OLHMS Weekly
~Week of 9/28/21~
Mustang Scholars and Families,
We hope everyone enjoyed the“Special Edition” for our OLHMS World Vision 6K. Families can expect to receive these special editions when our school and scholars take part in large learning events. We are so proud of our entire school community for taking the time to be informed and involved in supporting our mission and vision to embrace diversity and contribute positively to our community and global society. Speaking of appreciation, thank you to our school community for supporting our efforts to keep our school and local community clean. We appreciate the continued conversations with our scholars at home about disposing of garbage properly. Our adjusted breakfast process has supported a much cleaner school community. Please continue these conversations along with conversations about the use of social media and certain apps and possible destruction of school property. Like many schools across the country, we are experiencing some challenges with students taking school property for an internet challenge. Remember, students' cell phones should be powered off and locked in student lockers daily. Also, do not forget to remind scholars to charge their chromebooks every night!
Here are a few updates and reminders:
NWEA MAP Fall Assessment: Score reports have been posted to your Skyward Family Access account. Please take some time to celebrate your child’s accomplishments and encourage them to keep working hard!
You can find an official copy of your child’s MAP Growth Report under the “Portfolio” tab. Simply LOGIN to SkywardFamily Access, then click PORTFOLIO > LATEST NWEA MAP REPORT
If you have any questions, please contact your school’s main office for additional assistance.
SHIELD Testing: Tomorrow (9/29/21) we will begin COVID-19 SHIELD testing at OLHMS only for those that have already completed the OPT-IN form and signed their student up in Skyward Family Access.
The SHIELD Illinois program is a quick, simple, and non-invasive COVID-19 screening test. Students that have opted-in to the program will provide a small amount of saliva that is tested at a professional lab. Results of the test are then provided to families and our school district within the days following. The program offers students the opportunity to reduce or waive quarantine requirements in the event of close contact with a positive case or if the student demonstrates symptoms. You can opt-in to the program at any time by accessing Online Forms in Skyward Family Access. More information about the SHIELD Illinois program can be found at: d123.org/shield-illinois-testing-program
Principal Advisory Committee (PAC): Scholars met with Dr. McNichols for the initial planning meeting for PAC members. This committee’s purpose is to provide scholars a platform to share information about their learning and social experiences here at OLHMS. This committee serves as a communication conduit between school administration and scholars. The committee will be meeting monthly.
Lunch: Here is the link for the September Lunch Menu . Please remember there is a free option, but any items not included with the free lunch will become a charge to your account.
Medical Forms: If you have not already done so, please submit your medical forms to our Nurse’s office. These forms are due by October 15th. Students will be excluded from school if these forms are not submitted.
Parent Pick Up and Drop Off: Please continue to exercise a courteous approach when dropping off and picking up scholars! Scholars should not be running across the street to get into your vehicles- we have had a few very close calls with students almost getting hit by a car. We have also gotten concerns from our neighbors about driveways being blocked or parents parking in driveways for drop off. Please be conscious of our neighbors and their ability to get in and out of their residence.
Amazon Smile Account: Our lovely PTSA has requested that we utilize and promote the PTSA Amazon Smile Account. Here is the link Amazon Smile. Parents/ staff would need to choose Oak Lawn Hometown Middle PTSA.
Amazon wish list: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3RCWQ82UW7AQO/?ref_=lol_ov_le
Sign up to do a display or trunk display: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/5080D4CA8AA2AA64-spooktacularhttps://
Signing up for monetary donations towards the Spooktacular: olhmsptsa.memberhub.com/store
District 123 PTA/PTO/PTSA Drive Thru Spooktacular
Spooktacular treats donation needed
OLHMS Library Book Fair
Feeling generous but fundraisers aren't your thing? Here is your pass to still help the PTSA give your kids a great year at school. Go to our memberhub store, purchase the Guilt-Free Giving Pass, and opt out of our other fundraisers for the year, guilt-free.
First Student Bus Driver Recruitment
Here is the flyer to apply today with First Student Bus Company- Drivers Needed!