Here's a generic one you can fill out, or contact president@cedarparkptc.org and ask for a Matching Funds receipt.
PTC Funds Support All Cedar Park Students
In this school semester alone, the PTC has already purchased:
- 900+ science kits (for every student)
- 400+ art kits (for every art student)
- Student Whiteboard/marker sets (for Math enrichment)
- 6th Grade welcome t-shirts
- Additional OBOB books
Looking into 2021, the PTC is projected to purchase another round of science and art kits, carts for teachers and additional PE supplies (should we move into hybrid), and continued library, staff, and student support.
Looking for the nitty-gritty financial details? Check out our revised 2020-21 budget.
Wanting to dive even deeper into where the money is spent? See it all right here.
Inspired? Take 30 seconds to donate now.
Sponsorships Available for Cedar Hills Boulevard Signage
This year’s fundraiser has been greatly simplified, but corporate sponsorships are still available.
This year, sponsorship amounts have been reduced by 30%. Valuable banner space on Cedar Hills Boulevard will still be provided, and sponsors will be named in all our emails to our community and social media.
See below for sponsorship levels & contact Bettina (president@cedarparkptc.org) if you are ready for your business information to be seen by 20,000+ vehicles per day!!
Platinum Sponsor - $1,750
4’ x 6’ sign hung along Cedar Hills fence line
Logo/name on all outreach and social media
Gold Sponsor - $700
½ of a 4' x 6' sign along Cedar Hills fence line
Logo/name on all outreach and social media
Silver Sponsor - $350
¼ of a 4' x 6' sign along Cedar Hills fence line
Logo/name on all outreach and social media
Bronze Sponsor - $175
Business name on fence signage
Logo/name on all outreach and social media
Change Request for Email Directory Due Thursday, 11/12
The Cedar Park Team Email Directory is in the works! This year's Directory will be distributed to all parents within a particular "team" (eg. Team Lux). It will include your student's name and each parent's name & email address.
Use this form to request changes to your student's entry in their Student & Parent Directory. Please submit changes by November 12th, 2020.
This change request form is only needed if:
Your email information has changed and you would like the updated info included
You do NOT want your student’s info included
You have a special modification (such as only printing Mom’s address, etc)
Questions can be sent to Lianne Yarvis, Directory Chair ( directory@cedarparkptc.org).
November 2020 Community Meeting Minutes & Treasurer's Report; Student Stress Presentation Recap
Last Wednesday, the Cedar Park PTC welcomed Kristopher Damiano, BSD TOSA for Socio-Emotional Learning to present on ways to identify & manage student stress (recap below).
Additionally, Dr. Anderson provided a quick CPMS update, Bettina Jeszenszky, PTC President, ran through several PTC items and Skye Kutansky, Treasurer, presented our YTD numbers.
Items of note included:
Principal’s Report
Thank you to Staff Appreciation Donors
2021-22 Cedar Park PTC Board needs you!
A full recap of the night's info & presentation is available HERE or in a translatable smore.
**A video of the night’s presentation will be available soon on Cedar Park’s YouTube channel.
Thank You to Staff Appreciation Donors!
Be on the lookout for our holiday event in December!
October 2020 Community Meeting Minutes & Treasurer's Report
The Cedar Park PTC held its first community meeting of the year on Wed, 10/7 via Zoom. Your PTC Board was on hand to give PTC news and Dr. Anderson, CPMS Principal, shared Cedar Park updates.
Topics included:
- Principal’s Update
- Fundraising News
- Methods of PTC Communication
- Volunteer Positions available
- Approval of Revised 2020-21 Budget & YTD Numbers
Read through the minutes right HERE or check them out in a translatable smore newsletter.
Questions can be directed to Bettina Jeszenszky, PTC President.
Cedar Park BIPOC Parent Group: Next Meeting on Wed, 11/18
If you are interested in being a part of this group, please email Shannon_anderson@beaverton.k12.or.us
Upcoming Dates
NO SCHOOL: Friday, 11/13 (Grading Day)
BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) Parent Group Meeting:
Wed, 11/18 @ 6pm
*Email shannon_anderson@beaverton.k12.or.us for zoom info
THANKSGIVING BREAK: Wed, 11/25- Friday, 11/27
WINTER BREAK: Monday, 12/21- Friday, 1/1
LIKE “Cedar Park Middle School PTC” ON FACEBOOK
Use our social media to help keep yourself in the know! Look for events, updates, & reminders. And don’t be afraid to “like” every post-- it’s a huge help to spread the word!
Look for our Cedar Reader: PTC Edition newsletter each month. We will be sharing PTC news, event info, important dates, & volunteering opportunities. Miss one? They are all online.
Head to www.cedarparkptc.org and read all about your CPMS community. Check out our blog, programs and events, fundraising info, budgets/bylaws and previous newsletters. It’s all there!
Feel free to subscribe to our blog to be the first to know incoming news and announcements. It's never more than one email a day.
Cedar Park Middle School Parent Teacher Club (PTC)
Email: secretary@cedarparkptc.org
Website: www.cedarparkptc.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CPMSPTC